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Original poster
Apr 10, 2011
Hi, should I buy now or should I wait for Broadwell/Skylake? I'm able to wait now if it means I'll get a better machine.

What kind of question is that? Yes it'll be a better machine. Do you think the next gen intel processors were somehow going to get slower?

If you need a notebook now, get it now. If you can wait, which it seems like you can, then wait.
What kind of question is that? Yes it'll be a better machine. Do you think the next gen intel processors were somehow going to be worse?
Hmmm, I guess by the time Skylake comes out, the current models should be quite cheap.
CPUs aren't going to give you noticeable bumps in speed except in specific cases. Also, Skylake doesn't come out until 2015. Waiting for Haswell may be worth the 6 months wait if only to say that you have the latest and greatest.
Hi, should I buy now or should I wait for Broadwell/Skylake? I'm able to wait now if it means I'll get a better machine.


If i was you i would wait for Skymont the Die shrink should be 10 nm we could see 24 hours battery life with holograms and virtual reality
CPUs aren't going to give you noticeable bumps in speed except in specific cases. Also, Skylake doesn't come out until 2015. Waiting for Haswell may be worth the 6 months wait if only to say that you have the latest and greatest.
Hmmmm. If I wait now then there's more of a chance my machines will need the update if you know what I mean?
You should wait for Skymont instead. Hell if you're already willing to wait for technology you have no idea what it improves on why not?
Or wait for the 2nd coming of Jesus - clearly he should be able to turn crap Windows Laptops into Retina gold and quad into octo cores and 16 gb in 64 gb etc etc. :D
Hmmmm. If I wait now then there's more of a chance my machines will need the update if you know what I mean?

Look on the bright side. You have a good mentality. You'll never buy a new computer or car or home… until the old one is broken. You'll save a ton of money. Hope you donate that extra money to a good cause. :)
I would wait until a teleport beacon comes built in. What use is your current notebook once we are all teleporting into space.

Broadwell/Skylake are distant future. Buy once your current one is so ****** that you just cannot bear it anymore how slow it works or how frequently it breaks down. A friend of mine wasn't even put of by the display slowly detaching from the rest. Nothing duct tape cannot fix. Literally. The Notebook worked just fine and quick running some Linux Distro.
If your computer is younger than 2 years old, then wait.

If you're on a machine older than that, buy now.

The performance difference will not exceed 20%.
If your computer is younger than 2 years old, then wait.

If you're on a machine older than that, buy now.

The performance difference will not exceed 20%.
How can you possibly make that last statement? The jump in graphics performance from a 2012 MBA (for example) to a 2013 MBA will be upwards to 50% in some scenarios. That's a huge increase in one year's time, which definitely exceeds your 20%. Let alone, you have no idea what 2014 or 2015 CPUs/GPUs/architectures will bring to the table.
Skylake is so yesterday. Just wait for quantum computing, that's when things get exciting.
Wikipedia knows everything:

Obviously, since the list ends with 5nm CPUs in 2021, that will be the perfect time to buy a new PC. Of course the list might change, in which case... well, you already will be used to waiting.

It should also be noted that by now, my phone has caught up with my 2007 MBP (except for the 17'' screen). Heck I think it matches the CPU power and screen resolution of a 2008-2009 Macbook. So if you just keep your phone up to date, you won't be that far behind, and you are save from the danger of owning outdated PC hardware.
How can you possibly make that last statement? The jump in graphics performance from a 2012 MBA (for example) to a 2013 MBA will be upwards to 50% in some scenarios. That's a huge increase in one year's time, which definitely exceeds your 20%. Let alone, you have no idea what 2014 or 2015 CPUs/GPUs/architectures will bring to the table.

a 50% performance increase is all fine and well but it is still nowhere close to that of a dedicated GPU. If you are buying a macbook air based on it's GPU performance then I think you are in the wrong market, you could spend £900 better else where if the GPU in your laptop is THAT important.

Your second point, you have no idea what the 2014/15 stuff will bring to the table so why bother waiting? If you need a laptop now then buy one, if you don't then don't buy one, it's hardly rocket science.
Wikipedia knows everything:

Obviously, since the list ends with 5nm CPUs in 2021, that will be the perfect time to buy a new PC. Of course the list might change, in which case... well, you already will be used to waiting.

It should also be noted that by now, my phone has caught up with my 2007 MBP (except for the 17'' screen). Heck I think it matches the CPU power and screen resolution of a 2008-2009 Macbook. So if you just keep your phone up to date, you won't be that far behind, and you are save from the danger of owning outdated PC hardware.

The next big thing will be stacked processing, whereby the transistors are no longer all on one plane. I'm totally waiting for that...
It doesn't seem like you need to wait, as your sig has the following in it ...

"13" + 15" Macbook Pro 2012"

So are you looking to trade in your 13" and 15" MBP from 2012 to the ones just released? If you are contemplating that, then you have some bigger issues.
People laugh at me, but I wait. When Apple released the Macintosh in 1984 I though 'eh, it'll get better'. Sure enough it did. More memory, it got cheaper, more features. So I waited some more. I've been waiting for almost 30 years! One day they'll come out with a Mac that is so good it'll never be upgraded or changed and so we won't have to just sit on our thumbs and wait any longer...
Sorry to bring up such an old thread, but I just have to laugh, looking back at this from 2016, 3 year into the future:

It's October 2016 and we STILL do not have Skylake-based Macs.

In fact, Kaby Lake (Skylake's successor) is already out on the streets, and we still do not have Skylake Macs.

The tech waiting game is always like Russian Roulette, and you usually come out losing. You would have wasted all of these years waiting, and deprived yourself of a faster computing experience.

Is the OP STILL waiting for the Skylake Macs, to this very day???

And in fact, Macs from 2013 have NOT really gotten cheaper at all. The mid-2012 MacBook Pro, ONLY a month or so ago, got reduced from $1199 to $1099. Apple doesn't really lower prices much at all, even for 4-year old tech.

[PS: For those who want to blast me for re-igniting this thread, I can only say that that's what you get from the "Similar Threads" being shown at the bottom of a topic. And, this certainly is a reality check, from some people's mindsets, isn't it? In fact, someone here in Oct. 2016 is probably thinking this is yet another new thread for Skylake. Hahaa]
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