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Apr 12, 2001

Apple in the third iOS 13.5 beta introduced support for the Exposure Notification API it's developing with Google along with a toggle to enable it, and in the fourth beta of iOS 13.5 introduced today, Apple has tweaked the interface to make it more clear how exposure notification logging works.

Image via 9to5Mac

In this beta, when accessing the Exposure Notification toggle located in the Health section of the Privacy part of the Settings app, Apple now makes it clear that the exposure notification logging feature can't be turned out without an accompanying app installed.

In a country where exposure notification is available, the new Exposure Logging toggle is grayed out and cannot be activated without an authorized app installed, as seen in the screenshot above.
You cannot turn on Exposure Logging without an authorized app installed that can send Exposure Notifications.

When enabled iPhone can exchange random IDs with other devices using Bluetooth.

The random IDs your device collects are stored in an exposure log for 14 days. This exposure log allows an app you authorize to notify you if you may have been exposed to COVID-19.

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 you can choose to share your own device's random IDs with the authorized app so it can notify others anonymously.
In a country where there are no apps that take advantage of Exposure Notification, there's different wording letting you know the feature is not available and no toggle to turn on at all.


Beta users in the United States and other countries will see the warning about Exposure Notification not being available in the country as of yet because there are no apps that take advantage of Exposure Notification that can be downloaded at this time.

When health apps that use the Exposure Notification API are released, the Privacy section of the Settings app will also list the active Exposure Notification app that's installed.

Article Link: Apple Tweaks Exposure Notification Toggle in iOS 13.5 Beta 4
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By the time this OS update is released, we’ll all be back to work.
Great! That is the most important time for us to have this! At that point, our number of contacts will go up considerably at that point, so we'll absolutely, positively need contact tracing at that point to prevent potentially infected and asymptomatic people from walking around and infecting everyone.
This page needs to include Direct install links to the app in the a) country of App Store Registration, b) country of apparent domicile as determined by gps, or an individual’s Apple network traffic.
These will become readily available on reddit and elsewhere. This feature should be scrapped and abandoned. It’s just dumb.

If testing center has immediate result, then require immediate entry of a one time use code. Either have app installed and enter code while testers watch, or pay for your test.

if results are delayed, then require a test pending code to be entered, then when test clears push out an update to app.

don’t allow codes to be released into wild.

problem solved.
Great! That is the most important time for us to have this! At that point, our number of contacts will go up considerably at that point, so we'll absolutely, positively need contact tracing at that point to prevent potentially infected and asymptomatic people from walking around and infecting everyone.

If you are potentially infected and/or asymptomatic, you wouldn’t report that you have COVID, so therefore the existence of the contact-tracing schema in your scenario is utterly pointless.

So, again, no—we don’t need this. If one feels the world is so ridiculously unsafe to interact within, go back to your bubbles and stop staring at your phones.
If you are potentially infected and/or asymptomatic, you wouldn’t report that you have COVID, so therefore the existence of the contact-tracing schema in your scenario is utterly pointless.
Completely and totally missing the point of all of this.

  1. Someone gets tested and confirmed sick.
  2. They send out the alert to others that they’ve been in contact with through a contact tracing app.
  3. Those people that receive the alert might not know they could be sick and highly contagious, because they aren’t symptomatic (yet).
  4. Those people then get tested.
  5. If they find out that they are sick, they can isolate themselves until they are well, instead of continuing to unknowingly spread the disease.

Not sure what is bad about any of that.
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That's for right now-- in the future, Apple has stated that they will develop their own app and integrate it into the OS so that more people will participate.
This is just the tip of the iceberg
That's fine, I'll turn that off too.
If you are potentially infected and/or asymptomatic, you wouldn’t report that you have COVID, so therefore the existence of the contact-tracing schema in your scenario is utterly pointless.

So, again, no—we don’t need this. If one feels the world is so ridiculously unsafe to interact within, go back to your bubbles and stop staring at your phones.
So many more people have or have had this than will ever know it. This app is totally pointless. All of us are around infected people every single day. 40-60% of people that get it will never show a single symptom.
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So how is it that some are getting the "unavailable in your country" and others are not? Are there any apps out there yet in any country? Supposedly until iOS 13.5 is released no apps will be available in app store so I would think everyone should get the "unavailable" message currently.
I know many of you weren’t born when Apple’s famous ad ran during Super Bowl, but welcome to 1984.

Is this a good thing?
For Apple it probably is.
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Completely and totally missing the point of all of this.

  1. Someone gets tested and confirmed sick.
  2. They send out the alert to others that they’ve been in contact with through a contact tracing app.
  3. Those people that receive the alert might not know they could be sick and highly contagious, because they aren’t symptomatic (yet).
  4. Those people then get tested.
  5. If they find out that they are sick, they can isolate themselves until they are well, instead of continuing to unknowingly spread the disease.

Not sure what is bad about any of that.

What is rich about all this is that folks are assuming that, in your scenario, Step 2 actually occurs.

I guarantee that outside of the MacRumors crowd, less than one-tenth of one percent of anyone who owns an iPhone or an Android phone will even be aware of such a “tracking” feature, LET ALONE they enter any information into their devices if they are confirmed infected.

That will mean that, at the end of the day, very few people (count them on one hand) will be informed about anything. Apple has created an app that makes just a few select people actually feel good about hanging up a public sign that they were infected... when, since so few will be informed, the data will mean EVERYONE SHOULD’VE JUST STAYED HOME. Apple is creating an “app” that is causing paranoid and questions to civil liberties that may or may not be limited to just COVID once the pandemic is over.

And you replied to me a completely separate scenario than in your original post... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Y’all believe in science, no?

This is a ridiculous intrusion into our lives, even if an opt-in. Give the government an inch and there goes everything. Disagree all you like but it’s true. This app has the potential to be very chilling.

Stanford, a pretty good school, has numbers on COVID. It ain’t that bad, chief. Like 0.05% not that bad or something.

Stop the hysteria. It’s not worth us losing everything we’ve worked our entire lives for and trashing the entire worlds economy. Sweden was right.
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