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macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2008
Columbus, OH USA
For as long as I can remember it has always forced a full restore every time I update...

Doesn't matter now that I'm on iOS5 but that's how it has always been for me.

That is pretty bizarre. Were you accidentally clicking "Restore" instead of "Update"?

I am running 4.3.4 and I just did the 4.3.5 update. I docked my iPhone, clicked on "Update", iTunes downloaded the update, extracts the software, installs the software on my iPhone, verifies the software, my iPhone reboots and I'm done (all apps, music and other content are on the phone as they were). After the software update downloads the software, the update process only takes around 17 minutes on my iPhone 4 (and iTunes under Windows 7). That is the way a software update is supposed to work under 4.x.

That being said, I can't wait for the delta updates in iOS5. I will probably wait at least until the GM release however.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2008
Columbus, OH USA
Does anybody go through the trouble to update to these pointless releases?
There hasn't been anything new since 4.3.0...

All of these software updates have a point. Just because they don't add some cool new feature doesn't mean they are pointless. Sometimes they fix security holes (very important) or fix bugs or improve performance. Certainly it does seem like a pain in the ass now because it takes at least 30 minutes to download the 666MB software update (15 or more minutes) then applying it to the iPhone (another 17 or more minutes). Once iOS5 comes out with delta updates, it won't be an issue and people won't have an excuse not to update.


macrumors 68000
Jul 3, 2008
Just Updated!

I just updated my iPad 2 and my wife's iPhone to v.4.3.4 last night! I guess another time consuming update for me. Just release the iOS 5 so we can have that OTA and Delta updating feature.


macrumors member
Apr 1, 2011
I can't wait till delta updates lol

Seriously, I wonder how much a patch like this would be? 1 or 2% of the size of the entire OS? I couldn't imagine it being more than a few MBs ala spending all my days downloading M$ security patches for Windows.


macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
unoriginal post #295956869...

I really can't wait until these massive iOS downloads to fix 1 small issue are a thing of the past...


macrumors member
Jan 2, 2011
Verizon iPhone

It wont let me install it. It fails after extracting the installation...

I have nothing but problems with my MBP since I upgraded to Lion... Just another thing to add to the list...



macrumors 601
Jan 15, 2008
Holocene Epoch
Getting this repeatedly on my 3GS iPhone:

The iPhone "my iPhone" could not be updated. This
device isn't eligible for the requested build.

On 10.6.8 with today's "supplemental update".
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 10, 2007
Vienna Austria Europe
Known since nine years?


The problem is that, although all the signatures in a certificate chain were checked, there was no checking that the issuer of intermediate certificates was in fact authorised to issue certificates. This check is performed by examining the CA bit in the "Basic Constraints" set. This meant that anyone with a valid certificate could use it to create other certificates for sites such as or a bank, and iOS would accept the certificate as valid.

The problem Apple is fixing isn't new. Nearly nine years ago, applications using Microsoft CryptoAPI such as Internet Explorer (IE) and Outlook, and later WebKit-based browsers, contained a vulnerability in their implementation of SSL that could be used by an attacker for an active, undetectable, man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack.


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2008
Battery life

So far, my battery life seems the best yet! I really really hope this isn't a bug in 4.3.5


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2008
This is what I got out of my first full charge since upgrading to 4.3.5 - is this good? It felt a lot better. Throughout the day I used Skype, made calls, used maps, wi-fi it was a lot of usage. Is anyone experiencing the same?


  • photo1-1 12.51.37.jpg
    photo1-1 12.51.37.jpg
    144.2 KB · Views: 85


macrumors newbie
Jul 1, 2011
This is what I got out of my first full charge since upgrading to 4.3.5 - is this good? It felt a lot better. Throughout the day I used Skype, made calls, used maps, wi-fi it was a lot of usage. Is anyone experiencing the same?

Yeap!! Same 4 me.... With iOS 4.3.4


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2008
So far, my battery life seems the best yet! I really really hope this isn't a bug in 4.3.5

Lucky duck! So far this is the worst battery life I've had yet! I have the 3rd generation iPod Touch and I only upgraded my iOS once, I think it was to 4.1. I was always surprised at how long my battery lasted even when talking on Skype or watching videos. I finally had to upgrade to the latest version (4.3.5) because some of my applications wouldn't work since I wasn't on the latest iOS. Now my battery life is terribly short. I don't have to look at the battery meter long to see it go down. I knew I shouldn't have upgraded my iOS! :( Anybody else have this issue?
Maybe if it continues to bug me I will try this downgrade:


macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2008
Has anyone else been experiencing battery drain issues with iOS 4.3.5? I notice my iPod Touch 3rd generation drains pretty rapidly over night when it is on standby. All applications seem to drain more batter than they used to, I believe I was on iOS 4.1 before this (which had very efficient battery use).
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macrumors 6502
Jan 7, 2008
Just checking in. I'm still on iOS 4.3.5 with my iPod Touch 3rd Generation. It had much better battery life on the previous version of the iOS I had. I'm still wondering if anyone else experienced shorter battery life after upgrading to iOS 4.3.5? I'm hesitant to upgrade to iOS 5.0.1 for fear of even worse battery life. Can anyone please advise?
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