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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 16, 2020
I am a developer turned tech YouTuber(it would be cool if Apple made a version of youtube on the app store, free tip). I have talked to apple about their reviewer program, they will give you products to review if you say good things/do not trash them. I have called them about it and they said that they have added me to the list. They gave me a number to call, which I called except they said I needed email verification which I did not receive. I have been calling back to get an email verification, but everyone I have talked to says they do not know about the program. Any suggestions or things that may help? Thank you.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 16, 2020
It's not for all, you need to be an established reviewer which I am as I have made a successful website that I sent to them.


macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2009
San Antonio, Texas
Never heard of such a thing. I know reviewers that receive all Apple products but they are folks with wide established followings. And, they don’t give positive reviews unless warranted. You may be being scammed. What is YouTube channel? Have you been published in any other media outlets or interviewed by established news media?

In other words, you can’t just declare yourself a reviewer.


macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2011
The majority of Popular Youtuber's (iJustine, MKBHD, BoredAtWork, AustinEvans, SuperSaf), started out by posting videos. If you post reviews, attend CES/Apple Events, have a high subscriber count Apple may send you some products. Most of the products that the Youtuber's show off are either purchased or received. iJustine purchases all her Apple Devices, but does first-look videos provided by Apple/Samsung.etc.

Being a Youtuber cost a lot of $$$. The benefit is that you can claim all purchases as a business expense and put on your taxes. (Only if you are using YouTube as a business).

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
The majority of Popular Youtuber's (iJustine, MKBHD, BoredAtWork, AustinEvans, SuperSaf), started out by posting videos. If you post reviews, attend CES/Apple Events, have a high subscriber count Apple may send you some products. Most of the products that the Youtuber's show off are either purchased or received. iJustine purchases all her Apple Devices, but does first-look videos provided by Apple/Samsung.etc.

Being a Youtuber cost a lot of $$$. The benefit is that you can claim all purchases as a business expense and put on your taxes. (Only if you are using YouTube as a business).

The thing is if you didn’t start at the beginning it’s a really hard mountain to climb at this stage. YouTube is too big and general smartphone tech isn’t niche enough for a newcomer to make it to the point where these Apple devices will pay for themselves.
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