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macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
Back in the day I was on Facebook and regularly posted my Macs to my wall, most often with my coffee. One of the reasons for my myriad of pictures here concerning those things.

With the recent restoration of my old backups to my new (used) HTC Touch Pro I thought I'd post here what was in my camera roll in September 2012. I don't believe any of these have ever been posted here, but it's possible one or two might have.

In any case, none of these Macs you see I own anymore. The desk with the two displays was my old job and the G4 and G5 there stayed with the business when it was sold.

Thought I'd make a new thread rather than posting in the typical place precisely because these Macs I do not own anymore.

Oh, yeah. That TiBook. That's a 1Ghz Titanium DVI. The screen is from my old TiBook 400. Got it for my son for $25 and swapped the display because it was broken.

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Thin bezels for the time definitely. MBP bezels got thicker actually, both with the 2006 and 2008 revisions. PB bezels were only beat by the 2016 MBP, I believe.
Thin bezels for the time definitely. MBP bezels got thicker actually, both with the 2006 and 2008 revisions. PB bezels were only beat by the 2016 MBP, I believe.

That’s actually insane, I wonder why.
Don't the AlBooks have thicker bezels than the TiBooks too? The case is 7 mm wider.
Haven't measured myself, as I have not owned a TiBook in years, but it wouldn't surprise me if the TiBook had thinner bezels. It does appear thinner in pictures.
Lovely picture gallery! I love the look of the G4 portables :)
In 2012, that's all I had. I didn't own any desktop Macs until about 2014 and that was a Quicksilver to start with.
Don't the AlBooks have thicker bezels than the TiBooks too? The case is 7 mm wider.
Yeah, the bezels on the TiBooks are thinner. I was kind of disappointed by that when I got my first 17" PB. I thought the AlBooks would be an evolution. Of course when I first used a non-unibody MBP I was even more disappointed.

Apple seems to only be all about no-bezels with it's phones.

I don't know why with all the fixation on making MBPs thin they forgot that.
Mmmmmm Steak. :cool:
I got taught to grill around the time I was 14 (mainly steak and hamburger). I have gravitated towards steak since that time and it's been a main meal for me for 35 years now. There was a small slice of time when I was 18 (in high school) and had a car. I got out at 11am from school (I had enough credits to do that), grabbed a steak from Stater Bros on the way home, broiled it and had lunch in front of the TV with the News at Noon on KCAL9. Good times!

I don't usually go to steakhouses because I can pay less and get a much bigger steak (Walmart has two packs or the thick cuts).

My wife is an excellent cook, but I'm the one that broils/grills the steaks. Of course, you have to have A-1. Somewhere in all my useless photos is another pic of a Mac and a steak and TWO bottles of A-1. Yeah, it's that important! :D
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I think the tiBook has the smallest overall bezels. The new 16” is a little smaller on the sides, but much bigger on top.

The 11” Air and and iMac just looks awful.
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I do love myself a nice Prime or Choice steak. I have the luxury of buying warehouse direct USDA choice & prime subprimals and as such will go in on a striploin or rib roast and butcher them to my preference which is thick. I have a vacuum sealer so what isn't eaten is frozen for later use.

I think my favorite finishes on a steak are:

1.) Fleur de sel & cultured butter
2.) a salted garlic herb or white truffle compound butter
3.) A-1

Some folks look down their nose at it but I absolutely have love for A-1 and slather it on a steak from time to time. Since childhood A-1 has been a finish of choice on my steaks. Truthfully, I don't believe I have ever eaten Steak with one of my macs or even in the same room. I've got some fatty choice striploins in the freezer I need to cook up so might try it.

As far as bezel size goes, it is something I have never really focused too much on but now y'all have me looking.
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I do love myself a nice Prime or Choice steak. I have the luxury of buying warehouse direct USDA choice & prime subprimals and as such will go in on a striploin or rib roast and butcher them to my preference which is thick. I have a vacuum sealer so what isn't eaten is frozen for later use.

I think my favorite finishes on a steak are:

1.) Fleur de sel & cultured butter
2.) a salted garlic herb or white truffle compound butter
3.) A-1

Some folks look down their nose at it but I absolutely have love for A-1 and slather it on a steak from time to time. Since childhood A-1 has been a finish of choice on my steaks. Truthfully, I don't believe I have ever eaten Steak with one of my macs or even in the same room. I've got some fatty choice striploins in the freezer I need to cook up so might try it.

As far as bezel size goes, it is something I have never really focused too much on but now y'all have me looking.
Number 3 please!

I have used A-1 since I discovered it (probably earlier than 14). In our house it's like ketchup. There will always be one (large) bottle in the refrigerator and one spare in the cupboard. I go through one of those maybe every month, sometimes less.

But I'm serious. There's maybe two to four steaks eaten per week, depending.

I prefer Ribeye. There was a time we were getting only Filet Mignon, but IDK, doesn't seem the same from a store. New York Strip is next (after Ribeye) and Flat Iron (which is actually very good fried in a pan instead) before that.

I have to be very, VERY hard up before I broil up a London Broil. I'd love to be in the spot where I could buy in bulk though. We have a deep freeze in the kitchen.

As far as Macs and steak…well that's just me. When I was a kid I loved to read and reading during lunch time was even better. I can usually be found reading something and eating something. I've always had a fast metabolism so I'm always hungry and my body tends to just burn through the junk food. Maybe a side effect of my immune system being 'on' all the time because of Psoriasis.

Anyway, that all translated into eating in front of a computer while simultaneously consuming either Google News stories or other items of interest. Hence, my lunch (usually a steak) and Macs. :D
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Welp... if there's ever another MR meet-up... I know who's cooking ;)

LOL. Just don't ask for anything outside of what you see here. :D You may vote me out of the meet-up! :)
This could be a Homer Simpson classic. :)
I bought a two steak set yesterday, 2.08 lbs total. Of course my wife always has to walk by and grab a piece. I have adjusted over 22 years to avoid stabbing her with my fork.
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Very nice. I’ll post a pic Monday that will make you weep - one of our 300lb capacity smokers got squished by one of our own delivery trucks.


Box of rocks doesn’t even work on our team anymore, regardless I’m reminded each day I drive up just how destructive & costly stupidity is.

Delicious looking as I’ve got a good idea what’ll come out the other end. That BBQ must smell freaking Amazeballs. Do you ever get tired of it? I haven’t but I’m a glutton so Yanno whatevs. Closest I have on my phone was some BBQ beef shoulder & smoked pulled pork Shoulder we did for a couple decent sized
localearthfest & harvest Festivals.


Erik, this was the last steak I did - ribeye with brown butter & scallops w a nice Stiegel to wash it down.


I really miss cheffing but while the mind is willing & sharp, the 40+ year old body ...Yanno not so sharp Anymore n feeling those decades of long hours. That Alongside the hours, Man in short, I want to stay married :D

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