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macrumors 65816
Oct 28, 2003
Come on Asustek!

I talked my sis into waiting for the MacBook to replace her G3 but that was last August and she is growing impatient. ;)


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
I've been working on my 12" iBook for three days (other computer is getting new logic board and processors) and it's killing me. I can't imagine 13.3" woul dbe much better. :eek: :(

JW Pepper

macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2002
MB has a photo claimed to be a mock up, I am not sure. If t is a mockup then I think they are wrong and that it is more likely to be 16x10. If it is a leak and they are correct then the 13.3inch screen looses almost an inch in height compared to the iBook:(


Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
iGary said:
I've been working on my 12" iBook for three days (other computer is getting new logic board and processors) and it's killing me. I can't imagine 13.3" woul dbe much better. :eek: :(
I think that's the difference between your uses and mine. :p Besides, I'm not used to a 30" monster of a display. I think I'd get carpal tunnel syndrome just trying to use a mouse w/ that thing.


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
devilot said:
I think that's the difference between your uses and mine. :p Besides, I'm not used to a 30" monster of a display. I think I'd get carpal tunnel syndrome just trying to use a mouse w/ that thing.

Yeah - admittedly this is the first time I have really given this thing a workout - I usually use it for travel (e-mail, web, light Photoshop).

Still, though, I thinkg a one-size fits all iBook is a bad idea.


macrumors 68040
Mar 29, 2004
Manchester, UK
iGary said:
I've been working on my 12" iBook for three days (other computer is getting new logic board and processors) and it's killing me. I can't imagine 13.3" woul dbe much better. :eek: :(

Get your eyes checked grandad :)

Seriously though I have two 12" Powerbooks as my only computers and that's all I use.

I couldn't do it on XP or linux but with expose the small screen is fine.


macrumors member
Oct 21, 2005
Link to the MB photo?

JW Pepper said: "MB has a photo claimed to be a mock up, I am not sure."

Sorry for the ignorance; I don't know where "MB" is... Do you have a link?


macrumors member
May 10, 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
12" Powerbook?

Macrumors said:
The 13.3" MacBook is said to be replacing both the current 12" and 14" iBooks.

Previously you reported that this model would also be replacing the 12" Powerbook. I'm hoping not.

Do you have any more info on whether there will be a 12" Macbook Pro?


macrumors newbie
Jun 18, 2003
The 12" iBook existed long before the 14" one was added to the product lineup. I expect that the addition of a larger Mac Book screen could be a possibility in the future, but maybe it's not ready now (or Apple isn't sure it would sell). Honestly, I never understood the 14". Less portable, but the same resolution. If the larger screen were actually a higher resolution, it would make more sense. But maybe for older eyes it's a plus, I dunno.

As for the loss of the 12" PowerBook/Mac Book Pro, I would be a bit dismayed with that. I'm a very happy 12" PowerBook user, and I would hate to have to upgrade to a 15" MBP (again, less portable) or potentially downgrade to a MB when I get a new machine in a year or so. Admittedly, the PowerBook is a dressed up iBook anyway, but I like the Aluminum and the keyboard better. And DVI out and display spanning are a must (I know about the hack, but still). If the 12" PowerBook is not replaced in the Mac Book Pro lineup, I hope Apple at least puts DVI out and display spanning in the MB. (The precedent for this has sort of been set with the Intel iMac, so I am hopeful. I do realize that "precedent" is not a sure sign, though.)


macrumors member
Jun 29, 2003
Chicago, IL
I'm not sure about the 12" and the 14" ibooks, but add the 12" powerbook in there, I can't imagine the new macbook canabalizing all three of those models.

Though, if a 13.3" core duo is about to come out, then sign me up.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
pascalpp said:
Previously you reported that this model would also be replacing the 12" Powerbook. I'm hoping not.

Do you have any more info on whether there will be a 12" Macbook Pro?

It would certainly make sense as an overlap machine.

It's really a nice size, especially if it's widescreen. I'm not a granddad, but there are a lot of people not accustomed to working with such small pixels. I'd been working on 1024x768 since the mid-1990s so it's nice to have better resolutions and having my tools out of the way certainly helps working on photos.


macrumors 6502
Feb 9, 2006
Salt Lake City
Maybe the iBook replacement at that size will have a DVI out. My old 12" PB had S-Video and RCA out, but it's just not the same. I think there was an adapter available, but I never wanted to spend the money on it.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2001
Los Angeles
I really hope this new Macbook has a really thin bezel, but with the "build an isight into everything" trend. I don't see this as possible.

As far as 13.3 being small, I think it's just about the sweet spot especially for a notebook targeted at education. I'd actually like to see them make a smaller one if they make another Macbook size... say 10".

Bigger is definately not better in this lineup. MacBook Pro will wtill have the 17" monster for those who don't mind carrying 7 pound "portables".


macrumors G3
Apr 30, 2004
if this runs motion ok (as in as well as my G4, 1.25Ghz PowerBook 15"), and has a 1280x854 or higher resolution (and there is no excuse not too), then i'll probably head for it instead of an MBP, considering my finances and all...

edit: oh, and a core duo, of course :D


macrumors 65816
Jan 10, 2006
Roeselare, Belgium
Let me just say this to Apple:


We have had dozens of reports all saying the 13.3" Macbook is coming. When will we actually see it? Please, hurry up.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
LFrascogna said:
I'm not sure about the 12" and the 14" ibooks, but add the 12" powerbook in there, I can't imagine the new macbook canabalizing all three of those models.

Though, if a 13.3" core duo is about to come out, then sign me up.

If the macbook eats all three of those models, it's going to need quite a range of options and price points. There really needs to be a ~$1k range notebook for students, as well as a much more powerful and full featured notebook for pro users who don't want to carry something bigger.

I think apple may be over simplifying at this point. If it were up to me, there would be these options:
Macbook - 13.3", 15.4"
Macbook pro - 13.3", 15.4", 17"

Yes, there are "consumer" level users who want a bigger screen, and there are "pro" users who want more portability. If apple just goes with a 13.3" macbook and only the 15" and 17" MBP, I think that would be a big, big mistake. I understand not wanting to confuse people with too many options, but having 2 lines each of which has 2 or 3 models is not too much. I don't want to shell out $2k for a MBP, but $1400 for a 15" macbook? Yeah, that could work.

And yes, please for the love of god release these. We know that the chips exist, we know they can fit in small enclosures, the current ibooks are very old now, and it's getting to be buying season for bulk educational orders. What exactly is the hold up?? :confused:
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