Wonder what's up. Any opinions? This morning there were tons. Now there's none. Surely they didn't sell out in one day??
I doubt literally every configuration got sold out though at the exact same time. If it was that, they'd disappear slowly one by one.
It is MacPro 2013 and MBP 2016 again...
As soon as they present an update in a direction they think is corageous but in reality is just madness they see a spike in refurbished sales.
This time they were ready and pulled the refurbished off
I doubt literally every configuration got sold out though at the exact same time. If it was that, they'd disappear slowly one by one.
For 2015 MBP I do not know...probably they are really a rare commodity nowadays...
But they're not being sold at much of a discount. If anything the prices on them went up.
If you ever see something you like on the refurb store. Don't dither. Make up your mind. Get it or don't.
If you want the 2016 models, you'll find a lot of retailers with them like here:
I think they were pulled. Many of the configurations have been sitting in stock for weeks. Wouldn't surprise me if they were swapping these out with 2017 internal parts.Pulled or out of stock? I would say its probably out of stock.
I think they have plenty of refurbs in stock, especially the TB versions. But I'm going to guess that Apple wants people to experience the new 2017 MacBook Pro first and post their reviews on how awesome the new version is: speed, keyboard, build quality, screen, lack of legacy problems, etc. They want the new version to sell like hot cakes, and the world to rave about it. With a "lower" starting price of $1299, they're going to force you to purchase the new version. Or at least try to. Then, once things calm down, they'll put the old version back on the refurb site. Just my opinion, of course.
I think they have plenty of refurbs in stock, especially the TB versions. But I'm going to guess that Apple wants people to experience the new 2017 MacBook Pro first and post their reviews...