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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
What rotten luck. I bought a refrub 27" iMac from apple, because I wanted that apple warranty. Good thing I did. Couldnt afford a new one, and the memory upgrade ability was a MUST HAVE for me.

The first day, it started emitting a PAINFULLY loud screatching tone from the speakers.

This happen even with the volume all the way down. Seems pretty random. It doesnt crash the machine, it simply nearly makes you deaf its so loud and somewhat high pitched. While its screaching, changing the volume has no effect. Then it just stops. And will do it again a bit later.

I was so excited to buy my first Mac ever...... this is a real bummer.

I really need this computer RIGHT NOW. Whats the fastest way to get this thing fixed or replaced? Am I going to have to ship it back and wait a full round trip? I have a lot of work to do on it and need it ASAP.


macrumors 603
Jul 20, 2006
Munich, Germany
What rotten luck. I bought a refrub 27" iMac from apple, because I wanted that apple warranty. Good thing I did. Couldnt afford a new one, and the memory upgrade ability was a MUST HAVE for me.

The first day, it started emitting a PAINFULLY loud screatching tone from the speakers.

This happen even with the volume all the way down. Seems pretty random. It doesnt crash the machine, it simply nearly makes you deaf its so loud and somewhat high pitched. While its screaching, changing the volume has no effect. Then it just stops. And will do it again a bit later.

I was so excited to buy my first Mac ever...... this is a real bummer.

I really need this computer RIGHT NOW. Whats the fastest way to get this thing fixed or replaced? Am I going to have to ship it back and wait a full round trip? I have a lot of work to do on it and need it ASAP.
Call Apple and ask for a replacement Mac. Ask them to keep this one till the replacement comes and the send the defective one back.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
Awesome! Thats what I want to hear.

I need this computer for work on monday... old windows computer already sold to a friend.

If they tell me they have to ship it in, and ship it back.... that will take 2 weeks and ill flip out.

I cant deal with a loaner for 2 weeks. Installing all the software and then removing it... then installing again... arrgggh. Dont need this headache right now. Im super busy.


macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
Well, keep in mind there's no guarantee that you'll be in and out with a brand new Mac. It's POSSIBLE if you're still within your 14 day return period. You might also plead your case that you need this for work on Monday.

Typical procedure though is that they take it in and order the parts needed and do repairs, which can take a couple of days. Even so, this will be faster than shipping it in.
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macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
Definitely make the genius appointment and bring it in and see what they do for you from there.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
Got an appointment tonight. Really hope they can solve my issue.
I need a working Mac monday morning.

The learning curve from windows is bad enough to deal with this week.
Getting used to the mouse and keyboard changes takes time.... stressing.
But I know its going to be AWESOME once im in the groove.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Just a thought...

Are you sure you're not getting feedback from having the internal microphone on and feeding back through the speakers?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
Not feedback. Sound card is flaky I think. Integrated into motherboard???

Anything that causes a sound, *sometimes* triggers it. Then it cuts out after several seconds.

Here is a video

It does this with the sound on mute too.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
The only things connected to this iMac are the power cord and ethernet cable. Thats it.

It did this yesterday before I had done anything to it at all.

Then went through the OS X upgrade, and added photoshop and lightroom. Still doing it.

(Also, im a high level techie... just not familiar with Macs.... although I know unix well)


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
I know you said you get that tone when the speakers are muted…
Do you also get that same tone through the speakers when you have headphones plugged in? And does the tone also come through the headphones?
(I don't think I would actually wear the headphones, that's really annoying!… )

Have you tried the Sound pref pane, to make sure that the microphone is set to lowest level (all the way to the right) Doesn't really sound like audio feedback, but turn the mic down anyway...


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
I found that too... but seriously doubt its a ram problem. The computer has never locked up or crashed.

Testing with headphones now.


macrumors 68040
Oct 25, 2004
Watched the video... that sounds terrible!
Unfortunately, I'd guess you'll have to send it back.
Ask Apple to send you the replacement first and meanwhile, try to find a way to work with the faulty mac (DeltaMac has some good ideas).

(You'd send back the faulty Mac only once you get the replacement. Be insistent if at first they resist. They'll probably want a credit card in case you don't send the bad Mac back, but shouldn't charge anything to it.)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
Just verified.... the blaring tone occurs through headphones as well :(


I really dont want to go through the effort of setting a machine up fully TWICE.

I hope we can work something out. I need a working mac NOW. Id be willing to throw in some extra money at this point if they dont want to swap it out with one available at the store.


macrumors newbie
Feb 1, 2014
Sounds like feedback

I was going to suggest a PRAM (NVRAM) reset, but it doesn't sound like it is always happening. That is, it seemed like your computer was normal for a little while, and then started making the noise. Does it do the same thing in a second test account?
Please let us know what happens at your Genius Bar appointment.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
Downloaded and installed memtest. Booted into single user mode.

Running tests now....

Might as well get rid of that variable. Did find one youtube video where someone got a weird tone.... not quite like mine... after upgrading RAM.


macrumors newbie
Jan 11, 2013
I bought a refurb iMac as well, 2 weeks ago.
It did not came to life anymore after a day and a half of use... Dead. Just when I had finished to migrate everything to the new machine.

The only 2 options Apple gave me were to return the computer, and wait for my money back, 3-5 days after they received the machine in their warehouse... Which means more than a week before I could order a new computer!
Or wait for a similar computer to pop up in the refurb store.... When will that happen...

I am somewhat disappointed by all this.
I ordered a new iMac as soon as they refunded me and now have to wait 2 weeks until it's here.

Let's hope it's not a lemon as well.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
Passed memtest with flying colors. Going to do 10 more passes while I go to lunch.

so sad :(


Yikes.... not what I want to hear.
Doesnt sound like the legendary apple support ive heard about.

I bought a refurb iMac as well, 2 weeks ago.
It did not came to life anymore after a day and a half of use... Dead. Just when I had finished to migrate everything to the new machine.

The only 2 options Apple gave me were to return the computer, and wait for my money back, 3-5 days after they received the machine in their warehouse... Which means more than a week before I could order a new computer!
Or wait for a similar computer to pop up in the refurb store.... When will that happen...

I am somewhat disappointed by all this.
I ordered a new iMac as soon as they refunded me and now have to wait 2 weeks until it's here.

Let's hope it's not a lemon as well.


I researched a bunch of reviews on apple refurbs... and they were all awesome. Talked about how they fix and re-test them to death, more than new units, blah blah blah, and how they really stand behind their product. The only reason I considered it.

Figures I get nailed the very first time I buy a refurb. Lesson learned. :mad:

If they dont give me any good options... ill have to buy a new 21.5" with 16gig pre-installed for $1700 on the spot. That gets rid of the upgrade issue I have. Then wait for my $1500 credit on the 27". But ill be pissed at them for selling faulty computers and wasting a ton of my time. Not a good start for someone switching everything over to the apple camp.... we'll see.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 8, 2014
memtest still running. Has passed 5 times now with flying colors.

Cant imagine ram that hasnt been properly seated would pass like this... but ive seen stranger stuff happen. Will re-seat the ram sticks and try again.
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