I'm a pretty casual gamer. League of Legends, Hearthstone, Diablo III, stuff like that.
How well can the 2018 Mini handle 10-year-old games like these without adding an external GPU?
Light gaming seems like such a silly reason to be dragging my heals on a new computer, waiting for the Mac Pro to get announced, but I *really* hate the idea of paying a price and performance penalty for a tiny enclosure and then having a mess of wires plugged into external drives and eGPU to make it work.
How well can the 2018 Mini handle 10-year-old games like these without adding an external GPU?
Light gaming seems like such a silly reason to be dragging my heals on a new computer, waiting for the Mac Pro to get announced, but I *really* hate the idea of paying a price and performance penalty for a tiny enclosure and then having a mess of wires plugged into external drives and eGPU to make it work.