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macrumors 68000
Apr 10, 2009
WOW...what a solution, Apple! I can smell a lawsuit already when someone misses a very important call because they didn't realize that DND was still on.

And all Apple had to do was WARN customers of the problem. They have our email addresses. How hard would it be?

Putting the bug report in a tech article on the website is fine and dandy. But that only helps explain it after the fact. Apple should be proactive when an issue will disrupt use in the future and they KNOW ABOUT IT.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2008
Vienna, Austria
Strange: this bug occured on my iPhone running iOS 6 on the first of Jan. But it didn't occur today (2nd of Jan). I turned off "DND" yesterday but kept its schedule on, so it went into DND mode again between 1:00 and 7:00 a.m. and it seems to turned off automatically when it should. Will be interesting to watch this tomorrow morning…

Besides that, I still tend to believe in this being some kind of features/easter egg. At least here in Austria it is common that most people (with office jobs) do not come back from holiday before the 7th of January. For most it's still vacation time here and many companies are closed. ;)


macrumors 68000
Apr 10, 2009
Now you're making a completely different argument, IMO.

Your initial complaint sounded like you were demanding Apple address the problem with an immediate bug fix rather than making users wait until the 7th.

"Sounded like" is in the ear of the listener.

Not my problem that you read what you wanted. I did clarify it because others, like you, did the same.

Again, Apple's response is putting a tech note in their knowledge base. That is simply unacceptable.

They knew about the problem and it's potential impact is massive, and if they had enough time to make a tech note, they had enough time to copy that note into an email and spam us with it.

Their response is the unacceptable part. Bugs happen, but flippantly telling us to wait for it to go away is suxor answer.

And the irony of them starting ads for the feature on TV, spending MILLIONS to advertise it, and then having it fail epically while giving customers a "bird" response speaks volumes about Tim Cook's Apple...


Strange: this bug occured on my iPhone running iOS 6 on the first of Jan. But it didn't occur today (2nd of Jan). I turned off "DND" yesterday but kept its schedule on, so it went into DND mode again between 1:00 and 7:00 a.m. and it seems to turned off automatically when it should. Will be interesting to watch this tomorrow morning…

have you tried adjusting the time of activation? I've found on my i5 and my wife's 4S both, that if you simply adjust the time, it activates immediately, no matter what time it is.

my wife is a software engineer and just had to laugh at how poorly the feature must have been coded to have that kind of bug. Yes, dealing with times and dates can be tricky, but if it's your job, you should be good at it. And QA should have caught it long ago...


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2007
Virginia Beach
this is so absolutely mind-boggling. it will resolve itself on the 7th, so just relax? really? what a message to send to customers, i'm really floored.

You and I both. I remember the days things like this weren't acceptable from Apple. They are rich now. A different company.


macrumors 65816
Mar 12, 2009
Wichita, KS
Yes. I noticed that those who had the problem on 1/1 are those that have DND enabled from midnight or later. They don't mind being disturbed up until midnight or 1AM.

You and I and my wife enabled it at 11pm or similar. So it didn't happen until last night. It happens the first time it turns on in 2013, which for us was last night, not Dec 31...

Ah, that makes sense. Mine is set from 11pm-6am. My wife doesn't use it on her iPhone, although I really wish she would as I get woken up by her emails in the middle of the night.


macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2008
It has to do with how you deal with the first week of the year (if it doesn't align with the beginning of the year). It could either be Week 0 of 2013, or Week 52 of 2012 ( 0-indexed arrays ;) ). And if your Calendar math is using week #s at some level... it's easy to miss out on this edge case, and have errors that seem to correct themselves at the EOW.

I wish Apple had fixed this bug. I mean they had an entire year to get to it... and have an Ad Campaign based on this feature. Tsk Tsk :(

Yeah two years in a row with the same bug is not cool.

edit: Looks like it affects me after all.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 5, 2011
As a programmer, I'd be interested to learn why it will resolve itself on January 7th. Is it because it's the first Monday of the year? That would line up with last year's bug fixing itself on January 2nd.

Either that, or someone confused a "1" with a "7" when coding. It could just be a coding typo.


macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2003
Mind boggles how Apple iOS programmers can continue to stuff up on dates. This is not the first nor second time. Isn't programming for dates a beginner's knowledge?


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
And all Apple had to do was WARN customers of the problem. They have our email addresses. How hard would it be?

Putting the bug report in a tech article on the website is fine and dandy. But that only helps explain it after the fact. Apple should be proactive when an issue will disrupt use in the future and they KNOW ABOUT IT.

If they knew about the issue before hand they would have fixed.


Mind boggles how Apple iOS programmers can continue to stuff up on dates. This is not the first nor second time. Isn't programming for dates a beginner's knowledge?

Dates can be a bit of pain in the a$$...


macrumors 603
Jan 8, 2009
So the existence of bugs means that the programmers are poor at their jobs? WOW, talk about a twisted view on the world. Scary.

Wait, hold up cowboy.

This is the second year in a row a time based "bug" occurred, so yes, in this instance I would consider that bad programming. Apple had full knowledge and took no initiative to address the issue, yet brazenly informed people to "wait it out" after it happened. Many in the enterprise world use their devices as alarms, notifications for dates, messages, calls, etc. Other platforms with do not disturb features, and there are others, work with no issue. Its primary function is rendered useless and Apple, for the second time in a year, deems it unworthy of fixing, as by their actions.

This is an issue. Sugar coat it all you want, you're only kidding yourself.

EDIT: replaced two simple words so that others may understand, of course as a developer I know "Do Not Disturb" was not available until iOS 6 was released this year. However, last year iOS suffered from a time based bug in that alarms became disengaged after the New Year. A simple checking of the code found the error and the situation was remedied.
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Aug 18, 2005
Poor cry-baby might have missed a call. Anyone that needs to use this feature to screen calls likely doesn't get any that are of much importance anyway.

Yeah I do get calls from work even on holidays if there's technical problems, while we don't work during the night, we do have people working on holidays. So I screen my calls outside those hours because it's happened several times that I got callbacks from suppliers that work 24x7.

It might not sound important to you but it is to me and my employer.


macrumors regular
Jul 18, 2012
Hilarious , it will solved itself by January 7th and your iPhone will explode at the same time :p:D. LOL
Or perhaps all the iOS devices all around the world just simply, and neatly, shut down for good on the said date. Having devices exploding would be bad publicity you see and I doubt Apple would want to force all it's customers to buy new iPhones/iPads in a manner that could upset someone.


macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2012
Yeah I do get calls from work even on holidays if there's technical problems, while we don't work during the night, we do have people working on holidays. So I screen my calls outside those hours because it's happened several times that I got callbacks from suppliers that work 24x7.

It might not sound important to you but it is to me and my employer.

So what did you do before this feature was available?


macrumors 68040
Aug 16, 2011
Philadelphia Area
So what happens next year?

And what about other issues? Should we turn our phone off for several days?

Unacceptable Apple!

Overreact much? It's a simple bug that will resolve itself in a week. So there is nothing for apple to do. I applaud apple for issuing a statement & a resolution for the issue within 24hrs.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2012
Not justifying Apple's method of responding to this incident, but we're talking about a feature that many people don't even know exists (even after the new commercial) and won't activate even if they do know it exists. The worst thing they could do from a PR perspective is to spam all customers about this issue. Brings negative publicity to a problem that may be a semi-big deal for some but a complete non-issue for almost all others.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2009
Sounds like you're not a developer. There are a lot of edge cases out there, especially when working with dates. In hindsight it's an obvious edge case, but before hand there are a ton of scenarios and not all can be tested. Bugs happen.

This is just being an apologist for developers aiming to be great.

Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
this is so absolutely mind-boggling. it will resolve itself on the 7th, so just relax? really? what a message to send to customers, i'm really floored.

This is a strange reaction. You would prefer for Apple not to inform you of the workaround? Or would you just prefer waiting for a software patch, which would take a minimum of 2-3 weeks to create, test and distribute?


macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
How embarrassing.

Not as bad as Apple having to apologize for maps. How about losing more customers to Google/Samsung with their S3 and Note 2? Maybe releasing a iPad 4 so quick. Or how about the expensive iPad mini that has a lower resolution than a $200 tablet. Let's not talk about iOS 1.0.5.

Naw; not the most embarrassing.


macrumors member
Oct 23, 2009
I've been trying to call my Apple support representative all day and he's not answering. It's almost as if his phone isn't ringing.

Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
if one of my customers had to deal with this bug in our software and i said, "don't worry about it, the problem will resolve itself in a couple of days, just don't use that feature" we would be fired on the spot.

If your company gets software updates developed, tested, and distributed to thousands, let alone hundreds of millions, of customers less than one week after a problem is discovered, that is incredible. Please let us know who this company is, because they deserve to be praised and emulated.


Yeah I do get calls from work even on holidays if there's technical problems, while we don't work during the night, we do have people working on holidays. So I screen my calls outside those hours because it's happened several times that I got callbacks from suppliers that work 24x7.

It might not sound important to you but it is to me and my employer.

So, why can't you just remember to manually turn the feature on and off? It seems you have a simple way to resolve this problem, and you only need to do this for one week. If the feature is so important to you, why is it so difficult to adapt?


And all Apple had to do was WARN customers of the problem. They have our email addresses. How hard would it be?

Today is January 2. The problem was discovered on January 1.
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