i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?
The 6S, or even an SE, with twice the RAM is a significantly better performer.i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?
i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?
i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?
How cheap and how much does the 6S cost?i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?
At that price, I'd go 6s. The savings isn't worth the performance penalty.The 6 is £339 6s £449 6s Plus £549 if I was to get a 6 and put iOS 11 on it would it make it slow, I’m thinking about getting the 32gb iPhone 6s space grey
Do you think the 6s is quite a current phone, like a good phone in 2017?The 6 is so 2014
Sorry last question , is the design of the 6s identical to the 6 because I love the design of the 6
Sorry last question , is the design of the 6s identical to the 6 because I love the design of the 6
Hi, thanks for your post! Yeah I was thinking about going to ebay but I’m just worried about reliability of the sellers, in case the phone is a fake or the phones have been resealed to make them look new etc do you think ebays safe?For £449 you can get a nicely used iPhone 7 on eBay. Been keeping an eye on those the last couple of days. Many of the auctions are won around that price point.