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Nov 5, 2010
Well done!

Personally I don't care so much for the whole honours system, but it does matter to a lot of people and these things aren't given out likely, so credit where credit is very much overdue in Sir Jonathan's case.

I would just love to be a fly on the wall in the next Apple management meeting to hear the banter.


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2008
Oslo, Norway
A little out of place, i think, since Apple is an American company. I cold have unerstood nighthood if Ive brought his talents to a British Co.

Along with Steve and Woz, and a whole lot of other talented people at Apple, Jony have played a big part in changing peoples lives for the better, all around the world. How does Apple being american change the impact Ive have had in the lives of the british, or the rest of us?

Thank God Steve persuaded him into sticking around when he returned to Apple.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2008
London, UK
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Sorry to be pedantic but as others have said, the correct shortened form is Sir Jonny/Jonathan or the full is Sir Jonathan Ive

To a pedantic geek from the UK, Sir Ive just sounds so wrong!

Erm... Sir Jony, I think you mean.


Jony also has the honour of one of the best wikipedia addresses:

Now, is he a Sir before the ceremony? I'm guessing if he's on the list, that means he'd already accepted.


macrumors 68000
Jan 18, 2011
the queen plucks pheasants as they say... ;)

If one agrees or not with the role of the monarchy, which is at the very best dubious, one has to concede to the fact that knighthood isn't saying much these days seeing as how they are routinely bought and sold...


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Good to see this news, well deserved.

All you need to understand is that Ive has been recognised for the great work he has produced!
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macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2010
Midlife, Midwest
Can someone explain why knighthood is important and what it is for

The KBE "Knight Commander of tHe British Empire" is one of a series of honors that may be bestown by the Soverieign. Other such honors are the OBE "Order of the British Empire", MBE "Memember of the British Empire" etc.

The KBE entitles the honoree to style himself, and use the title "Sir". It also allows his wife to be referred to as "Lady" Ive. The KBE is a "lifetime" honor, not a hereditary one, and as such there is not a title that can be passed down to his heirs. Such a hereditary title, known as a Baronetcy, is rarely, if ever awarded these days.

There are actually higher civilian honors that can awarded, such as a Peerage. This entitles the honoree to be known as Lord such and such. And in some cases even entitles the honoree to sit in the British House of Lords. there is also the honor of Knight Commander of the Bath, KCB, which is restricted to a very few individuals. Winston Churchill accepted a KCB, which made him "Sir Winston", rather than Lord Churchill, which would have prevented him from serving in the House of Commons.

The US recognizes foreign titles from a Diplomatic standpoint, however it does not permit US citizens to use any titles they might be entitled to. Ronald Reagan and Casper Weinberger would have fallen into this category.

In practice, there have been virtually no hereditary titles awarded to people outside the Royal family since the end of WWII. Hereditary peerages were awarded to General Montgomery, and his son inherited the Viscountcy when he died. Such hereditary titles endure as long as there is a male heir to inherit it, although there is talk of changing the law to give equal rights for women.

Britain's Honours system is somewhat of an anachronism, but it is largely harmless. It is also more than a little bewildering, with all it's various rules and degrees. One thing I can tell you for certain though, is that the correct form of address is ALWAYS "Sir Jon" and NEVER "Sir Ive".


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2008
Oh dear.

This award is long over due and I'm glad that Jonathan is just one of many people publicising Britain's design ability oversees.
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Apr 10, 2011
How this thread has more replies than the Ivy Bridge one I do not know...

But as I said earlier, anyways; congrats! xD


macrumors 603
Jul 27, 2009
Premià de Mar
In practice, there have been virtually no hereditary titles awarded to people outside the Royal family since the end of WWII. Hereditary peerages were awarded to General Montgomery, and his son inherited the Viscountcy when he died. Such hereditary titles endure as long as there is a male heir to inherit it, although there is talk of changing the law to give equal rights for women.

Different from here in Spain where people are still awarded titles like Duke, Count or Baron that are hereditary.

Also is different because is not necessary to have male descendants.


macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
Jealous of this stupid man-made farce of an award? Ummmm no. No care for Brits or their made up royal family BS....

Am I jealous of his talent? Sure!!! Would I like his money? Of course!!!

Jealous of this farce award? No!

Gotta admit I'm with you on this, and I'm british! Can't say I'm ashamed to be human but an award for designing simple things?
For designing complex things like cars sure. For designing a car that runs on water sure.
I'm, (insert flame here), lost as to why a knighthood is given. They seem to be handed out a little too easily. No, I don't have one before you ask, can't say I'm bothered either.


macrumors member
Mar 22, 2009
Knighthood of the British Empire? Hmm we're no more in the 19th century folks... there is no more British Empire now. These titles sound so pathetic and childish. Ppl are so proud of having 'democracy' (and exporting it everywhere in the world) and then they are so eager to bow down in front of such relics of medieval and colonial times.

Did it never occur to ppl that we live in a post-colonial world? If I were Indian, for example, I would be ashamed to hear that there is still people who are proud of advertise themselves as a KBE.


Apr 10, 2011
Gotta admit I'm with you on this, and I'm british! Can't say I'm ashamed to be human but an award for designing simple things?
For designing complex things like cars sure. For designing a car that runs on water sure.
I'm, (insert flame here), lost as to why a knighthood is given. They seem to be handed out a little too easily. No, I don't have one before you ask, can't say I'm bothered either.
I do know what you mean. Not even Bill Gates has a knighthood, well; due to him being American. That's another issue altogether.

Hmmmm.... yeah, a knighthood for designing nice products. I'm not sure if that's right or wrong to be honest; I'm British also.


macrumors member
Dec 29, 2002
Can someone explain why knighthood is important and what it is for the American readers?

*edit* Thanks everyone for downrating my comment. I didn't know Americans are supposed to know everything about Great Britain

I got your back ... voted you up!

I really don't understand it myself, it's kinda like I expect him to get into LARPing now? ;)


macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
I do know what you mean. Not even Bill Gates has a knighthood, well; due to him being American. That's another issue altogether.

Hmmmm.... yeah, a knighthood for designing nice products. I'm not sure if that's right or wrong to be honest; I'm British also.

I mean I'm sure there are lots of british designers that have carried out far more work than JI and not been recognised. Maybe architects or car designers, (no right now I can't name any but I bet I'm right).


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
At least there are PLENTY more valid people receiving knighthoods along with Ive's who in my opinion doesn't deserve the honour one bit! What has he done? Oh yeah made himself a multi millionaire by working, nothing else. Well apart from create the Apple cult I suppose with his designs.

Nope, a soldier, fireman, or someone who has done tons for charity is MUCH more deserving. But at least My Ive's, so far as I know, isn't an ex crack addict or alcoholic and now rich and famous and in a dire TV soap opera!


Apr 10, 2011
I mean I'm sure there are lots of british designers that have carried out far more work than JI and not been recognised. Maybe architects or car designers, (no right now I can't name any but I bet I'm right).
I do agree with you therre though. Hmm. I can't really defend that as much as I love Apple. ;P


macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
At least there are PLENTY more valid people receiving knighthoods along with Ive's who in my opinion doesn't deserve the honour one bit! What has he done? Oh yeah made himself a multi millionaire by working, nothing else. Well apart from create the Apple cult I suppose with his designs.

Nope, a soldier, fireman, or someone who has done tons for charity is MUCH more deserving. But at least My Ive's, so far as I know, isn't an ex crack addict or alcoholic and now rich and famous and in a dire TV soap opera!

Very difficult to argue against.
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