Sounds like power issues.
I’d restore and set up as new, or just take it to the Genius Bar and have them check the internal current on the device. Sounds like a failing logic board PSU.
Really? So all in the sudden both X in our family magically blow up their logic board PSU's right after IOS 12.1.4 update?
And yes, there is a huge difference in actual time how often they needs to be charged between the two (has been like that since they were new). The other one easily goes 1-2 days more between charges in actual use and it obviously has stronger battery but still they BOTH lose as much charge overnight (close to 1% per hour) and before IOS 12.1.4 it was about half of that on BOTH.
So if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I guess it is not a unicorn? Or is it?
Why not charge it while you sleep? Problem solved.
Yeah, bury head in the sand always works, but I'm not one of those who like to do that either. I rather try to find a reason for something rather than just letting it be. In this case I just hope it is not something intentional, like somehow related to Qualcomm legal issues (mine has Intel chips) forcing them to disable some features.
I’m having the same issue. Had it on the 8 plus and now on xs (I upgraded 10 days ago). Reset and set up as new didn’t solve the problem. Worst iOS ever, I never had this kind of problems with my phones. Though for my ipads works like a charm. Apple Watch, instead, is the same as iPhone. Looses 15-20% no matter if I put it in airplane mode or not.
Your IOS battery chart looks pretty much identical to what I have seen in both of our iPhone X. Just like yours, this chart confirms no apps running in background but battery still draining more than normal overnight. Even putting in low power mode does not change much, maybe tiny bit less drain but still way too high. However my iWatch also uses more power than before but not that much as yours.
Do you know if your iPhones have Intel or Qualcomm chipset?
I haven't kept track of my iPad so closely but I think even that uses a little more than usual but it is hard to say for sure as it uses so little power in standby still but usually it did not much drop much all when it was not in use but now it often has lower percentage than the last time I used it.