are there things that can prevent me from leaving the house and forgetting to take my iPhone?
I used to be scatterbrained about this stuff in my 20s. But at some point I got very tired of locking myself out of my car after the gazillionth time. I started forcing myself to do what you do. Once cell phones came along I added that to the routine.A pocket-patting habit does it for me. When I know I've my car keys and phone I can go anywhere and do anything.
Use the phone for important tasks like locking your doors, or paying for items. Now you can’t leave without it.are there things that can prevent me from leaving the house and forgetting to take my iPhone?
That's save me a couple of times when I left home without my wallet and didn't realize it until I went to pay. Fortunately I had my phone and those places had ApplePay.Use the phone for important tasks like locking your doors, or paying for items. Now you can’t leave without it.
Don’t forget your wallet, lol. I learned from friends who alway say, “keys, wallet, phone” whenever they leave.A pocket-patting habit does it for me. When I know I've my car keys and phone I can go anywhere and do anything.
The slightly different trick I use is that I know it’s three items (or four in mask times), so that’s the only thing I need to remember. If it doesn’t add up to three when I walk out the door, then I forgot something.Don’t forget your wallet, lol. I learned from friends who alway say, “keys, wallet, phone” whenever they leave.
And like you, I pat my pockets. If I’m just taking keys and Apple Watch, the watch gets taps for wallet (Apple Pay) and phone (LTE).
Quite possible if you use you phone as a phone and not a computer/media device. I've done it a few times, so has my wife.How is it even possible to forgot an iPhone and leave it behind ?😂
Real easy - I don’t feel it’s a critical necessity to have with me all the time.How is it even possible to forgot an iPhone and leave it behind ?😂
Your comment immediately reminded me of that fantastic film from 2000 called Memento, do you know it?Write a reminder somewhere on your body that you are bound to see before you leave home, like the back of your hand or your ding dong so you will see it when you go to the bathroom. Or tattoo it if you are hardcore.
Remember to make a crucifixA pocket-patting habit does it for me. When I know I've my car keys and phone I can go anywhere and do anything.
just join the zombies and use your phone 18 hours a day. Trust me you will feel like you walked out without your underwear if you walk out with your phone if you are glued to it that many hours per day.are there things that can prevent me from leaving the house and forgetting to take my iPhone?