There is a problem in that these utilities on different distros behave differently which means reading all the different docs is not always helpful. E.g. in some you can export a symlink, but in MacOS you cannot (tried it) ...
I'm not sure what you mean by "export a symlink". Can you describe what you're doing, in what application, and what happens?
... these are iTunes Media folders and although iTunes is happy to read 'through' a symlink, it is incapable of storing files via the symlink. So the actual folders HAVE to have the correct names with spaces - both ends, as this is sharing data between iTunes on the 2 Macs.
I don't use iTunes, so I don't have experience dealing with its features or foibles. I have, however, used other apps that don't like symlinks in various capacities.
What I've done in those other cases is move the symlink so it's closer to the start of the pathname. In particular, ensure the symlink itself is not the leaf name, when that element is either a directory or a file. For example, if the app wants this directory:
and I make a symlink at this location:
that links to:
then BlackKnight may well object to that symlink. I usually assume this is because the app uses lstat() when it should probably be using stat(), either directly or indirectly.
The trick is to move the symlink up one level, e.g. make:
a symlink to:
and then make MortalWound a directory that contains a sub-dir ShallPass. Then when LameApp checks whether /Users/moi/Library/None/ShallPass is the right type and exists, the symlink is embedded deeper in the path (at None instead of at ShallPass), and so gets resolved sooner, rather than as a leaf.
Personally, I made a directory:
which I then populate with sub-dirs and symlinks, that I can point different apps to.
This trick doesn't always work, but it's worth a shot.
You might also couple this trick with explicitly changing the iTunes Media folder, as described at:
The way I'd approach that is to change it using iTunes, then quit iTunes. Poke around in the iTunes preferences file, which I'm guessing is a plist, to see if it contains the newly chosen path (there are several ways of peeking into plist files, ask if you need details) If there is an overt path in the plist, then manually edit that plist item so it contains the actual desired pathname, which contains a symlink at a level before the leaf part of the name.
If it turns out to be an alias file instead of a pathname, that's harder to deal with.