Horrible. Drains much faster than 8.2 ever did. I've given it 24+ hours and done a Hard Reset twice and still is horrible. Anyone else seeing this happening?
I always find that battery usage goes up after an update because we are using our phones more to test the effects of the update.
Mine actually seems better on 8.3?
3pm local time here at the moment, been off charge since 7:30am and sitting at 84% still. WiFi/Bluetooth, push, all movements (background perspective display) on, about 25% brightness. Using standard stuff like SMS, Facebook/Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat throughout the day etc... *shrugs* seems good to me!
I've only been through one charge since I went to 8.3 and it's better than 8.2 for me. Time will tell, I've never had any issues with my 6 on iOS 8 it's always been much better than my 5S was on iOS 7~.
My 6+ went from full charge down to 39% in about 6 hours, which was highly unusual before 8.3. However, that's most likely because it keeps timing out trying to connect via Wi-Fi to my Exchange profile at work. Good chance that it's unrelated to whatever could be causing your battery problems.
8.1.2 and prior I used to hit 12 hours usage consistently on my 6+. There were many days I even hit 14 hours. Now since updating to 8.2/3 it's a struggle to reach 9 or 10 hours. I do a full restore and setup as new each update that's come out. 8.3 has been better than 8.2 though only slightly.