Apple's iconic Fifth Avenue store in New York City will soon close for renovations and temporarily relocate to the soon-to-be-vacated FAO Schwarz toy store in the General Motors Building, according to the Associated Press. The report does not offer a timeline for the renovation plans.
Apple's iconic Fifth Avenue store, left, and nearby FAO Schwarz store, far right (Flickr)
FAO Schwarz, the oldest toy store in the United States, is set to vacate its ground-level store in the General Motors Building in July 2015 due to the rising cost of rent. The storefront is located just steps away from the current Apple Store at 58th Street and Fifth Avenue, so the temporary move should be rather seamless.
Apple reportedly plans to renovate about 20 existing retail stores in the United States to accommodate for increased foot traffic, with many stores set to double in size. Apple's flagship Regent Street store in United Kingdom is among the stores that will be renovated, while San Francisco's Union Square store will be relocated.
Apple's iconic Fifth Avenue retail store was last renovated in 2011 when larger, seamless panes of glass were installed. The renovation was completed in November 2011, with before and after pictures and a YouTube video providing a good look at the transition to a more seamless design.
Article Link: Apple to Renovate Iconic Fifth Avenue Store, Temporarily Relocate to FAO Schwarz Building