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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
I upgraded to Ventura last night, and can't seem to solve one minor issue. I have a folder pinned to my dock which contains aliases to several documents (PDFs, Word, Excel) that I use frequently. Before the upgrade, the icons for each alias in the folder showed the correct icon for the corresponding file type. But since the upgrade, they all display a generic terminal icon like the one below.


The strange thing is that when I open the folder containing these aliases in Finder, all the correct icons are displayed

Anyone know how to fix this?


Apr 16, 2020
If you open each of those aliases so that the apps are launched, do the icons revert correctly?


macrumors 65816
Aug 1, 2013
St. Augustine, FL
In one of the Betas I had a similar issue with Excel and what happened was some how the last letter was left off. In other words instead of .xls it just showed .xl So I added the s and then it worked fine. Have no idea if that is the issue but it was on a Beta. Mine is working fine on the final version.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
In one of the Betas I had a similar issue with Excel and what happened was some how the last letter was left off. In other words instead of .xls it just showed .xl So I added the s and then it worked fine. Have no idea if that is the issue but it was on a Beta. Mine is working fine on the final version.
Good thought - I checked, and all the extensions are correct. So no dice.
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Apr 16, 2020
Even though they're opening with the correct app, do they change if you reassociate the Open With?


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
you probably have to re-paste the icons you want. i lost some alias icons early in the beta cycle. recreating them with the icons i wanted fixed it.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
you made new aliases from the folders? then pasted icons onto the aliases? you can then try force-quitting the finder... see if it 'refreshes' correcly...
Yes to all. Also tried deleting the dock preferences and redoing from scratch. And rebooting several times. No difference.


macrumors newbie
Nov 14, 2021
This happened to my aliases for my Bootcamp part. after upgrading macOS to ventura. I manually reverted them back by going into /system/library and get info on a system folder, copied the icon and then get info on the bootcamp folders and pasted. Then they were fixed. If i just did get info on the bootcamp folders and deleted the icon to restore original over original, they were still white aliases... so i would suggest going into your applications folder, get info on the app, copy the icon, get info on the aliases and paste it. see if that resolved it.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
Yes to all. Also tried deleting the dock preferences and redoing from scratch. And rebooting several times. No difference.
huh, worked for me...

try, perhaps, making new folders and aliases, with the icons you want, and moving all the content from the older folder to a new folder. just a thought...


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
This happened to my aliases for my Bootcamp part. after upgrading macOS to ventura. I manually reverted them back by going into /system/library and get info on a system folder, copied the icon and then get info on the bootcamp folders and pasted. Then they were fixed. If i just did get info on the bootcamp folders and deleted the icon to restore original over original, they were still white aliases... so i would suggest going into your applications folder, get info on the app, copy the icon, get info on the aliases and paste it. see if that resolved it.
I tried to follow this, but I am not sure how to copy the icon from the "get info" screen.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
huh, worked for me...

try, perhaps, making new folders and aliases, with the icons you want, and moving all the content from the older folder to a new folder. just a thought...
Will try this to see if it works.

Edit - tried, with same result. Brand new folder, brand new aliases (for different files than in my original folder). In the Finder window, the aliases display the correct icon. But when the folder is placed in the dock, the icons in the dock folder show up as the terminal looking icon in my initial post.


macrumors newbie
Nov 14, 2021
I tried to follow this, but I am not sure how to copy the icon from the "get info" screen.
when you launch the get info window, click the small icon in the top left. it will be outlined in dark blue. hold command and press c. to paste it on the other get info, do the same but hold command and press v.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
when you launch the get info window, click the small icon in the top left. it will be outlined in dark blue. hold command and press c. to paste it on the other get info, do the same but hold command and press v.
Got it. Just tried this, and did not fix the problem.


macrumors member
Apr 21, 2010
I have the same behavior here - so maybe it's just a Ventura bug.
I have a few aliases to Numbers documents and a folder in one folder and that is pinned to the taskbar.
The numbers aliases show up with the Terminal icon, the folder alias shows with a completely blank (=blank page) icon.

I deleted the alias-folder, created it again, recreated all aliases, rebooted, still the same.

The aliases are all created without any file extensions (same behavior as in Monterey). Interestingly, when I followed the tip to "add the original file extension" (so .numbers) to the alias, it DID actually change the icon to the numbers file icon. When I then deleted the ".numbers" file extension, it still displayed the file extension in the stack. I had to delete the alias and then undo the delete, and the stack is now displaying the aliases without the extension but with the numbers icon.

Did not work for the folder though, as I guess it has no extension ;)


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
I have the same behavior here - so maybe it's just a Ventura bug.
I have a few aliases to Numbers documents and a folder in one folder and that is pinned to the taskbar.
The numbers aliases show up with the Terminal icon, the folder alias shows with a completely blank (=blank page) icon.

I deleted the alias-folder, created it again, recreated all aliases, rebooted, still the same.

The aliases are all created without any file extensions (same behavior as in Monterey). Interestingly, when I followed the tip to "add the original file extension" (so .numbers) to the alias, it DID actually change the icon to the numbers file icon. When I then deleted the ".numbers" file extension, it still displayed the file extension in the stack. I had to delete the alias and then undo the delete, and the stack is now displaying the aliases without the extension but with the numbers icon.

Did not work for the folder though, as I guess it has no extension ;)
Great tip! This worked for the Word and Excel aliases. Unfortunately, the PDF aliases are now just white rectangles (no worse than before I guess, just different).


macrumors newbie
Dec 4, 2022
Hi there,

I was having the same problem and just found that if I drag the original file into the dock, that becomes an alias and retains the correct icon. And the original file also remains where you saved it. Previously I was creating an alias, putting it on my desktop and then putting it into the dock. So I was creating an alias on top of an alias. While it worked fine in Monterey, it did not in Ventura. But if I have the alias in my dock, I really do not need it on the desk top as well. I can create an alias and put it on the desktop and it retains the correct icon. But somehow putting an alias of an alias in the dock no longer works.

I hope this helps.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
Hi there,

I was having the same problem and just found that if I drag the original file into the dock, that becomes an alias and retains the correct icon. And the original file also remains where you saved it. Previously I was creating an alias, putting it on my desktop and then putting it into the dock. So I was creating an alias on top of an alias. While it worked fine in Monterey, it did not in Ventura. But if I have the alias in my dock, I really do not need it on the desk top as well. I can create an alias and put it on the desktop and it retains the correct icon. But somehow putting an alias of an alias in the dock no longer works.

I hope this helps.
Thanks for your reply about this. In my case, I am not adding aliases directly to the dock, but instead, I have one folder on the dock that contains the aliases. Unfortunately, dragging the file into this folder moves the file into the folder rather than creating an alias, so the workaround you outlined doesn't apply in my situation. My setup always worked just fine prior to Ventura, but something has obviously changed to break it. I still have not been able to fix it, so it is just a minor thing to live with and hope that it eventually gets unbroken in a future OS update.


macrumors newbie
Dec 4, 2022
I don't know if this will help, but I just tried the following and it worked. In my documents folder I created a folder called TEST Dock. I put that folder in the dock. It also remains in the documents folder. Then in documents I added several files to that folder and they all appeared in the folder on the dock as alias files. What showed in the dock as an icon was a mini version of the most recent file put in the folder, but if you click on it you can see all of your files. Bottom line, when I put the files in the TEST Dock folder under documents, they all become alias files on the dock.
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