Today I wiped the hard drive, downgraded from Lion to Leopard, and installed The Sims Complete Edition on my early 2008 MacBook that I've hardly touched since 2013. It's ancient and barely usable (Opera still worked on Lion but I can open approximately 2 websites on Safari 3 - I'll need to upgrade to Snow Leopard to use the internet again), but I still love it. I love how sturdy the hinges feel and how smoothly, effortlessly they glide when I open or close the lid. I love the springy keys. I love the breathing sleep light. I even sort of still like the white plastic, though I definitely did not enjoy how much of it cracked and peeled off and had to be replaced (for free). This was the "cheap", low-end model but it's still running 13 years later, and because of that, I get to revisit a beloved 22-year-old game that doesn't run on modern computers. <3
I am always looking for a reason to express my appreciation for the longevity of the Mac. Who else has a surviving plastic MacBook?
I am always looking for a reason to express my appreciation for the longevity of the Mac. Who else has a surviving plastic MacBook?
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