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macrumors 68040
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Jul 13, 2008
I am my family's Mac guy so my sis asked me for input re the ATV. I admit I've always ignored it and never needed one.

I was rather shocked, and stopped my research, when I found it doesn't even do 4k. She of course just got a 4k and wanted to fill out a budding home theater setup with an ATV. I kinda doubt anyone knows Apple's plans, but is there gonna be 4k for sure? Otherwise I can't really see why she doesn't just go with the Netflix, Amazon, etc apps on her TV, and her cable box. She doesn't want voice control or anything, and already has audio via her phone to speakers.

About the only thing she'd want would be showing photos on the HDTV. Can I assume the ATV would at least drive the 4k HDTV in that resolution as a monitor for photos? Otherwise I'll just have her put 'em on a thumbdrive and stick that in the HDTV directly.
I think most feel we will get Apple TV 5 later this year. But there has been NO confirmed mention of this from Apple. So, if she feels 4K is a deal breaker then she needs to wait. Max output from Apple TV is 1080p for everything.

Does she only have 1 TV? Would it be possible the Apple TV 4 now and then later move it to another room. Like a bedroom or kitchen?

When the Apple TV came out I bought 2 then 3 and over time I now have 8. I returned my 2x DVR and 2x STB to FIOS which was costing me $70+ per month just for the hardware/DVR Service. That meant I could only access my FIOS Content on 4 TV's. Now all 8 TV's have the same content and a single remote. I think the future is Streaming via Apps. There are a lot of options. My point is that at some point she might want to start.
The WWDC Keynote moved along pretty quickly, on the Apple TV they chose only to say, "it'll be getting Amazon Prime Video this year", but he did say, just before moving on to the next thing, something like, "you'll be hearing more about Apple TV later this year". These things are planned down to the second, that's not idle space filling. That would generally mean they'll have something significant to show about Apple TV at the presentation(s) in September/October. That's no guarantee, but they generally don't say such things without intent to back them up. The only question is, is the announcement only going to be new content deals, or also new hardware? If there is new hardware, 4K is a really obvious upgrade for the Apple TV (as in, it's hard to imagine them making an ATV5 without 4K). The ATV4 is approaching two years old, it would be a logical time for an upgrade.
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I would say Apple TV 5 with 4K compatibility is coming this year, almost for sure. :p
Now with Amazon Prime and Vudu coming to Apple TV, it provides a lot content sourcing flexibility, you'll be able to buy/rent content from iTunes, Vudu, Amazon, Google Play, Netflix, Hulu, tons of special interest, most of the major paid/premium "cable" services (HBO, SHO, AMC, FX), sports options, heck, we even use our for locals (HdHomeRun + Channels App)
Now with Amazon Prime and Vudu coming to Apple TV, it provides a lot content sourcing flexibility, you'll be able to buy/rent content from iTunes, Vudu, Amazon, Google Play, Netflix, Hulu, tons of special interest, most of the major paid/premium "cable" services (HBO, SHO, AMC, FX), sports options, heck, we even use our for locals (HdHomeRun + Channels App)
Yeah, but all that is available, and has been for quite, save iTunes.

And there is a lot of 4k content; most Netflix original programming (of which there is quite a lot) and Amazon and now even Hulu. If you are watching current series there, all the new stuff is 4k. Not to mention our own family videos, and of course photos. It actually surprised me how much stuff there is. The fact Apple is so far behind doesn't inspire me. Again, no one has cited a reason to get her an ATV when several other devices are better, or even just her TV.
If the apps on the smart TV cover your video needs and you're happy with the user interface, I don't see a reason to buy a streaming box at all. IMO the main differentiators of the ATV are access to iTunes content, nice UI, and a good selection of non-video apps (including some surprisingly good looking games).

For mirroring photos, you'd be limited to 1080p with the ATV. There are some iOS apps that claim to allow photo mirroring to certain smart TVs, e.g. this:

or this:

No idea if they are any good, but maybe worth a try since it's free.
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I think we'll get an updated Apple TV at the iPhone 8 event. When the Apple TV 4 came out, 4K was still very new and their was some features of 4K (HDR, color gamut) that were still being developed. Its obvious that Apple cares about 4K since the iPhone's can shoot 4K video and at WWDC, Apple announced better 4K video support for the new Mac OS and they announced a new iPad that has the ability to display HDR video. Not to mention, all of their current devises can show P3 color. So it seems like Apple is definitely keeping up with current video trends.

The new Apple TV should have 4K video support, HDR 10 support, Dobly Vision support and immersive audio support. The fact that they are putting an HDR capable screen in the new iPad Pro models (and I suspect the new iPhone should be able to do HDR also) makes me think that 4K, HDR videos will be getting offered on iTunes very soon.
I think we'll get an updated Apple TV at the iPhone 8 event. When the Apple TV 4 came out, 4K was still very new and their was some features of 4K (HDR, color gamut) that were still being developed. Its obvious that Apple cares about 4K since the iPhone's can shoot 4K video and at WWDC, Apple announced better 4K video support for the new Mac OS and they announced a new iPad that has the ability to display HDR video. Not to mention, all of their current devises can show P3 color. So it seems like Apple is definitely keeping up with current video trends.

The new Apple TV should have 4K video support, HDR 10 support, Dobly Vision support and immersive audio support. The fact that they are putting an HDR capable screen in the new iPad Pro models (and I suspect the new iPhone should be able to do HDR also) makes me think that 4K, HDR videos will be getting offered on iTunes very soon.
The fact that Apple has retina, 5k iMacs, P3 color, etc makes it all the more mystifiying why a box designed for viewing on a screen is so far behind; the opposite of keeping up with current trends. As it it must be a conscious decision to leave it in the dust, like the Airports.

But hey, maybe as with pro Macs they'll decide "oops...wrong direction" and leapfrog the ATV, give it massive computing power, artificial intelligence, etc and make it like an Echo mated with a Roku on steroids. Or maybe it'll be Airport.
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The fact that Apple has retina, 5k iMacs, P3 color, etc makes it all the more mystifiying why a box designed for viewing on a screen is so far behind; the opposite of keeping up with current trends. As it it must be a conscious decision to leave it in the dust, like the Airports.
Nope. Again, at the end of the Apple TV bit at the WWDC keynote, Tim Cook said, "we'll be talking more about Apple TV later this year". They would not do that for a product that's getting dropped. All signs are that the Airports are dropped. The Apple TV is not. Apple follows mostly-predictable cycles; theyll almost certainly talk about it in at an event in September/October, and odds are decent they'll have new hardware - because it will have been two years and 4K has pretty well arrived.

I like my ATV4 a lot. It's my primary-nearly-only video source. And because of that, if they come out with an ATV5 in the fall, I'll almost certainly get it - I don't have a 4K TV, but I expect the other improvements will have a positive effect on my TV experience. Also, I love my AirPort Extreme, and I wish they weren't casting that line adrift.
Nope. Again, at the end of the Apple TV bit at the WWDC keynote, Tim Cook said, "we'll be talking more about Apple TV later this year". They would not do that for a product that's getting dropped. All signs are that the Airports are dropped. The Apple TV is not. Apple follows mostly-predictable cycles; theyll almost certainly talk about it in at an event in September/October, and odds are decent they'll have new hardware - because it will have been two years and 4K has pretty well arrived.

I like my ATV4 a lot. It's my primary-nearly-only video source. And because of that, if they come out with an ATV5 in the fall, I'll almost certainly get it - I don't have a 4K TV, but I expect the other improvements will have a positive effect on my TV experience. Also, I love my AirPort Extreme, and I wish they weren't casting that line adrift.

I used it constantly, mainly for infuseand Netflix, but stopped the minute I got a 4k tv. I only really use it for Apple Music now. I would like a 4k Apple TV and believe one is coming but I'd put money on it still not outputting films at native 24fps or allowing films to show in their native resolution. If this is the case, then I simply won't bother with it.
Most new TV's are 4K by default. I would bet an easy 99% of people aren't even watching 4K content on those sets.

ATV4 is fine. Retire it to a den/bedroom if/when 4K becomes common place.

Just my 2 bits...


Unless she is using it with 4K blue rays, I doubt she has been getting true 4k content. But if she wants a box just because it says 4k, she has many choices out there.

If her photos are on apple's ecosystem, just tell her to get an ATV. the TV is going to upscale the picture anyway.

When a UHD ATV comes out later this year, she can switch this to a secondary TV.
There's nothing concrete about Apple abandoning AirPort. Just rumors at this point.

That's part of my problem with Apple; it's hard to know what the road map is, and these are significant investments for us. Aperture languished and languished for years without significant improvements; then finally was at least announced dead. And at least it's still usable. Bloomberg reported the dispersal of Airport engineers to other places (including ATV), and Apple hasn't done boo on an aging piece of hardware (2013 I think), so it's obviously toast. And when a system update breaks Airport Utility (as it did with AU 5.6), you've got a brick (got one of those; never again). And the Apple displays also just kinda fadinig away.

So yeah, maybe it'll come. But again (and again), not now, not in predictable future, and their track record of keeping up is awful. So why bother? If something fantastic and innovative came out I'd buy, but I'm not gonna buy an existed outdated product.

Unless she is using it with 4K blue rays, I doubt she has been getting true 4k content. But if she wants a box just because it says 4k, she has many choices out there.

If her photos are on apple's ecosystem, just tell her to get an ATV. the TV is going to upscale the picture anyway.

When a UHD ATV comes out later this year, she can switch this to a secondary TV.
Yes, we get true 4k. From streaming. From PS4. From our own media.

And no, she doesn't have a secondary screen (and by the time she does, it'll be 4k as well).

And no, the HDTV does not necessarily upscale an image. 3840x2160 isn't that big for digital pictures these days, and photos already exported for use there look much better than on 1080. Even with scaled or upsampled images.

I set her up with AllCast, so she can cast to her TV already, so she's set for casting from her iPhone.

I appreciate the responses, having been unfamiliar with ATV, but we've made the decision to go elsewhere. I hope Apple does do something in the future; it sounds like many people have committed to iTunes really need it. We haven't, so we'll take options that work now. Thanks.
I don't think 4K would be front and center of Apple's attention with Apple TV when the goal is just to make the TV better for itself currently with access to more content.
I would like a 4k Apple TV and believe one is coming but I'd put money on it still not outputting films at native 24fps or allowing films to show in their native resolution. If this is the case, then I simply won't bother with it.
FWIW, their "ProMotion" technology they talked about in the new iPad Pro... they made a point of how it can do 120fps to make games and scrolling smooth, and can drop down to 60fps or 48fps on the fly to save power. Word is, it can also do 24fps. If they used that same tech on the ATV5, 24fps display could be possible.
That's part of my problem with Apple; it's hard to know what the road map is, and these are significant investments for us. Aperture languished and languished for years without significant improvements; then finally was at least announced dead. And at least it's still usable. Bloomberg reported the dispersal of Airport engineers to other places (including ATV), and Apple hasn't done boo on an aging piece of hardware (2013 I think), so it's obviously toast. And when a system update breaks Airport Utility (as it did with AU 5.6), you've got a brick (got one of those; never again). And the Apple displays also just kinda fadinig away.

So yeah, maybe it'll come. But again (and again), not now, not in predictable future, and their track record of keeping up is awful. So why bother? If something fantastic and innovative came out I'd buy, but I'm not gonna buy an existed outdated product.

Yes, we get true 4k. From streaming. From PS4. From our own media.

And no, she doesn't have a secondary screen (and by the time she does, it'll be 4k as well).

And no, the HDTV does not necessarily upscale an image. 3840x2160 isn't that big for digital pictures these days, and photos already exported for use there look much better than on 1080. Even with scaled or upsampled images.

I set her up with AllCast, so she can cast to her TV already, so she's set for casting from her iPhone.

I appreciate the responses, having been unfamiliar with ATV, but we've made the decision to go elsewhere. I hope Apple does do something in the future; it sounds like many people have committed to iTunes really need it. We haven't, so we'll take options that work now. Thanks.

Good for you. I'm sure everything will work out. As for me... I switched to iTunes because sourcing my own material got tedious. And I can get iTunes codes dirt cheap.
Nothing 1080p will be old and useless for a decade.

I believe the reason we don't have an Apple TV that does 4K is because iTunes doesn't have 4K content yet. I suspect we will see it this fall, and with that a second Apple TV that will do 4K. I'd guess they will have two apple tvs at that point, the current one and the 4K one at a higher cost.

They are moving so many things to 4K but till iTunes hits it, I don't think they see a point in making the apple TV do it.

And frankly, after using smart tvs, Rokus, and a few other options, Apple TV is just better. And until you use Siri to get to a program you don't know how much you will like it. It's just better.

And pictures off iCloud look fantastic on a 4K tv from an Apple TV. Absolutely fantastic.
True 4k doesn't come from streaming. It's compressed to go through your cable line so you don't hit your cap.

At this point, regarding content, there isn't much out there. Even many of the 4k blurays were filmed and Or post processed in 2k and then are upscaled to 4k because of the huge amount of money it costs to post process in 4k.

That's part of my problem with Apple; it's hard to know what the road map is, and these are significant investments for us. Aperture languished and languished for years without significant improvements; then finally was at least announced dead. And at least it's still usable. Bloomberg reported the dispersal of Airport engineers to other places (including ATV), and Apple hasn't done boo on an aging piece of hardware (2013 I think), so it's obviously toast. And when a system update breaks Airport Utility (as it did with AU 5.6), you've got a brick (got one of those; never again). And the Apple displays also just kinda fadinig away.

So yeah, maybe it'll come. But again (and again), not now, not in predictable future, and their track record of keeping up is awful. So why bother? If something fantastic and innovative came out I'd buy, but I'm not gonna buy an existed outdated product.

Yes, we get true 4k. From streaming. From PS4. From our own media.

And no, she doesn't have a secondary screen (and by the time she does, it'll be 4k as well).

And no, the HDTV does not necessarily upscale an image. 3840x2160 isn't that big for digital pictures these days, and photos already exported for use there look much better than on 1080. Even with scaled or upsampled images.

I set her up with AllCast, so she can cast to her TV already, so she's set for casting from her iPhone.

I appreciate the responses, having been unfamiliar with ATV, but we've made the decision to go elsewhere. I hope Apple does do something in the future; it sounds like many people have committed to iTunes really need it. We haven't, so we'll take options that work now. Thanks.
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