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macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2011
Sadly, this glitch still exists.

I'd have gone bananas if I saw that. Luckily doesn't happen to me...



macrumors 603
Aug 18, 2009
Upstate NY
I see no real change. I don't find Safari snappier. My battery life percentage seems about the same.

And the App store downloading the update and the full version at the same time? Beyond stupid...I didn't even know it updated. Talk about being anti-climactic!


macrumors member
Jul 27, 2012
Zagreb, Croatia
Which Mac is that?
How come my 3d fps is 55 and yours is only 40?
Especially when you have a more powerful cpu.
Wish I would've done that before 10.8.1 to see if it improved any.
Also my drive write speed seems awfully slow.

Anyways, no problem so far with 10.8.1.
Didn't have any problems with the release of Mountain Lion, including battery life, so not sure if much will change.

gpu is te same, but sometimes i get 55 sometimes 30 sometimes 40fps. it doesnt bother me to much if everything is working fine. i dont care about benchmarks, just wanted to check if i got better fps because i heard on ML you get lower FPS. and since we have integrated gpu's thats a big deal :)

Bob Coxner

macrumors 6502a
Mar 24, 2011
Mid 2011 MBA. ML killed my battery. Installed 10.8.1 and tested the battery under the same conditions as I tested it yesterday. Not a single minute of change. 2.5 hours yesterday, 2.5 hours today. (100% screen, caffeine and running a Hulu movie until the battery gets to 0%)


macrumors regular
Feb 27, 2011
After installing 10.8.1, both important issues haven't been fixed on my rMBP:

Battery. Showed 4:51 before installing. 5 minutes after rebooting, shows 3:48 remaining. So, you could argue, the battery is now WORSE after 10.8.1

Sleep issues. Often after sleep, my wireless connection won't connect. I have to put it back in to sleep, come out of sleep again, it connects. Weird. Still does the same thing in 10.8.1.


Dec 27, 2003
Trouble updating to 10.8.1

Anyone having issues with the Mac App Store trying to download 10.8.1 as a 4.34 gb file instead of JUST the .1 update?

I'm running the latest MBA with 10.8.0.

The Mac App Store gives me a download (instead of update) option, and then warns me that I already have 10.8 installed.

If I press download, it tries to download the whole thing.

Update: Huh. Apparently the .1 update was bundled with an HP update, but the full download of 10.8.1 still shows up in my update section of the Mac App Store. Weird.
Last edited:


Mar 15, 2009
Sadly, this glitch still exists.

The glitch to which you are referring has to do with integrated vs discrete graphics. If you turn off integrated graphics (uncheck the box in energy saver preferences), the page elements are rendered correctly. Turning integrated graphics back on once again shows the issue.


Mar 15, 2009
I just quickly ran NovaBench and here is the result. Quite improvement for a 7MB download. I'm hoping that others are seeing same improvements :)

You call a 1.9% performance difference "quite improvement"?

How do you propose someone actually sees a 1.9% performance improvement? Such a tiny number is probably within the application's margin of error, other processes that may be running that you aren't aware of, etc.


Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
2. No update for the 10.8 Server?

Badly needed...


You call a 1.9% performance difference "quite improvement"?

How do you propose someone actually sees a 1.9% performance improvement? Such a tiny number is probably within the application's margin of error, other processes that may be running that you aren't aware of, etc.

Lighten up, Francis.
He referenced his expectations to the size of the file- nothing more profound than that...


macrumors member
Sep 13, 2010
Miami FL
maybe need to wait for 10.8.2 before i bid farewell to 10.6.8

10.6.8 was & still is fantastic. I had it running on my PowerMac G5 right until I sold it. Even on the older dual core power pc processor architecture, that sucker ran as smooth as butter with such stability. Sometimes the thought comes up of just reaching for my MBP restore disc & installing faithful snow leopard once again. =P but yea, hopefully future updates of ML show us why this cat should be king of the hill.


macrumors regular
Jun 9, 2011
Unhappy with new os

As an avid Mac user since before time, I must admit I am not please with the roll out of the of the new osx.

Regardless, they are on top of things and I'm sure I will definitely be happ with it in a short while.

However here is my BIG question to you all...

So incorporate my iPhone, iPad, and computer into my business when i take inventory. I regretfully switched from ms office to iWork. I don't like, probably never will but it is what it is. But the reason why I got it was because I could share files with my devices, and be more comfortable with it than something even less name brand.

Fast forward, I was excited to download the new OS for the more integrated iCloud features, iWork in specific. Has anyone used this yet? I put my biz inventories on this, and now its beyond slow to access them via my computer or my iPad. I did test it to see if it updates on all my devices and it does-- but if I were to pull up the numbers file on my Mac, it takes at least 15min before it prompts me with an error message...

Any ideas? Your help is appreciated and if you respond by inbox that'd swell!


macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2003
First, shouldn't people actually use their laptops until the batteries run out before proclaiming that battery life is better or not? The estimate is never right, so making assumptions based on that is probably of no value. I'd even say that batteries should be completely charged and run down a few times before passing judgement.

And second, the list of fixes isn't the full one. Do people really have that hard a time understanding the word "includes"?


macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2004
14MB update...? I don't know if I should be impressed or worried lol.

Remember when the latest version of Netscape was 14MB, and it would take two hours to download over 28K dialup? Good times.
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