I'm still a little obsessed. If I have the watch charging at night but get up to go do anything such as hitting the loo, I put it on to get credit for standing and a few extra calories. It makes Apple Pay even more convenient, just allow me to click one button twice and stick my arm out the window at the McDonald's drive-thru when I sometimes go there late at night after work. Starbucks is similar with its pass in Passbook.
"Hey Siri" needs to work without me saying it twice, but it has become quite convenient. It also needs some more practical things to work, such as "turn on power save mode," "what's my heartbeat," "ping my iPhone," "has (insert friend) posted on Facebook recently," and the mother of all things: "play X on Apple TV."
I'm interested to see what happens with the app store. I just found some new apps that seem to be a little more helpful for health management -- pill tracking, water tracking and heart rate monitoring (showing me data). A forgetful person like me is going to be helped immensely by a lot of these apps. I pretty much want my world available on my iPhone, and this watch is like an extension of that for practical uses that can be done on the wrist.