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macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2023
Audiophile? It sounded like a cheap boombox with emphasis on the BOOM. Zero detail from any instrument or vocal, just muffled noise.

It's definitely not an instrument for audiophiles, after all at that price it would be impossible, but it doesn't sound bad.
The sound is colorful and pleasant, there is no excess on the bass, on the other hand, I would like to see how it would be possible with a 5 inch mid-woofer. So no, I am not on the same page with you, it doesn't sound like a cheap boombox at all.
The medium and high frequencies are clear and never muddy.

For me it sounds very pleasant, also considering the small size.
As a speaker with such small volumes, it's almost a miracle how it sounds and it also sounds good when powered by batteries even if the maximum volume is only 60% compared to mains power.

Furthermore, inside there are 4 class D amplifiers and active crossovers, in short we are far from a cheap boombox.


macrumors regular
Feb 25, 2022
British Columbia, Canada
I have one that I purchased on eBay used. Always wanted one since the day they came out. Love it! And no, this is one speaker system that does not sound like cheap boombox at all.

And it has great versatility in this day and age, while the spy device called HomePod is useless to me. I want devices that don't need the Internet or wireless anything to use and this is one device that fits that perfectly.

Best eBay purchase ever! And every once in a while I keep looking for another.
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