I have a Mac mini that got last year when I got rid of my windows machine
12 months on I am just about getting to grips with it, however there are a few things that I would still like the opportunity to use windows for
I own Windows and would like to get it to run on my Mac. In fact, I have, however always with problems
On the two occasions I do it seems to replace MacOS as the bootable operating system and always loads by default
Can anyone advise how to stop this. How I can just have windows available on the occasion I need it and how I boot into it when I do want it
12 months on I am just about getting to grips with it, however there are a few things that I would still like the opportunity to use windows for
I own Windows and would like to get it to run on my Mac. In fact, I have, however always with problems
On the two occasions I do it seems to replace MacOS as the bootable operating system and always loads by default
Can anyone advise how to stop this. How I can just have windows available on the occasion I need it and how I boot into it when I do want it