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macrumors 6502
May 4, 2001
Yeah so I want to be able to watch TV content without buying it. I've been very happy so far with NetFlix. $8.99 and I can stream content all day long. Was a little rough at first, but they've kept at it and now the quality is stunning on my 24" monitor. Also the content has really improved to the point I'm seriously considering ditching our Dish subscription and using this + the few OTA hdtv channels we can pick up.


macrumors 68020
Jan 13, 2005
Not too concerned with a DVR, but as I just sole my PS3 I would'nt mind a Blu Ray drive in one.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Nov 30, 2004
Toronto, ON
I've actually canceled my cable, and I'm selling my 1TB modified HD TIVO. Between apple TV, and my PS3 connected to a PC media server I have everything I could ever want to watch, except live events which I don't watch anyway (TIVO).

I can watch the shows I love for a lot less on the apple TV then the $100 a month for HD cable plus cost of the TIVO, and I don't have to FF through the commercials. Renting movies works great as well, and I mix that with 'free' content I torrent which automatically shows up in the pc media server when it's ready.

I always have exactly what I want to watch, wither it's something I planned ahead to download, or quick browse through the TV and movie listings. For just surfing around I have a list of favorite podcasts such as 'TED', and other less cerebral fair. This is perfect when you need to kill 20 min while the wife gets ready to go out etc. And of course everything starts from the beginning, no landing on something interesting that's already 10 min in.

The only things I don't like are:

You can only buy TV programs and they take up space. (I don't mind buying, although advertising paid shows would be good too, but it won't take long for me to use up all the storage on the apple TV this can be mitigated with proper management from iTunes however.)

I wish it could connect to a media server so then the PS3 isn't even required. Add blue ray and I'm down to just the Apple TV.

Nevertheless the HD movie rental feature makes it worth the purchase price. I haven't had to mail a DVD or go to a video store for a year now.


Exactly my experience. I think I'm close to 2 years cable free! Estimated savings ($110 x 24 months = $2,200) :D

the vj

macrumors 6502a
Nov 23, 2006
Apple questionary:

Are you using our product?

What for?

It is actually usefull?

Can you describe us more in detail what sort of things you can acomplish with it?

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Oh man a apple TV SDK and a app store would be sweet.

Wait now.... let's not go all iPhone on the Apple TV.

What I would like it to be is a full fledged Mac that connects to my TV.... like a Mac Mini Pro. That way there'd be no need for an SDK or app store ala the corny iPhone.

Merge the MacMini and Apple TV and then put full 1080p purchases in iTunes.


macrumors newbie
Apr 13, 2008
TiVo vs. Apple TV

I recently purchased a HD Tivo and I have owned an apple TV for about a year.
I am seriously considering ebaying my apple TV, now. If I could have just plugged an eyetv into my apple tv and had menu's my wife could understand, then I would never have needed to waste my time with a Tivo.

Apple, if you are listening out there - stop shipping a glorified ipod and develop a world class competitor for tivo.

also I second an app store for the apple tv. If apple shipped a decent wireless games controller for apple tv, an ap store would rock.


macrumors newbie
Jun 16, 2008
as an AppleTV owner where no iTunes store, i bought for my grandma.

she doesn't even operate a DVD player, but she can with an AppleTV, at least to watch her fav old movies, enjoying the random photos screensaver, though searching out her music is little difficult... i'm happy that can make her happy

but, it took me weeks to encode her DVD/CD, scanned & searched covers/contents, to program this as different playlists in iTunes, so they can easily sync.... and i think if Apple found a way to help me out in this process, that will be great


macrumors member
Aug 15, 2008
I thought Apple didn't care what it's users wanted.

I mean after I submitted my request for video playlists in iTunes and created an Apple discussion group about it 5 years ago in which dozens of people thought it was a great idea, they certainly took their time with that.

And not to forget the ATV Front Row 2 GUI that was even worse than the first version and is still annoying to use a year later. They certainly had to have been listening to customers when they created that.

The 3D dock in Leopard where the icons sit on a shelf - everyone wanted that.

And no one would want to play games on it. Ms. Pac-Man belongs on the iPhone.

Yeah. When Steve introduces new products, though, he does mention that customers wanted certain features. He particularly emphasized it for the aluminum Macbook. Phil also mentioned the antiglare option for the 17" Pro specifically as a customer request.

They probably do care what their customers want. They're just follow a philosophy of "saying no" to everything so they can focus on one particular thing.

Video playlists was certainly an embarrassment for them. Now, the Mac Mini going more than 18 months and counting without an update? They should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. If you're going to say no to the Mini, then discontinue it. Or even come out an say, "hey, you know, we're probably not going to update this thing for a while, so everyone who's waiting on it should buy one now." What's wrong with that?


macrumors 6502
Sep 18, 2005

Apple, If you want APPLE TV to kill everything, get HULU on that!

I second this motion. One or two more competitors will do the trick.

expand podcast selections

stop charging people for TV shows. yes I know that there are people out there that buys TV shows. To them I ask, what could possibly compel you to buy TV shows such as Heroes?:confused:

the advertising model will work over the internet just as it doesn't on TV



macrumors newbie
Nov 29, 2008
My one more thing...

These threads remind me of the old "I'd buy an iPod if only it had an FM radio!"

No, they wouldn't have, and no, you won't. The Apple TV always needs just ONE more thing and suddenly everyone would buy it!

Unless they put a Blu-Ray palyer in the thing, or sell an external one a la the MacBook Air SuperDrive, 1080p support isn't all that important to me. Nope, my "one more thing" before I'd even *think* about buying an AppleTV is codec support comparable to the VLC ( Player.

I don't want to spend the next year transcoding more than 10 years worth of digital media to yet another "format of the day" that is compatible with a single player that I'd need to replace in a year or two in order to keep up with the latest codecs.

Yes, I could plug my old G4 MacMini into my TV, I have the DVI ports for it. It's just that I don't want to use a full blown computer, particularly if Apple ever gets around to updating the MacMinis (What is it? Two years now with no refresh, amounting to bargain basement hardware at full price.), for what amounts to being an over glorified VCR. Not to mention the Apple Menu burnt into my screen last time I hooked my Mini up to the TV!

I would love to buy an AppleTV. The only thing stopping me is knowing that I won't be able to throw whatever file I have at it WITHOUT having to take it apart and make all kinds of tricky, warranty voiding, software modifications in the process.


macrumors 65816
Apr 26, 2005
Apple, If you want APPLE TV to kill everything, get HULU on that!
That has already happened. I love how so many people here get upset with each other for having strong opinions in either a positive or negative aspect regarding the AppleTV. I'm glad I can add mine :) ... The AppleTV, in its current form, blows. I realize people here love iTunes to death but being chained to a wall got old really fast for me. I highly recommend installing Boxee on your AppleTV; it's not difficult and turns the AppleTV into the media centre it always should have been. The ONLY thing it lacks for me is Netflix streaming. The Boxee team tried but just couldn't do it with the limitations of the 1GHz AppleTV processor. Install Boxee, you'll be glad you did. cheers.


macrumors 65816
Aug 8, 2004
America's Wang
I recently purchased a HD Tivo and I have owned an apple TV for about a year.
I am seriously considering ebaying my apple TV, now. If I could have just plugged an eyetv into my apple tv and had menu's my wife could understand, then I would never have needed to waste my time with a Tivo.

Apple, if you are listening out there - stop shipping a glorified ipod and develop a world class competitor for tivo.

also I second an app store for the apple tv. If apple shipped a decent wireless games controller for apple tv, an ap store would rock.


The TivoHD beats the :apple:TV in every area but user interface and amount of on-demand content. The TivoHD has access to the Amazon Unbox store for on-demand content but it is also a world class DVR and has access to Netflix's entire streaming catalog if you have an account with them too. So basically, if there isn't anything Tivoed and I don't have anything in the mail from Netflix then I have the option of renting something from Amazon or streaming an older title from Netflix. Oh and Netflix already has a really big library of titles to stream.

Basically, Apple should copy the TivoHD only make it smaller, use their cleaner interface, and add a Blu-Ray Player and they will have a winner. If they can't get deal with Netflix then they can offer unlimited subscriptions for older iTunes titles for $15 per month or less.

Hulu wouldn't hurt either. $2 per episode for TV shows is insane even with season passes saving a few bucks.

Besides a TivoHD I also happen to have a PS3 and I will say Apple does have Sony beat at least. The online catelog from Sony is expensive, there is less of it, and it takes forever to download. Plus, the interface is worse.


macrumors 68030
Jan 19, 2006
Well, this should put to rest rumors of an imminent revision that incorporates something substantially new. Market data takes quite a while to make it into new/updated products.

It looks like a long-term strategy for Apple to know its customer base. Kudos for asking! Steve usually assumes he knows what we want -- or tells us what we want. He's always been right with me! :D

Although you'd think the Hardware for the next AppleTV would be all but locked in to meet the price point by now.

So most of what they will get out of the survey will either go into software or marketing tweaks.

As others have AppStore on AppleTV would be cool, but only if they are thinking of allowing lightweight real apps to run like iWorks.

Interest they should ask about remote controls. One of the ideas floating around in Apples patent apps is method for Devices to broadcast an interface to a central control device. Get AppleTV to be the hub for that so the system still works if all the people with iPhones are out of the room. Might be interesting.


Jan 16, 2002
Denver, CO
Throw in a Blu-Ray drive in that Apple TV and I may consider buying it.

I have a hunch we'll not see BR in anything Apple any time soon, if at all.
It appears technology is moving away from physical media (be it some flavor of compact disc, hard drive, etc.) and more toward content delivery - much in the cloud computing/push content vein.

We're seeing this in iPhones & iPod touches: devices that, in conjunction with an app like Simplify Media (whose functionality I suspect we'll see in an eventual iTunes update), can remotely access iTunes Libraries via wifi (or 3G). Rendering something like a massive/more expensive 120 GB iPod a bit irrelevant when content can be delivered wirelessly to cheaper, more efficient device.

We're seeing this in the MacBook Air: a device that no longer includes an optical drive.

We're seeing this in content providers like the Netflix (and similar services): where content is streamed to devices, never once requiring any physical storage space for said content.

It's fairly clear to me that Apple not only has a firm understanding of these concepts, but are actively moving in that direction - whose side benefits include less waste.

I don't own an TV (yet). And I find it refreshing, if not long overdue, that Apple is openly seeking feedback form TV users. It's no secret may feel this device holds immense potential. And understanding what the user wants/expects is a positive step in providing the user that experience.

All in due time, I suppose. ;)


macrumors newbie
Feb 7, 2008
stop charging people for TV shows. yes I know that there are people out there that buys TV shows. To them I ask, what could possibly compel you to buy TV shows such as Heroes?:confused:

You must watch Heroes off an antenna because that's the only way you don't buy your TV shows.

I spend less then half the money I did on cable and TIVO with my apple TV AND I don't have to watch or fast forward the commercials. Plus I can watch shows that aren't being broadcast this week.

Once you get over the 'I'm buying a tv show' mentality and realize it's just pay as you go cable, with a bigger and more timely library you really realize how useful apple tv really is.

Just say'n



macrumors member
Jul 22, 2002
That has already happened. I love how so many people here get upset with each other for having strong opinions in either a positive or negative aspect regarding the AppleTV. I'm glad I can add mine :) ... The AppleTV, in its current form, blows. I realize people here love iTunes to death but being chained to a wall got old really fast for me. I highly recommend installing Boxee on your AppleTV; it's not difficult and turns the AppleTV into the media centre it always should have been. The ONLY thing it lacks for me is Netflix streaming. The Boxee team tried but just couldn't do it with the limitations of the 1GHz AppleTV processor. Install Boxee, you'll be glad you did. cheers.

QFT. The best thing Apple could do is either help Boxee get Netflix working on the existing AppleTV or release an Atom/ION AppleTV (or cut the Mini price in half :D).


macrumors 65816
Aug 8, 2004
America's Wang
QFT. The best thing Apple could do is either help Boxee get Netflix working on the existing AppleTV or release an Atom/ION AppleTV (or cut the Mini price in half :D).

Agreed. If Apple could get a Netflix deal and a Hulu deal to stream content then they could own the living room even without DVR or Blu-Ray functionality.

That said, for the average joe who probably isn't even thinking about dropping cable, DVR and/or Blu-Ray functionality would be a really big selling point.

If they put in an app store and figured out how to either releasse a Wii Remote like device (didn't they patent something like that not too long ago?) or use iPhones/iPod Touch's as input devices then they might be able to take a bite out of the gaming market as well.


macrumors 6502
Jun 29, 2007
Washington DC

These threads remind me of the old "I'd buy an iPod if only it had an FM radio!"

No, they wouldn't have, and no, you won't. The Apple TV always needs just ONE more thing and suddenly everyone would buy it!

You all don't really want one, and that's fine. But why can't you* just say that instead of making up reasons why you haven't bought one? You just don't really need one. There's nothing wrong with just saying that.

*[edit: I'm talking about the thread in general, not an individual.]

Good Idea!
You have understand that lots of kids are here just writing useless comments. Wish this was for hardcore apple fans. )


macrumors newbie
Nov 29, 2008
Purchasing TV...

stop charging people for TV shows. yes I know that there are people out there that buys TV shows. To them I ask, what could possibly compel you to buy TV shows such as Heroes?:confused:

I don't know why people do buy TV shows on iTunes. But I can tell you why I don't buy them.

The full season's pass costs almost as much as buying it on DVD. It's a digital download and, in the volumes Apple would be purchasing, bandwidth is cheap. There is also no "physical" product to manufacture, store, or transport (other than the aforementioned cheap bandwidth). You would think the price per show / season would be seriously reduced from the DVD. The problem is, its not and if I'm going to pay nearly the same cost as the show on DVD, I'm going to spend the few bucks more (and yes, it really does often only work out to a few bucks more) and buy the DVD. At least this way I have a nice shiny, quality controlled, pressed disc as backup should my computer crash, or my self made backup DVD's rot away.

And, should I later decide to exercise my right of first sale, I could sell my DVDs to someone else. Something you can't do with digital downloads.

The only way they'd get me to purchase TV on iTunes is when I purchase a full season download of a show, I also receive in the mail a DVD box set of what I just purchased. I'd even pay up to 10%-15% *more* than the Season cost for the DVDs alone if they did that.

If they did that, I could finally get rid of cable.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
These threads remind me of the old "I'd buy an iPod if only it had an FM radio!"

No, they wouldn't have, and no, you won't. The Apple TV always needs just ONE more thing and suddenly everyone would buy it!

You all don't really want one, and that's fine. But why can't you* just say that instead of making up reasons why you haven't bought one? You just don't really need one. There's nothing wrong with just saying that.

*[edit: I'm talking about the thread in general, not an individual.]

I made a list of 12 things I'd like to see in another thread ( ) and I *HAVE* already bought one...oh wait. I bought TWO, not one. So spare me the lines about what-ifs and one mores. AppleTV could do SO much more if Apple would just let it. I shouldn't have to hack it to get more services and options. At least one hack already made my movie video disappear so I had to restore and rehack even. Just so I can watch Hula.... Sheesh. Add it already Apple. Add a visualizer so I can watch something other than slideshows. Add a subscription model so I can ditch cable and don't jump ship to Netflix. Stop asking questions you don't care about and just DO IT ALREADY. It's obvious what people want and even more obvious what else it could do (say a browser like Couch Surfer, which is pretty cool to check the message forums or news sites during commercials on tv, etc.)

Meanwhile, the poll appears to be closed. I guess they don't really care to hear too MANY opinions.
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