Thanks, I did try that too a few days ago and it wasn't entirely successful. It was successful in one place where I noticed the issue: PDFs attached to mail in my Outlook app turned to generic icons but this was resolved after running the procedures above. But, I still have generic icons in a few other places.I tried this How to Clear Icon Cache on Mac (, but with no succes.
BTW I also have blank icons in "last used" menu.
Thanks for pointing to an existing thread about this issue. I'll peruse it.This sounds similar to the issue I noted in an earlier thread
I have not found a solution for PDF icons in the dock - they display as blank icons when in a dock folder, but they display properly in the same folder when opened in finder. I am chalking it up to some sort of quirk in Ventura.
Good to hear others confirm it too.
I think it's a bug in macOS Ventura. Have same with archiver software. No workaround yet.
[NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace iconForFile:(NSString *)];
So everyone reading this knows the issue is caused by the use of this API:
Objective-C:[NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace iconForFile:(NSString *)];
Any file that has a custom icon set but has a default one from Apple will render blank when using that method. This should be reported to Apple and cross fingers they fix this before the next “major” macOS.
More info here:
Ventura issue rendering custom document icons (Fixed in macOS Ventura 13.4) · Issue #1177 · aonez/Keka
👉 Fixed in macOS Ventura 13.4 Keka version: [ 1.2.57 (5068)] macOS version: [macOS 13.0 (22A380)] The icon is displayed normally in the download folder, but the icon is displayed abnormally in the
I don’t fully understand but appreciate knowing that this is now a big recognized by the community and not something unique to my computer.
I hope Apple fixes this in their next dot release. Someone in the cited form suggests Apple might not fix it until macOS 14. I hope not. Why would Apple delay a fix?
Yup. I can confirm too that this hasn’t been fixed.Same situation in my case, no fix :/