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macrumors demi-god
Jun 26, 2013
Chicago, IL
I dunno, I've never met anyone IRL who preferred Pepsi over Coke. At restaurants and cafés or wherever everyone would always ask for a coke, sometimes being met with "is Pepsi okay?".
No, it wasn't okay!

Well I must suggest taking a look at Middle East and the Indian Sub-Continent where Pepsi dominates.
And when I say Middle East, it is the oil-rich GCC (namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) and not the war-torn areas of Iraq & Afghanistan.

Trust me, I have had so many people assume that Middle East means Iraq-Afghanistan or Israel-Palestine-Jordan-Syria etc...

But that being said, Coco-Cola has more global coverage than Pepsi.
As it was the US Army's official drink back in the days during the WW1 and WW2.


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2010
LOL at calling the iPhone 5S a "significant upgrade". There's a reason it's not called the iPhone 6.

normal people dont upgrade annually. regardless, a 100% increase in CPU and a 100% in GPU is quite significant. also significant are new pieces of hardware such as the M7 and the fingerprint scanner. if you dont think so you have a very different idea of significant than most people. probably one that demands new shell designs on the surface and/or revolutionary changes to entire product categories.

And who the hell is "Interbrand" to declare how valuable a brand is? [rant snipped]

so, when Coke was on the top of this list for a decade did you complain about Interbrand then? question its methods then? or only now? yeah, im betting only now.

troll harder.

Ray J

macrumors member
Mar 29, 2013
I'd suggest reading the methodology that interbrand uses to determine the brands. That might give you some insight into why the others aren't there.
Actually I just looked at the full 100 and Ferrari and Kleenex are on there so I feel a bit redeemed.


macrumors 65816
Mar 24, 2004
Interestingly, Apple is the only brand without any text or letters in the logo.


macrumors regular
May 16, 2010
WOW! Strong lack of objectivity and research by some posters in this thread...

Moving on... Seeing some of these brands like IBM, Coke, McD, on this list is rather quite refreshing; especially if you grew up with them. Yes, I'm all for Apple's and Google's innovations and their ascent to #1 but it's good to know the world still remembers companies like IBM.

However, I always thought Exxon-Mobil would be the most valuable brand. Or would that be most valuable company? IDK...just guessing at this point.
Guess I should have done some research too... :eek:
LOL at calling the iPhone 5S a "significant upgrade". There's a reason it's not called the iPhone 6.

And who the hell is "Interbrand" to declare how valuable a brand is? I could have made this list too; their methodology is completely subjective and I have a bridge to sell to anyone who thinks that brand value can actually be quantified in dollars. This is either a total publicity stunt to troll the fanboys, or Apple and other companies paid them to get higher on the list. Either way, it's a sham that doesn't deserve one second of anyone's attention.

You are so right


macrumors newbie
Feb 5, 2013
Except that having a large number of patents doesn't demonstrate any strength of a company. There are thousands upon thousands of useless patents that have never been turned into actual products.

Yes, the patent system is a huge mess and in need of reform (especially software patents). However, patents can be used as *one* gauge of a company's innovation. R&D is huge at IBM and the number of products they have invented is truly astonishing. IBM is over 100 years old and still thriving - a claim not many companies can make.


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Yeah I'm sure Apple evaluated my "sense of history" and "computer knowledge" when deciding what to name their new product. That makes total sense.

I'm guessing he is actually echoing most others opinion of you having a lack of tech knowledge judging by your previous ranting posts of drivel, whining about innovation being of products never coming to pass is laughable.

There is a million ideas that have never come to fruition as has already been pointed out, innovation is a well thought out idea put into practice etc... it is not just an idea, that is absurd yet you still defend that and then go onto rant about Chrome dome Ballmer which is the only thing you seem to be correct about.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Apple has overtaken Coca-Cola as the new most valuable brand in the world
Apple did this. Apple Computer did not as Apple Computer don't exist anymore, well they do but rebranded as Apple.

My point? Apple recognises they make more than just traditional computers. This website fails to formally recognise this, though it's front page is proof of this.


macrumors member
Sep 23, 2013
What a company. Amazes me all that Apple accomplishes and continues to accomplish leaving their competition in the dust.

Pyrrhic Victory

macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2012
I'm guessing he is actually echoing most others opinion of you having a lack of tech knowledge judging by your previous ranting posts of drivel, whining about innovation being of products never coming to pass is laughable.

There is a million ideas that have never come to fruition as has already been pointed out, innovation is a well thought out idea put into practice etc... it is not just an idea, that is absurd yet you still defend that and then go onto rant about Chrome dome Ballmer which is the only thing you seem to be correct about.

He literally said that Apple chose the name of its phone BECAUSE OF my (perceived lack of) "sense of history" and "computer knowledge. Are you seriously defending that statement? You really think I am responsible for the iPhone's 5s getting that name?


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2012
IBM number 4? That tells me how credible this survey is, I'd love to see a survey of 100 people and I would bet that none of them know what IBM does, most would probably say build pcs lol.

Grats apple, but this interbrand mob.... Should we even care?? Really IBM 4... He he

I think some people don't even known IBM still exists even when they are worth quite a bit and doing fine. I think since they switched away from the home market some thought they went away.


I think it is hilarious how wrong you are about that. Google is your friend. Do some research before acting like a know-it-all. The way I said it is correct.

Saw this little bit between the both of you.

The issue with this saying is "I could care less" says you can care less while "I couldn't care less" states that you cannot care lower than that.

Now does this really matter on an internet forum where grammar and spelling issues happen all too often? Likely not.

I could care less
Wrong slang. It's supposed to be "I couldn't care less" - because I have no interest. "I could care less" means there is some interest.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2003
Wrong. It was a brilliant idea. It never made it to market because Steve Ballmer is an egotistical airhead who wouldn't approve anything that doesn't run Windows.

You are completely wrong. It never made it market because the idea, as presented, was unrealizable. If you actually study the gestures and actions in the videos of the Courier, you would understand. It is not the piece parts that fail, it is the integration of the parts that would never ever work as presented.

In short, it was still 5+ years from delivery.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
He literally said that Apple chose the name of its phone BECAUSE OF my (perceived lack of) "sense of history" and "computer knowledge. Are you seriously defending that statement? You really think I am responsible for the iPhone's 5s getting that name?

Yes I think you are personally responsible for the naming of the iPhone 5S:rolleyes:

I was saying I think his statement was echoing others saying you have a lack of tech knowledge not necessarily you bearing the responsibility for the naming of the product.

You are entitled to your opinion but don't get upset if most don't agree with you and you're weird way of explaining yourself.
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