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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 11, 2014
I finally got tired of waiting for my MacBook to ship from Apple (i ordered BTO 1.3).

I get on BestBuy's website, and they offer the option of having the base model device delivered via 2 day shipping no problem....

Apple doesn't even have stock online or in stores!

So I decided to go ahead and order a base model from BestBuy and plan to test out the 1.1 model before my 1.3 model gets to me.

I looked over the return policy for BestBuy, but wanted to make sure that there weren't any loops or watch outs. Is it fair to say that after delivery, i have 15 days to test drive the 1.1 model and then as long as i return within 15 days, I will get a full refund? Just want to make sure before I open the seal, etc.


macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2005
I finally got tired of waiting for my MacBook to ship from Apple (i ordered BTO 1.3).

I get on BestBuy's website, and they offer the option of having the base model device delivered via 2 day shipping no problem....

Apple doesn't even have stock online or in stores!

So I decided to go ahead and order a base model from BestBuy and plan to test out the 1.1 model before my 1.3 model gets to me.

I looked over the return policy for BestBuy, but wanted to make sure that there weren't any loops or watch outs. Is it fair to say that after delivery, i have 15 days to test drive the 1.1 model and then as long as i return within 15 days, I will get a full refund? Just want to make sure before I open the seal, etc.

that's such a crappy thing to do. no intention of buying to keep the item. it's no wonder places like best buy scan drivers license and ban returns.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 3, 2011
So I decided to go ahead and order a base model from BestBuy and plan to test out the 1.1 model before my 1.3 model gets to me.
That's completely idiotic, what a waste of a perfectly fine computer. Now Best Buy will loose money on that computer, just because you want to play with it sooner? Just go to an Apple store and play with it there.


macrumors 65816
Jun 20, 2006
I am amazed how many people think it's okay to "borrow" new merchandise and return it as used when done playing. That's why car dealers won't allow it. Some folks would "buy" a Corvette, use it for the prom then return it.


macrumors 6502
Oct 9, 2008
Now Best Buy will loose money on that computer, just because you want to play with it sooner?

First of all, no they won't. Worst case it'll be returned to Apple and refurbished or they'll put it out as open item and get reimbursed by Apple for the difference.

Second, THEY SET THE RULES. Those rules are there to make sure you don't have a lot of upset customers complaining about buying things they use for a day and decide they don't like [or that don't suit their intended usage]

Third, WHO GIVES A ****??? They're a corporation. They sell your information and purchase history for money on the side. YOU ARE A PRODUCT TO THEM, not a person. You're nothing but profit margin. They're gonna keep their high turn around profit policy, their "always over on hours" philosophy, and their "minimum wage only until we replace you" pay grades.

Caveat Emptor works both ways.

O/P: I think what you're doing makes a lot of sense. This way you can find out sooner rather than later whether or not the new macbook fits your needs or not, and you can then know in advance if you're going to return one of them or BOTH of them. [or neither of them, who knows ^^]


macrumors 6502a
Mar 2, 2013
Third, WHO GIVES A ****??? They're a corporation. They sell your information and purchase history for money on the side. YOU ARE A PRODUCT TO THEM, not a person. You're nothing but profit margin. They're gonna keep their high turn around profit policy, their "always over on hours" philosophy, and their "minimum wage only until we replace you" pay grades.

Something about two wrongs comes to mind... :rolleyes:


macrumors P6
Oct 1, 2007
you might find yourself delighted with the base config and might not need the beefier specs.

Though I think double storage has its ramifications, I don't really see the merit in going high end on a mobile version of Broadwell with its limitations as a Pro comparable workhorse.

I'd rather spend the money elsewhere or keep it in the pocket for a refresh way down the road, and did exactly that :D


Third, WHO GIVES A ****??? They're a corporation. They sell your information and purchase history for money on the side. YOU ARE A PRODUCT TO THEM, not a person. You're nothing but profit margin. They're gonna keep their high turn around profit policy, their "always over on hours" philosophy, and their "minimum wage only until we replace you" pay grades.

I wouldn't hate on best buy that hard. I personally love them. Yes, love. Last big box store remaining.

I don't need a retail employees expertise, I need them to have what I want and to be able to get in and out without the dog and pony show like I've never owned a computer or used one before. My experiences there check off all those criteria. Including one gold base mode coming in and me snatching it up, and the employees being kind of curious but also indifferent about the new product. one person said i got the retina pro but it seems interesting, another girl said as long as you're ok with one port seems nice.



macrumors 6502a
Apr 8, 2008
First of all, no they won't. Worst case it'll be returned to Apple and refurbished or they'll put it out as open item and get reimbursed by Apple for the difference.

Second, THEY SET THE RULES. Those rules are there to make sure you don't have a lot of upset customers complaining about buying things they use for a day and decide they don't like [or that don't suit their intended usage]

Third, WHO GIVES A ****??? They're a corporation. They sell your information and purchase history for money on the side. YOU ARE A PRODUCT TO THEM, not a person. You're nothing but profit margin. They're gonna keep their high turn around profit policy, their "always over on hours" philosophy, and their "minimum wage only until we replace you" pay grades.

Clearly you don't understand how a company works. That loss will be built into the cost on the next version of the product. A company will not lose money over it, they will just get it out of you later. It is still a pretty crappy thing to do and not what a return policy is for.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 11, 2014
Whoa Whoa Whoa.

Plain and simple, I want to make sure that the extra $250 I spent was justified. How is this any different than me getting the base model on release day and then returning it because I want the extra CPU?

I'm not doing anything nefarious or ethically wrong here. There is a return policy for a reason. If they wanted me to pay a restocking fee, I would.

You want nefarious (although capitalist is a better word), check out eBay for the new MacBook. I could easily sell the base model for $500+ what I paid for it if I don't want it. IF I'm not pleased with the base, then I won't be taking that route. I will be returning it in accordance with BestBuy policy.

Good grief.


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2014
I agree with the posts above. At least in my area, Best Buy is the last big-box retailer that has decent customer service, no-questions return policy (although they do take you DL info), a great selection and always has the latest and greatest in stock whether it be retina MBs or a freakin refrigerator. While I do returns from time to time, none of them were to "borrow" a product.

Whether they're a corporation is irrelevant to me. They treat me well so I treat them well back. No need to hate on them just because they're in it for the business.


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
you might find yourself delighted with the base config and might not need the beefier specs.

Though I think double storage has its ramifications, I don't really see the merit in going high end on a mobile version of Broadwell with its limitations as a Pro comparable workhorse.

I'd rather spend the money elsewhere or keep it in the pocket for a refresh way down the road, and did exactly that :D


I wouldn't hate on best buy that hard. I personally love them. Yes, love. Last big box store remaining.

I don't need a retail employees expertise, I need them to have what I want and to be able to get in and out without the dog and pony show like I've never owned a computer or used one before. My experiences there check off all those criteria. Including one gold base mode coming in and me snatching it up, and the employees being kind of curious but also indifferent about the new product. one person said i got the retina pro but it seems interesting, another girl said as long as you're ok with one port seems nice.


Yes to that. It is getting harder and harder to find stores where you can actually go in and put your hands on something before you buy it. Best Buy isn't perfect but they are just about the Last Man Standing in that sector.


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
Whoa Whoa Whoa.

Plain and simple, I want to make sure that the extra $250 I spent was justified. How is this any different than me getting the base model on release day and then returning it because I want the extra CPU?

I'm not doing anything nefarious or ethically wrong here. There is a return policy for a reason. If they wanted me to pay a restocking fee, I would.

You want nefarious (although capitalist is a better word), check out eBay for the new MacBook. I could easily sell the base model for $500+ what I paid for it if I don't want it. IF I'm not pleased with the base, then I won't be taking that route. I will be returning it in accordance with BestBuy policy.

Good grief.

It's the internet, all people interact with is the screen - don't take it personally. Easy to say, not always easy to do...


macrumors 6502a
Mar 2, 2013
Yes to that. It is getting harder and harder to find stores where you can actually go in and put your hands on something before you buy it. Best Buy isn't perfect but they are just about the Last Man Standing in that sector.

Yeah, I have a BB 10min from my house. I'd prefer Microcenter, but they're about an hour away :(


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
Yeah, I have a BB 10min from my house. I'd prefer Microcenter, but they're about an hour away :(

I have a MC that's quite close and I prefer them to BB for computer items, but their store count is vastly smaller than Best Buy so they actually didn't come to mind when I was writing that.

It's a little ironic and I hope not a sign of things to come that one of the local Best Buy stores is in a store that used to be a Circuit City...

Semi-germane to the thread: I always feel a little (just a little) badly returning things to Best Buy or Microcenter. If I'm really buying an Apple machine for T&E, I will try to buy it from Apple. Why? Partly because I think they can afford the loss on the return better, and partly because honestly their returns policy almost makes a bet with you that you'll love their stuff. Rather than returns being a necessity, Apple seems to embrace it.


macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2005
Whoa Whoa Whoa.

Plain and simple, I want to make sure that the extra $250 I spent was justified. How is this any different than me getting the base model on release day and then returning it because I want the extra CPU?

I'm not doing anything nefarious or ethically wrong here. There is a return policy for a reason. If they wanted me to pay a restocking fee, I would.

You want nefarious (although capitalist is a better word), check out eBay for the new MacBook. I could easily sell the base model for $500+ what I paid for it if I don't want it. IF I'm not pleased with the base, then I won't be taking that route. I will be returning it in accordance with BestBuy policy.

Good grief.
what sense does that make? you're willing to pay a restocking fee...which are usually make sure it makes sense to spend another $250?

You're impatient and don't want to wait. And you're doing it at someone else's expense....LITERALLY.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
I hate BB personally. They never have anything I want and when they do have it, they charge more than everyone else that has the same or similar item. I am glad some people are having wonderful experiences with them. I will give BB another shot.


macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2005
I hate BB personally. They never have anything I want and when they do have it, they charge more than everyone else that has the same or similar item. I am glad some people are having wonderful experiences with them. I will give BB another shot.

they have changed over the past couple years. I used to really dislike them. but i go in knowing exactly what I want. most of the time i order online for in store pickup and don't have to deal with customer service at all really.

Now back in the day, i couldn't stand them. But think of it this way, if they go out of business....if you want something local you'll have to go to Walmart. NO thanks!


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
they have changed over the past couple years. I used to really dislike them. but i go in knowing exactly what I want. most of the time i order online for in store pickup and don't have to deal with customer service at all really.

Now back in the day, i couldn't stand them. But think of it this way, if they go out of business....if you want something local you'll have to go to Walmart. NO thanks!

Walmart is dead to me. It's just not in the cards.


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
Whoa Whoa Whoa.

Plain and simple, I want to make sure that the extra $250 I spent was justified. How is this any different than me getting the base model on release day and then returning it because I want the extra CPU?
Except you already bought one from Apple and you said you were "tired of waiting." People always try to justify their actions. :rolleyes:


I hate BB personally. They never have anything I want and when they do have it, they charge more than everyone else that has the same or similar item. I am glad some people are having wonderful experiences with them. I will give BB another shot.

You know they do price match, right? ;)


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2014
Except you already bought one from Apple and you said you were "tired of waiting." People always try to justify their actions. :rolleyes:


You know they do price match, right? ;)

Best Buy's price match is actually pretty good. They can do it on any register and all they have to do is look up the price online.

Compare that to Fry's where they need a manager specific to the department to approve it, fill out special forms, do it at a special counter and depending on the $ value of the discount requires the price match to be escalated to a higher manager. Talk about red tape!!!

Ray Brady

macrumors 6502
Dec 21, 2011
How is this any different than me getting the base model on release day and then returning it because I want the extra CPU?

I'm not doing anything nefarious or ethically wrong here. There is a return policy for a reason.

The difference is you specifically stated you have no intention of keeping this device. The return policy exists so that you have the luxury of changing your mind. If you decide to swap up to a faster processor at the same store, so much the better for them. In the situation you've described, Best Buy is going to incur a loss from you, and you know this from the outset. That's the unethical part.


macrumors regular
Oct 30, 2012
Not the same I realize, but I am returning mine to Apple and getting the same model from Best Buy at 10% discount. If I had known Best Buy was going to have stock delivered this week I never would have ordered from Apple.


macrumors member
Oct 22, 2014
The Woodlands
I finally got tired of waiting for my MacBook to ship from Apple (i ordered BTO 1.3).

I get on BestBuy's website, and they offer the option of having the base model device delivered via 2 day shipping no problem....

Apple doesn't even have stock online or in stores!

So I decided to go ahead and order a base model from BestBuy and plan to test out the 1.1 model before my 1.3 model gets to me.

I looked over the return policy for BestBuy, but wanted to make sure that there weren't any loops or watch outs. Is it fair to say that after delivery, i have 15 days to test drive the 1.1 model and then as long as i return within 15 days, I will get a full refund? Just want to make sure before I open the seal, etc.

You will feel better about the whole thing if you wait for what you want.
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