Coming from a 6s Plus. Didn't want to wait for the new ones, which will all be 'home button less', which I don't care for. Loved the form factor of my 6s Plus, not going to be disappointed with the 8 Plus, I imagine...
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with it and I’m due to upgrade now too and plan to get the iPhone 8.
I’m not comfortable paying full current retail price for a phone that will be discounted in about 3 weeks though. You could have saved a couple of hundred quid.
Coming from a 6s Plus. Didn't want to wait for the new ones, which will all be 'home button less', which I don't care for. Loved the form factor of my 6s Plus, not going to be disappointed with the 8 Plus, I imagine...
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with it and I’m due to upgrade now too and plan to get the iPhone 8.
I’m not comfortable paying full current retail price for a phone that will be discounted in about 3 weeks though. You could have saved a couple of hundred quid.
Coming from a 6s Plus. Didn't want to wait for the new ones, which will all be 'home button less', which I don't care for. Loved the form factor of my 6s Plus, not going to be disappointed with the 8 Plus, I imagine...
In the sense of what the iPhone 8 is, it’s still very much relevant in terms of the technology and you will still receive at least four years of iOS updates, the only sacrifices that you don’t have is specific features of the iPhone X, but not everybody needs that either. All that matters is that you find what’s relevant to your situation.
Space Grey, always go for that (my 6S was the same). Picked Space Grey for my iPad Pro as well. 64gb for the iPhone, 256Gb for the iPad Pro...Congrats, what color did you get?
It's basically an iPhone X without the new gizmos, same processor, same memory...
Space Grey, always go for that (my 6S was the same). Picked Space Grey for my iPad Pro as well. 64gb for the iPhone, 256Gb for the iPad Pro...
Christmas came came early this, enjoy in good health.
Now all that’s missing is a space grey Apple Watch![]()
you probably could have waited a few weeks and bought an essentially brand new 8+ for half price from the hoards of desperate people trying to sell their 8+ to buy an X or X+
I agree that that may take a little getting used to, but I didn't really use the headphone jack on my 6s that much, actually. So not a great loss there... Still have an 5G 30gb iPod classic (still going strong after 12 years !!) and mostly use that for my music listening on the go (not really into streaming music...). Only use the iPhone for music in the car with Carplay...I just did that upgrade. Pleased with mine. Still getting used to the headphone dongle though...
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with it and I’m due to upgrade now too and plan to get the iPhone 8.
I’m not comfortable paying full current retail price for a phone that will be discounted in about 3 weeks though. You could have saved a couple of hundred quid.
I did a lot of research before buying my 8plus and love it. Best iphone i have ever ownedComing from a 6s Plus. Didn't want to wait for the new ones, which will all be 'home button less', which I don't care for. Loved the form factor of my 6s Plus, not going to be disappointed with the 8 Plus, I imagine...
I prefer not to buy used, especially mobile stuff. Mac desktops, maybe...
Feels like Christmas to be getting all that in the mail at once lol!Perhaps, although a couple of hundred might be pushing it a bit - I assume the 8 will come down to the current price of the 7. But I placed a combined order of a new 27 inch iMac, iPad Pro and iPhone. Didn't want to wait, so. And I got a good deal on the iMac which sort of counters paying full price for the iPhone...
Coming from a 6s Plus. Didn't want to wait for the new ones, which will all be 'home button less', which I don't care for. Loved the form factor of my 6s Plus, not going to be disappointed with the 8 Plus, I imagine...
I can easily say my 8+ is my favorite iPhone yet. While there are times I wish I had a smaller overall phone, the battery life and the screen are definitely worth it. Not to mention I never thought I'd appreciate wireless charging as much as I do. Congrats on your new phone!
If and when the Airpower launches, Thats something I want to add to the experience. Assuming the price is not ridiculous, then it something I will add to the X this Fall. I suspect it launch during the September Keynote.
What is the 8 Plus screen like in direct bright sunlight? Just curious as I notice my Apple Watch OLED screen can be read easily, but my 6S is a bit washed out.
Absolutely fine for me.
I guess my experience is different from yours. I think even at full brightness in direct sunlight with Apples LCD panel, I find it difficult to read. But again, just to reiterate, that’s in full sunlight, outside with the brightness maxed and I think OLED benefits here somewhat better.