I think it's for "furries".This feels like it was made specifically for China and maybe Japan.
I don’t recall ever being less excited about a keynote anchor feature on a Apple flagship...ever....
Does it make me “uncool” if I only use iMessage and Slack?An old boss I used to work for (Korean) got us all to sign up for KaoKao talk - I definitely think it is an Asian thing - Line is kinda the same way. Lots of emojis.
I never got into those and I hate them because it slows down my typing. I'm a keyboard only type of guy. lol.
I'm just starting to use @Gif more on Telegram. Guess I'm getting old.
Does it make me “uncool” if I only use iMessage and Slack?
Your girlfriend and my wife are different in that regard then....Honestly I plan on using them whenever my girlfriend gets mad at me. There's no way she'll be able to keep a straight face when I'm trying to reason with her as a talking fox or pile of poop.
Yes I would assume they are.Your girlfriend and my wife are different in that regard then....
I won't say I would NEVER use it.
Maybe for the occasional joke or sending message to wife and kids here and there.
It sure as hell is not a tentpole feature of value to me personally. I barely use emoji now. RAAAARRREEEEEEEE.
The amount of time Apple spent on Animoji was a joke. Really? This is what the iPhone is about?
Far cry from...
They spent time on Animoji in the keynote because it’s a very clear visual demo that shows how impressive the technology used for FaceID works and what it’s capable of.