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macrumors 65816
I think one aspect you are forgetting is brand power. Apple is one of the most valuable brands in the world. I would argue even more valuable than Rolex or any other watchmaker. They have major clout, and I doubt Apple cares if people think the watches are a "poor value". They will sell these in droves. I believe over time it will be a very successful product.

Also, have you considered that not everyone dislikes the design of the Apple Watch? I love it, and think that as it is featured in more and more magazines and high-end stores its appeal will rise. To each their own.

I'm not 'forgetting' brand power at all - I would suggest Apple brand power became 'one of the most' by caring exactly about what people think is good or poor value.

I'm positively sure not everyone dislikes the design of the iWatch:eek:

…and what looks like being one of the strongest qualities going for it.
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macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2014
The problem is - average Joe is right.

The iWatch will become a symbol of poor value - 99% of similarly expensive/targeted watches will still justify their price tags.

Who really likes to brag about spending big money on chocolate gold coins when they could have spent the same money on actual gold coins?

maybe I'll change my mind when apple figure out how to reflect substance and a sense of eternity.

You mean average joe who is buying the Iphone with 40% margin? A phone Motorola is arguing is a bad value... Seems average joe doesn't agree about the Iphone being overpriced and won't agree about the Apple Watch.

Unless your telling the average joe doesn't own an Iphone, well then why should Apple care ;-).


macrumors 6502
May 7, 2014
You can post links, congrats! I still stand by my assertion.

Congrats for your e-assertion, you have a right to be wrong. Right, nobody cares / worried / being shaken / making a move about Apple's impending entry in the dumb or whatever watch / wearable industry!


macrumors 601
Nov 5, 2007
This is going to be a spectacular catastrophy.
One million per month?

Are you saying that 1 million a month is a catastrophe? Go back and look at first generation sales of iPod, iPhone and iPad. Look at sales of all other smartwatches. The best current smartwatch might sell one million in a year. The entire category probably hasn't sold 4 million its entire history.

One million a month would seem like a success. And no WSJ's 5 to 6 million per quarter estimate from unnamed sources "familiar" does not make anything less than that number a failure. The rumors should be taken with a truckload of salt.

I have no idea how these will sell. But if they hit 10 million for the Gen 1 Apple Watch they will (A) dominate the category and (B) presumably make money on the sales. I could also see them selling 20 million in year one because of the fashion angle.


macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2003
I'm not 'forgetting' brand power at all - I would suggest Apple brand power became 'one of the most' by caring exactly about what people think is good or poor value.

I'm positively sure not everyone dislikes the design of the iWatch:eek:

...what it looks like being one of the strongest qualities it has going for it.

To me, Apple gives value to their products with good design, interoperability and healthy ecosystems. A lot of people think Apple products are a bad value. That's one reason they lead on profits and not always volume.


macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2014
This watch is fashion first and tech second. Prepare to see pretty faced anorexic females grace fashion magazines. Or guys in expensive suits looking down on us peasants who bulk at the price tag.
This watch is not made for the average Joe. It's for pretty people that like to brag.

Most models look gaunt and vacant because their poorer than you, you know what bad food does to you ;-) (not even joking, modeling is a crap job for most).

Brag about a $350 watch? Who does that? The original Ipod was significantly more expensive (accounting for inflation) than this.

$350 is not expensive for me. But, I come from an era when crappy desktops cost $5K (1986), so I'm always amazed at how cheap things are.


macrumors 6502
Feb 19, 2011
Great place.

I was dragged into this place by my wife during our stay in Paris. The store is amazing. Glad I had my iPhone 5 to take some great pictures. Worth carrying the nice SLR with prime lens.

Worth a visit to see from inside. Ridiculously expensive compared to the US. Most levels have a nice cafe or a bar overlooking the store. But do pick a few macaroons from the macaroons store in the basement. Nothing great but good to get over priced drink or a snack while your better half is shopping...

All the stuff look the same for me so I can't tell the difference between Nordstorm or Lafayette. Maybe this was more like Neiman Marcus.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
I don't get why Apple is going for a fashion angle over a tech angle.

Their strategy is brilliant. This is a wearable - a fashion item first a tech item second.

The reason ALL of the other "smart watches" have had limited uptake is those companies have pitched it to the tech market believing they would catch on... Crickets....

Apple has hired a cast of pro's from the fashion world to up market the watch to a more elite set of consumers KNOWING full well that the highly driven youth consumer hungry for electronic gear would pass on a watch no matter who makes it. Insert Same-songs failures here.

Not only did Apple early on realize that an older -- more affluent demographic would drive sales success of its watch -- they masterfully saw a HUGE opening in a segment of RETAIL that tech companies have NO presence -- fashion and or accessory stores - which literally could number in the 10's of thousands or more globally - giving OPPORTUNITY for Apple to have a strategic presence in those stores for the first time -- exclusively..

Yes it's called brilliant marketing and it's going to pay off handsomely for them and lead more customers to the APPLE brand...


macrumors 65816
You mean average joe who is buying the Iphone with 40% margin? A phone Motorola is arguing is a bad value... Seems average joe doesn't agree about the Iphone being overpriced and won't agree about the Apple Watch.

Unless your telling the average joe doesn't own an Iphone, well then why should Apple care ;-).

So are you arguing that Motorola could improve the quality of its products by increasing the price?

I'm saying Apple(i)Watch is a brilliant product if they can work out how to get people to throw it away and buy a new one every three years.

It could change the face of the industry and leave other watch makers scratching their heads as to where so many stupid people found so much disposable income.

It will still be what amounts to a baby monitor for your phone and an underpowered watch.

It will undermine the Apple brand - if it were not already happening with the current OS and Pro hardware.

If apple want a niche market where good design costs twice the current margin - then they might want to start with a professionally aimed software strategy and equally professional hardware.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 30, 2014
So Angela is using her Burberry/fashion background to push the Apple surprise there. But I'm not a fashionista...How are you going to sell it to me besides hyping it up
I head Kim Kardashian is going to stick one up her butt as a promo.


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2014
Charleston, SC and Everett, WA
I just don't see how people can spend thousands of dollars on the gold Apple watch. Not only will the tech be dated in a year's time, but also from a fashion standpoint it'll be outdated as new models are launched. Luxury timepieces are passed down generation-to-generation...I doubt that's happening with the gold Apple watch

That is why I am happy about this as a stockholder.

These people will buy one now, and in 2 years, they'll be buying another one.

To those that do, thank you very much!

Plus, once you're in the Apple ecosystem, it's harder to drop out of it. I know it sounds weird, but most people in that are looking at buying the devices don't want to spend another day downloading and looking for their favorite apps. With an iPhone, it takes about 45 minutes to get the apps from your old iPhone on to your new one. I suspect it will be the same with :apple: Watch 2, 3, infinity. Click, click, leave it alone for a while, pick it up, and you're done.

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macrumors 68040
Nov 13, 2011
Feel this maybe an exciting product to buy, then 8 hours later people might feel empty.


macrumors 601
Aug 6, 2014
So are you arguing that Motorola could improve the quality of its products by increasing the price?

I'm saying Apple(i)Watch is a brilliant product if they can work out how to get people to throw it away and buy a new one every three years.

It could change the face of the industry and leave other watch makers scratching their heads as to where so many stupid people found so much disposable income.

It will still be what amounts to a baby monitor for your phone and an underpowered watch.

It will undermine the Apple brand - if it were not already happening with the current OS and Pro hardware.

If apple want a niche market where good design costs twice the current margin - then they might want to start with a professionally aimed software strategy and equally professional hardware.

Even in business, most money is made supporting the grind and not the experts. Apple knows this and that'S why they've slowly moved away from this over the last 10 years.

Maybe you think Apple is actually a different company than it actually is.

Anyway, lets see this in 9 months. In the future lies the answers.


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
Because it will sell.... a lot...just like they sell ipod and associate with musicians and artists.

Dunno, I'm still casting my vote for abysmal failure.

I hope I'm wrong, I would love to see another game changing device that takes the world by storm and has me cashing in my penny jar to buy one but I just don't see that here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2014
I'm saying Apple(i)Watch is a brilliant product if they can work out how to get people to throw it away and buy a new one every three years.

So it becomes brilliant if they manage to do that? Now a brilliant product is the one that has a caducity date? I thought a brillian product was because of its quality, functionalities, design... Well, after seeing how some people think about this, now I'm sure Apple will sell a lot of watches.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
I don't get why Apple is going for a fashion angle over a tech angle.

This is the only device Apple sells that will be visible at all times. It is undoubtedly a fashion statement even if the user isn't trying to say anything.


macrumors 65816
To me, Apple gives value to their products with good design, interoperability and healthy ecosystems. A lot of people think Apple products are a bad value. That's one reason they lead on profits and not always volume.

very true in a sense

I think the Apple brand grew out of those ideals but now those ideals are systematically farmed to improve sales via artificially inducing premature decrepitude in hardware.

Apparently only Apple can do this so well - due to them being in charge of the hardware and the software.

The benefits used to be felt by the customers but these days it's all about the shareholders.


So it becomes brilliant if they manage to do that? Now a brilliant product is the one that has a caducity date? I thought a brillian product was because of its quality, functionalities, design... Well, after seeing how some people think about this, now I'm sure Apple will sell a lot of watches.

To shareholders it does.

I would pay twice as much for a MacbookPro if it had more user upgrades and a more serious OS.

I've been buying Macs for 20 years and it used to be a joy - now I feel squeezed by design compromises and hardware that uses software to shorten practical lifespan.

It's not that I can't afford to be taken for a fool - it's that I resent it.


macrumors member
Oct 16, 2007
Finger Lakes
This is going to be a spectacular catastrophy.
One million per month?

The current leader in the wearable market is Fitbit. They sold 3.5 million units last year.

Pebble sold 3 million in a one year period. (one report said 1 million one said 3 so I took the larger number.)

If Apple sells 6 million, Apple will be the single biggest player in the wearable (smartwatch/fitness band) market. The market is growing, but it isn't a massive market yet. 6 million is a pretty aggressive goal.


macrumors 65816
May 9, 2012
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
I wonder how many solid gold aftermarket iPhones they sell, or Vertu phones... It seems like the apple watch is increasingly aimed at the more money than brains demographic...
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