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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 29, 2011
So folks I am looking to buy a MacBook pro retina 13 inches. The specs I am considering are as follows

1. MacBook pro 2014 2.6ghz/8Gb/256gb $1250
2. MacBook pro 2015 2.7ghz/8gb/256gb. $1400

So the price difference is $150 and there are only minor differences between them. I am planning to buy this for my wife who will be using it for browsing, creating documents and presentations, entertainment etc.

So what do you suggest I should do. Thanks
So folks I am looking to buy a MacBook pro retina 13 inches. The specs I am considering are as follows

1. MacBook pro 2014 2.6ghz/8Gb/256gb $1250
2. MacBook pro 2015 2.7ghz/8gb/256gb. $1400

So the price difference is $150 and there are only minor differences between them. I am planning to buy this for my wife who will be using it for browsing, creating documents and presentations, entertainment etc.

So what do you suggest I should do. Thanks

Is the extra hour of battery life and the force touch trackpad worth $150 to your wife? If not, get the 2014.
Is the extra hour of battery life and the force touch trackpad worth $150 to your wife? If not, get the 2014.

Well that's why I am confused. According to my understanding it's not worth $150 to spend more for the battery life and trackpad but keeping in mind the future I want to take best decision. It isn't going to be replaced in 3-4 years.
Well that's why I am confused. According to my understanding it's not worth $150 to spend more for the battery life and trackpad but keeping in mind the future I want to take best decision. It isn't going to be replaced in 3-4 years.

I know nothing about your wife so... I can only tell you what these features are worth to me, as someone with a 2015 machine. The force touch is worth nothing to me. I'm a tap-to-click person, and while there might be value to it in the future, should apps start to incorporate the tech, right now, I see no difference.

Battery on the other hand... the longer battery life on the 2015 decreases the number of charge cycles over time, and means that it will take longer for the battery life to shrink down to the level of being problematic (what I mean by problematic is that if you have a need for x hours of battery life, anything less than that will be a problem). And of course these two factors go together - fewer cycles mean that the battery will wear down a bit slower, and since you're already getting that extra hour, it could take quite a bit longer to reach the point where you feel you need to replace the battery. IMO, that's worth $150 to me.
Don't forget the read/write speeds on the 2015 256gb model are twice that of the 2014 models and even the 128gb 2015 model. Thats another. Plus the better graphics. I had the 2014 and I swapped to the 2015. i LOVE the force touch track pad too. Worth it for me.
Okay so according to both of you I should go with the 2015 model. And what if the price difference is more like $300 price difference then what should I do?
Okay so according to both of you I should go with the 2015 model. And what if the price difference is more like $300 price difference then what should I do?

Personally $300 would push me over the edge to get the 2014. For that much less, you have already take a good hit on the depreciation of the 2014 model. And it will hold its value for quite some time. The 2015 will take that hit probably sometime in the next 6 months when apple releases the updated models. Then you will be sorry you paid the premium for like 6 months exclusivity. Then when push comes to shove, you are still in a great macbook.

Watch this. its a 2014 vs 2105 video of those two MacBooks you are looking at.
With the price difference only being $150 and her keeping it for a while I would go with the 2015 model. Better battery life, force touch trackpad, twice as fast SSD, speedier RAM, and better graphics/slightly better processor.
With the price difference only being $150 and her keeping it for a while I would go with the 2015 model. Better battery life, force touch trackpad, twice as fast SSD, speedier RAM, and better graphics/slightly better processor.

and if the price difference turns out to be $300 then??
Personally $300 would push me over the edge to get the 2014. For that much less, you have already take a good hit on the depreciation of the 2014 model. And it will hold its value for quite some time. The 2015 will take that hit probably sometime in the next 6 months when apple releases the updated models. Then you will be sorry you paid the premium for like 6 months exclusivity. Then when push comes to shove, you are still in a great macbook.

Watch this. its a 2014 vs 2105 video of those two MacBooks you are looking at.

Thanks for the video link. I checked it out yesterday. Even in the video he says that it's not a big upgrade over 2014.
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Force touch, extra battery life, much faster SSD, faster graphics.

Also the 2015 can do 4K at 60hz external display. The 2014 can't.

If you only plan to keep it 3 years and then sell it the 2015 will sell much easier than the 2014.
I went with the 2015 even though I could have gotten a 2014 model for much less. That extra hour of battery life is worth every penny, and the force touch trackpad is really nice.
So folks I am looking to buy a MacBook pro retina 13 inches. The specs I am considering are as follows

1. MacBook pro 2014 2.6ghz/8Gb/256gb $1250
2. MacBook pro 2015 2.7ghz/8gb/256gb. $1400

So the price difference is $150 and there are only minor differences between them. I am planning to buy this for my wife who will be using it for browsing, creating documents and presentations, entertainment etc.

So what do you suggest I should do. Thanks

For $150, I'd definitely get the 2015.
the 2015 was the right choice. I tried using my 2013 after using the 2015 for a month and the force track pad has me spoiled to a new degree. I didn't think i would like it enough for it to make a difference but i do. I guess i have to love the 2015 since i married a maxed out one.
looks like you guyz are able to change my mind and get the 2015 one. the 2014 on adorama is being sold with Audio Technina M50x for 1250$.

btw does anyone know can i use Discover 5% cash back on bestbuy website on laptops?
I didn't think the new trackpad would be a big deal for me either. But i went to factory reset my 11 MBA i sold the other day. And MAN, the old style track pad is LOUD. It felt weird too after using the force touch. I MUCH MUCH prefer the new trackpad. :)
I picked up one from Best Buy today the 128GB model for $1049 including the 6% tax. It was on sale for $1099 and i used a 10% movers coupon. What a STEAL! :eek:

For that price the 128GB will be JUST fine, if i need extra space i will just use one of my externals laying around. In which i just store pictures and movies on that i have plugged into my smart TV or Xbox One.
are you kidding me? 128Gb seriously? nah man! 128gig is too less.


its a 128GB ssd model.!

What exactly are you guys putting on your machines that needs all this storage? I stream most of my stuff and keep pictures on a external. But i am not anywhere near a storage hog. I have a iPhone 6 plus with 16GB that is perfectly fine. I don't download any games or that crap, that is what my Xbox One is for :)

I use my Pro just around my house, and connect to a 27" Asus monitor at my desk when needed. Exactly where my 3TB hard drive is. I don't need tons of external storage AT ALL.


Someone said the other models where also on sale. The higher tier SSD ones.
are you kidding me? 128Gb seriously? nah man! 128gig is too less.


its a 128GB ssd model.!

it's 2015. who uses local storage on a laptop anymore. there are time capsules, external hard drives, cloud storage. man people are jerks when u are just trying to help out with a good deal.
What exactly are you guys putting on your machines that needs all this storage? I stream most of my stuff and keep pictures on a external. But i am not anywhere near a storage hog. I have a iPhone 6 plus with 16GB that is perfectly fine. I don't download any games or that crap, that is what my Xbox One is for :)

I use my Pro just around my house, and connect to a 27" Asus monitor at my desk when needed. Exactly where my 3TB hard drive is. I don't need tons of external storage AT ALL.

128GB is not future proof. I have 256Gb ssd on my air and it had my pictures on it and i am left with 40gb only. i transfered my pictures to Synology so now i have some space but even then 128gb is very less. i have external hard drive as well 500gb! yes the 256GB one is for 1424 on bestbuy!


it's 2015. who uses local storage on a laptop anymore. there are time capsules, external hard drives, cloud storage. man people are jerks when u are just trying to help out with a good deal.

thanks for telling me its 2015. i have synology with 3TB RAID. and as far as the deal is concerned i know about this deal since 3 days. So no need to be cool. i dont want to get 128GB. end of story.

ps dont try to be jerk next time. thanks!
128GB is not future proof. I have 256Gb ssd on my air and it had my pictures on it and i am left with 40gb only. i transfered my pictures to Synology so now i have some space but even then 128gb is very less. i have external hard drive as well 500gb! yes the 256GB one is for 1424 on bestbuy!


thanks for telling me its 2015. i have synology with 3TB RAID. and as far as the deal is concerned i know about this deal since 3 days. So no need to be cool. i dont want to get 128GB. end of story.

ps dont try to be jerk next time. thanks!
are you serious? i was a jerk for posting a good deal to u? enjoy your future proof 256gb and 16gb iPhones. what a joke!
are you serious? i was a jerk for posting a good deal to u. enjoy your future proof 256gb and 16gb iPhones. what a joke!

no you acted like a jerk for trying to call me a jerk. and yes 16Gb iphones are fine for me. laptop is a different thing for me. and once again thanks for your input but i am not looking at the 128GB one.
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