Hello, I am considering to replace my Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2 (my phone and tablet). Can I make and receive phone calls via the iPad PRO? Thanks.
Can I make and recall calls from abroad for free if the other party is using normal phone from home? Thanks.
Lets hope that by the time iPad pro comes out they will fix the problem with Skype sound distortion that we have now with the new iPhone 6 S and 6 S plus with IOS 9.01iPads can connect to an iPhone to make and answer calls. So the answer is yes, but you need an iPhone that has a phone number.
Alternatively, if you have a data connection, you can use FaceTime audio or something like google voice.
Yeah. It looks like it will fit comfortably to hold up to your ear.Hello, I am considering to replace my Samsung Galaxy Note PRO 12.2 (my phone and tablet). Can I make and receive phone calls via the iPad PRO? Thanks.
I don't know why you want an iPad Pro if your Samsung Note Pro can use Skype or Google Voice or Hangout+??? Android have a ton of 3rd party voice call apps.
With an LTE enabled iPad Pro, of course you can.
What do you have to do to make that work? I've had cell iPads since the iPad 2 and there's no out-of-the-box way to make a phone call directly on the wireless provider's network. Skype, etc., work, but that's different.
there is no way LTE can be used to make cellular phone calls at all
Right, that was my point, but I stated it as a question in case someone's figured out how to do it.
I tried this before, you can put a cellular sim from an iPad onto a phone
but you cant put a phone sim in an iPad
Interesting - never experimented with that. That's cool. Not surprising though - the voice hardware would seem to be missing, which is what you'd expect, I think.
Do the carriers allow Skype calls over cellular? I thought the carriers blocked Skype and FaceTime over cellular. I don't use FaceTime that often, but I remember opening that app when new and a popup asking me to get on a WiFi network to use it.