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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 3, 2011
I know there has been some debate. I was browsing Twitter and stumbled upon this post that dates back to September. Many people were under the impression that the bands may not be universal but this photo seems to debunk that rumor.



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Thank you for posting this, i haven't seen this picture before. If true this makes me happy :D being able to buy even the sport version and then use the different bands would be great, and it would make sense for :apple: from a business stand point.
if they can sell the bands separately to anyone with an :apple: Watch (regardless of which model they have) it would bring in more money for :apple: and cause less problems for those that want to just walk into an Apple store and buy a band.

I really think the :apple: Watch will succeed, straight out of the gate Apple are already giving consumers more choice (such as the bands and materials that their Apple Watches are made from) This will at least cause people to look towards the :apple: Watch even if it's in a fashion sense rather than technology.
We already know that's universal...

As I've stated in those other threads........ I have never had any doubt that the bands can be used with any watch. i still think however the questions is whether and how Apple will sell the different bands with different models (i.e. will there be restrictions as to which bands can be purchased).

I do think at a minimum you will only be able to purchase specific bands with each of the watch models (e.g. only black or white sport with a SS), but then if you want one of the bands that is not offered (e.g. pink sport band) then the only way to get that would be as a separate additional purchase.
I think the leather band would look quite nice with the Sport Watch.

The steel bands would look awful.

Guess we'll see how Apple handles it, they are quite precious about design, so I can't imagine them being pleased with the aluminium and steel clashing. If (And it's still up for debate) all watch bands are interchangeable, there isn't a lot they can do to prevent it though.
I think the leather band would look quite nice with the Sport Watch.

The steel bands would look awful.

Guess we'll see how Apple handles it, they are quite precious about design, so I can't imagine them being pleased with the aluminium and steel clashing. If (And it's still up for debate) all watch bands are interchangeable, there isn't a lot they can do to prevent it though.

Not sure why you are saying Aluminium and Steel clashing.

It's nothing to do with the material as such, but the way it's finished.
Or course different grades of both metals can have a different look also, but mostly it would be the surface finish of either.
I have my doubts that Apple will sell you an aluminum watch with a non-sport band. If you want one you will have to buy it separately.
I think the leather band would look quite nice with the Sport Watch.

However, the "hinge" on the classic/modern leather buckles (see below) is polished chrome, which would be adjacent to the matte aluminum case. That might not look so nice to some people. The leather loop version pictured in the OP doesn't have this problem, although it's only available in 42mm.

Watch the film. Read the website. Reference Jony Ive's comments about the mechanism and the pictures on of different bands on different cases.

"View -All Ten- Models in the Collection" and notice no other bands are present. This is one of many reasons people have been doubting compatibility. In any event, this doesn't seem to be true as evidenced by the photo in the OP.


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Those are anecdotal evidence though.

What's anecdotal about the lead designer of the product stating that the bands are interchangeable? What more evidence do you need?


Not wanting to say I told you so just yet........... but Gruber suggesting that the only bands that will be purchasable separately will be Sport Bands. All others will be purchased only with watch.......

Also some pricing guesses which I'm sure will get people a little animated on here!!!!

That post is entirely speculation with nothing to back it up. We have evidence from Apple and from the lead designer that the bands are interchangeable. There is no evidence to suggest that the bands won't be able to be purchased separately as accessories. The fact that they are interchangeable implies the opposite, in fact.
Not wanting to say I told you so just yet........... but Gruber suggesting that the only bands that will be purchasable separately will be Sport Bands. All others will be purchased only with watch.......

Also some pricing guesses which I'm sure will get people a little animated on here!!!!

I just can't get into all this pricing speculation. I think it's silly. But one area I disagree with Gruber is on what bands will be available for separate purchase. He says only the sport bands. I disagree. Only because say someone buys the SS watch and wants a link and milanese loop bracelet. Or link and leather modern buckle. If they're willing to pay for another band (bands which Gruber thinks will be expensive) why would Apple want to miss out on that revenue stream? I think Apple would be crazy to limit people to one band outside of the rubber bands.
I don't doubt they're interchangeable, but everything is anecdotal until Apple makes it official.

Apple has made it official. They stated in the announcement that the bands are interchangeable.

This nonsense about the link bracelet costing a fortune also doesn't make sense to me. Not all link bracelets are made by Rolex and cost thousands of dollars. Why are we assuming that the steel link bracelet from Apple is going to be hundreds of dollars? watch bands
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