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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 15, 2017
i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?
Listen the iPhone 6 is still a perfectly capable phone especially if you're strapped for cash or just want a really good deal. For what 90% of people use their phones for, the 6 is more than capable. No you won't get the best photos with it and your apps will open milliseconds slower..big deal.
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i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?

Besides purchasing an iPhone 6, I would also question how it will react with iOS 11 as well. I think the 6s as others have suggested, might be a better option if you can find one.
6s is perfectly capable. If my Plus didn't have a fading ear speaker after 2 years I may have held on to it instead of upgrading to the 8 Plus.
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6 is not good if you want to be able to run all the AR applications. I *think* there might be some limited support for it, but best to get at least a 6S.
i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?

I would get the SE or the 6s over the ip6.

There's zero reason to buy the ip6 w/1gb RAM when both those alternatives exist.
Ok I'm goin to just order a 6s what size do you guys prefer the 4.7 or 5.5 also I like the space grey do you guys like this colour
Get 6s or SE space grey. The plus is too big.

If you get a 6 don’t put iOS 11 on it.
You didn't mention the price being offered. If the SE is same or not much more or even less I'd get that over the 6. Also the plus size 6 or 6s is an acquired taste for fit and if your not used to phab size phones I'd pass. I had a 6+ and after 6 months I got so damn tired of toting it around and having it stick out of my pockets that I finally dumped it for the 4.7" size 6s before finally getting a 7. Less RAM on the 6 makes it an unwise choice IMO especially with IOS11.
i know it's a bit of a downgrade but carphone warehouse is selling the iPhone 6 real cheap and I'm wondering if it's still a good phone in 2017 and do any of you guys still have one?
How cheap and how much does the 6S cost?

For $199 or so (e.g. AT&T prepaid deals in US), I'd actually consider it if the larger size is an important consideration.
The 6 is £339 6s £449 6s Plus £549 if I was to get a 6 and put iOS 11 on it would it make it slow, I’m thinking about getting the 32gb iPhone 6s space grey
The 6 is £339 6s £449 6s Plus £549 if I was to get a 6 and put iOS 11 on it would it make it slow, I’m thinking about getting the 32gb iPhone 6s space grey
At that price, I'd go 6s. The savings isn't worth the performance penalty.
Get the 6.

If you're spending money on an outdated form factor, don't dive head in.

Upgrade next year when iPhone 11 comes out.

The 1GB RAM is only limiting if you're using several Safari tabs at once.
Sorry last question , is the design of the 6s identical to the 6 because I love the design of the 6
The 6 was great, loved my 6 would still be using it if the battery health didn't deteriorate so bad on mine

I also cracked my screen last week so it was either fix the screen and replace the battery or put that money towards a new phone

I waited for the 8 announcement but wasn't overly thrilled so got a 7plus instead, very happy
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For £449 you can get a nicely used iPhone 7 on eBay. Been keeping an eye on those the last couple of days. Many of the auctions are won around that price point.
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For £449 you can get a nicely used iPhone 7 on eBay. Been keeping an eye on those the last couple of days. Many of the auctions are won around that price point.
Hi, thanks for your post! Yeah I was thinking about going to ebay but I’m just worried about reliability of the sellers, in case the phone is a fake or the phones have been resealed to make them look new etc do you think ebays safe?
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