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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


Ad via Business Insider

For those still looking to buy an iPad 2, Sunday, April 17th may be a good time to try. Both Best Buy and Toys R' Us are advertising iPad 2 availability for that day. Best Buy is featuring a prominent nationwide ad for Sunday promoting the iPad 2 (see above). The promotion appears to be the reason why Best Buy was previously holding back iPad 2 sales. Engadget publishes the internal memo describing the promotion.

Meanwhile, 9to5mac reports Toys R' Us is also using the same day to kick off their iPad 2 sales. Toys R' Us was previously rumored to soon begin carrying the iPad 2. Toys R' Us' website now lists locations that will be carrying the iPad 2.

Article Link: Best Buy and Toys R' Us Selling iPads on Sunday


macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2010
Why is this on the front page? It's like saying that WalMart is now selling a junk tablet. Except this article says that Toys R Us and Best Buy is now selling iPads. This isn't front page news.


macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2006
somewhere else
Why is this on the front page? It's like saying that WalMart is now selling a junk tablet. Except this article says that Toys R Us and Best Buy is now selling iPads. This isn't front page news.
But it is. It represents a lot of points of distribution.

That's a big deal for retail consumer electronics.


macrumors 6502
Jul 31, 2010
Ahh, Geez... First they make a new Final Cut Pro out of iMovie, and now they're selling the iPad at Toys 'R' Us??? :eek:

Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jun 17, 2009
I can't wait for Apple to start selling this somewhere pleasant. :(

Like the apple store?

Lol, Joking....The Apple store, while certainly a "neat" place, has never been an all-around pleasant experience for me. The place is constantly packed to the brim with people just gawking and getting whatever they just picked up at the food court thoroughly smeared all over everything while they check facebook.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2009
people may think this is bad, but actually it's a perfect plan make it the only consumer tablet that anyone sees anywhere and kids make up a huge chunk of what parents purchase. They'll be saying iPad and Apple before Dadda and Mamma


macrumors 601
Feb 8, 2009
How. Many. Full. Stops. Do. They. Want. To. Cram. Into. One. Advert? Have they ever heard of the comma? It's this really useful little squiggle that can be used to separate items in a list.


macrumors newbie
Feb 12, 2006

Just a heads up, Best Buy got into a bit of trouble for holding inventory and were told by apple to sell ipads if were in stock. Good luck finding any tomorrow....


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
How. Many. Full. Stops. Do. They. Want. To. Cram. Into. One. Advert? Have they ever heard of the comma? It's this really useful little squiggle that can be used to separate items in a list.

Does not use comic sans. FAIL! ;)


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2006
Toys R Us...Apple is SERIOUS about positioning the iPad for gaming and entertainment...maybe even education. I can see an iPad waterproof enclosure in the near future.


macrumors 68000
Oct 16, 2008
It's both sad and sickening to see how many Apple fanboys are elitists who only want Apple products to be sold at upscale stores. Such fanboys want Apple products to be regarded as high-end fashion accessories and status symbols. What a shame that Apple has such a feminized culture associated with it. I miss the days when Apple products were regarded as tools for accomplishing tasks.


macrumors member
Jul 30, 2006
LA area
Just a heads up, Best Buy got into a bit of trouble for holding inventory and were told by apple to sell ipads if were in stock. Good luck finding any tomorrow....

Almost all stores didn't listen to that email that was sent out. They continued to sell only reserved items. I have heard that most of the Apple employees from within the stores liked it better that way. They get asked 4x the questions about an iPad as they do compared to a notebook or iMac. They get "graded" by their selling numbers. Time = Money. If you can spend half the time for something starting at 2x more money, which would you choose?


macrumors regular
Jan 18, 2010
Oh boy, get up early Sunday morning to wait in line with scalpers...

I won't wait in line either... but I do hope this helps satisfy demand. Lack of availability is getting to be an old/tiresome story. I want to buy an iPad, but don't want to stand in line from 3 AM to do so.
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