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macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2005
Wow. These updates stink. I'll stick with my original macbook with 2gb RAM. Well, until new MBP machines come out :)


macrumors 6502
Jul 18, 2004
Also a drop in Power on the power supply from 60w to 55w, which is odd, but good, i think!?:confused:


Nov 12, 2006
Damn I was atleast hoping for colors too.

So apple flogging old technlogy in an a stylish case, while the PC world moves on:rolleyes:


macrumors newbie
May 15, 2007
this update really sucks. the missing of a graficcard sucks grrrrrrr

the intel grafik chip is even worser then geforce 2


macrumors G3
Apr 21, 2003
So so update.

Now, will Santa Rosa differentiate the MacBook and MB Pro models?

Otherwise, got to wonder when these processors are coming?

Manic Mouse

macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2006
Apple MacBook: Yesterdays technology at today's prices.

EVERYONE would've been happier had they stuck with 1.8 and 2.0 and gone with Santa Rosa. Now the graphics, CPU and chipset on the MB will be a generation behind every other laptop for the next 6 months.

Good work Apple. Idiots.

As someone waiting to buy their first Mac I am FURIOUS with Apple and their continued raping of MB buyers.

The MBs are the line of computers that will benefit most from SR and Apple do THIS? I actually cannot believe it. They are absolute bastards.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2007
Apple MacBook: Yesterdays technology at today's prices.

EVERYONE would've been happier had they stuck with 1.8 and 2.0 and gone with Santa Rosa. Now the graphics and chipset on the MB will be a generation behind every other laptop for the next 6 months.

Good work Apple. Idiots.

As someone waiting to buy their first Mac I am FURIOUS with Apple and their continued raping of MB buyers.

So buy something else.


macrumors 68040
Jan 16, 2007
Apple MacBook: Yesterdays technology at today's prices.

EVERYONE would've been happier had they stuck with 1.8 and 2.0 and gone with Santa Rosa. Now the graphics and chipset on the MB will be a generation behind every other laptop for the next 6 months.

Good work Apple. Idiots.

As someone waiting to buy their first Mac I am FURIOUS with Apple and their continued raping of MB buyers.

These are solid updates... stop trolling.


macrumors 6502
Mar 3, 2007
As someone who has been waiting for about a year for a decent GPU in a MB to buy his first Mac I am severely pissed off.

Why are Apple making the MB so processor powerful while making so pathetic in terms of it's GPU?

For the next six months the MB will be poor compared to every other laptop, as every other one will have SR. Heck, the SR CPUs are cheaper than the old ones so they could've put in a 2.0 and 2.2.

I think most ppl (I do!) feel the same way about the Mac Pro's and their 17 month old GPU selection.


macrumors Core
Jun 16, 2004
Apple MacBook: Yesterdays technology at today's prices.

EVERYONE would've been happier had they stuck with 1.8 and 2.0 and gone with Santa Rosa. Now the graphics, CPU and chipset on the MB will be a generation behind every other laptop for the next 6 months.

Good work Apple. Idiots.

As someone waiting to buy their first Mac I am FURIOUS with Apple and their continued raping of MB buyers.

The MBs are the line of computers that will benefit most from SR and Apple do THIS? I actually cannot believe it. They are absolute bastards.

HAHAHAHAHA, that's the most ridiculous post I've read all day!!
Well done!

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
So, wonder how long it will take before we start getting "Why didn't they put Santa Rosa in the MB" threads, or "How long until Santa Rosa is in the MB" threads?

Yeah and those... "I hate Apple because they didn't make my dream come true..." posts as well. Glad I went out and bought my MBP and started having fun with it, so much for those fence sitters.
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