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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
35,970 cites an industry expert who notes that wireless data rates are significantly higher in Canada than in the U.S. A data plan comparable to AT&T's iPhone data plans would reportedly run $295/month at the current rates.

The article speculates that this would either delay the iPhone's offering or require major data pricing changes prior to its introduction. The iPhone data/internet connectivity is one of its major features.

Article Link

Wow, like it really sucks to be a Canadian cell phone customer, eh?

Guess they have plenty of money seeing how they save so much on their health care. ;)
It's the same (if not, worse) in the UK.

We have this great infrastructure, but noone can really use it because it's so bloody expensive!
It may be expensive in the UK

...but Data rates in Canada are far more expensive (mainly due to lack of competition). Check out this graph to see how brutal the situation currently is. I do hope that Apple can negotiate something far more reasonable with Rogers (or Fido, since Rogers owns them), or it simply won't be economical for most people here.
Holland and propably the rest of the eu ...

Have the same problem if it comes to data plans i'm afraid, we'll have to wait and see what comes outof the negotiations .
Canada doesn't have the population the US or Europe does, so this makes it very hard for more startups to compete with the big carriers, and drive the prices down. This is a problem with almost every tech industry in Canada (cable, cell, phone, etc..). It's all monopolized by 1 or 2 companies, and they can do and charge whatever they want. I understand the CRTC is trying to protect 'canadian culture' or 'canadian content', but it's not protecting the consumer with all of their restrictions. I might get shot for saying this (and I can't believe I'm suggesting it myself), but I think we should open up our borders to US telecomm companies, and piggy-back off their networks and service.

I'm not sure I can see Rogers slashing their data plan rates in half just for a phone. They are too greedy and corrupt to do that. Unless they are guaranteed to recoop the money through iphone sales and more plan signups.

Not sure about this...I'll be surprised if we get the iphone this year.
There is also the rumour that Bell is doing something to improve their CDMA network, so maybe it could be Bell?
2.8$ for 50MB. (Lithuania) (standard connection in the phone for internet, I think it's called EDGE)

WiFi, 4$ per month, 5Mbps, unlimited. But for now, that's already more than a year while it's free for everyone.
I'm not sure I can see Rogers slashing their data plan rates in half just for a phone. They are too greedy and corrupt to do that.

That's basically it. Rogers is greedy. Until my Blackberry died (a few days after the launch of the iPhone) I was paying $40 for a limited amount (about 1MB). There used to be a plan for $60 giving unlimited download, but they removed that option. Since it's business, they can get away with those prices.

I do not expect to see Rogers charge the same data rates as AT&T, but they had better. I for one can suppress the need for an iPhone if I'm going to be further screwed by Rogers. Luckily with portable numbers, I'm likely to leave Rogers if they attempt to screw customers on this.

Changing the topic slightly, most Rogers customer reps have been pretty open about the iPhone. One told me the other day that they had hoped to have it launched at the same time as the US. Clear she had previous received a hard blow to the head to think that. But Rogers techs have a couple test units which, as I've heard from a tech at work who tried to get his hands on one for testing, are said to work on the Rogers network and here in Toronto.

I am going to give Rogers the benefit of the doubt (though I have no idea why I should trust them), and assume that the real problem is Canada. Any evidence Steve Jobs has ever been here? How long did it take to get the iTunes store... and yet where are the tv shows and movies. There are even Canadian made shows on iTunes that we can't access.
Canada doesn't have the population the US or Europe does, so this makes it very hard for more startups to compete with the big carriers, and drive the prices down. This is a problem with almost every tech industry in Canada (cable, cell, phone, etc..). It's all monopolized by 1 or 2 companies, and they can do and charge whatever they want. I understand the CRTC is trying to protect 'canadian culture' or 'canadian content', but it's not protecting the consumer with all of their restrictions. I might get shot for saying this (and I can't believe I'm suggesting it myself), but I think we should open up our borders to US telecomm companies, and piggy-back off their networks and service.

I'm not sure I can see Rogers slashing their data plan rates in half just for a phone. They are too greedy and corrupt to do that. Unless they are guaranteed to recoop the money through iphone sales and more plan signups.

Not sure about this...I'll be surprised if we get the iphone this year.
There is also the rumour that Bell is doing something to improve their CDMA network, so maybe it could be Bell?

couldn't have said it more perfectly than this. we are so bent over the table at the mercy of these 1 or 2 companies. it's just ridiculous and scary. Ma Bell is a b*tch and Rogers customer service blows from my experiences and any of my friends too. ugh.

i'll still take our health care system - even with its issues - over lower data pricing plans anyday. nice to know if something is wrong with our health, we can get it worked on without having to take another mortgage out on the house.

But Rogers techs have a couple test units which, as I've heard from a tech at work who tried to get his hands on one for testing, are said to work on the Rogers network and here in Toronto.

Do you work at Rogers?

I take the bus with a bunch of Rogers tech workers every morning (the 'head office' is on my way to school).... so you'd better believe that Im keeping my eyes open for iPhones from now on!!!
More and more i'm starting to think that we just won't get the all.

By the time our cell carriers work this all out, a new iPhone will be out...

what a rip off.....we need to start a petition...cuz those ALWAYS work....right guys?? right...:(

us = screwed
There already is an online petition for Rogers to lower the cost of the data plan in order to make way for the iPhone. I doubt it will affect anything.
More and more i'm starting to think that we just won't get the all.

By the time our cell carriers work this all out, a new iPhone will be out...

what a rip off.....we need to start a petition...cuz those ALWAYS work....right guys?? right...:(

us = screwed

I don't know why Apple wouldn't just release the iPhone here with the internet functionalities turned off or set to wifi only in the system settings. Release it *unlocked* to Rogers/Fido + gsm resellers.

Apart from Rogers being greedy bastards, we get nailed for hi data fees cos our cellphone using population in all of canada is probably less than nyc alone. The more cell users, the lower the price can be. Maybe we should just make more babies!
I don't know why Apple wouldn't just release the iPhone here with the internet functionalities turned off or set to wifi only

The really annoying thing is, you can't even set it to that mode. I live in Vancouver part time, and in New Hampshire part time. I got an iPhone last week. For the phone, and non-wireless Internet, I plan to only use it from the U.S. In Vancouver it's a wi-fi device. But every time it wakes up it connects to Rogers Wireless.

Is it charging me for that? Can I even find out, until I see my first bill?
Have the same problem if it comes to data plans i'm afraid, we'll have to wait and see what comes outof the negotiations .

I disagree with this remark. T-Mobile offers unlimited internet acces (called "Internet Totaal" ) for Euro 49,50 (384Kb/12Kb) or Euro 69,50 (1.8Mb/384Kb) per month. This is on top of your normal voice subsciption which you can get as low as Euro 7 p/m.

For non subscription usage, they start offering 128/128Kb speeds without a subscription fee costing Euro 2,50 per day maximum end of July.

The only "problem" for the iPhone market in The Netherlands is that there is only a GSM or a UMTS network available. Hence, the iPhone has not the right technoology support :(
Well I would think (and hope) that Rogers, if they were to carry the iPhone, would release a special data plan just for the iPhone for a while until they decide it'd be a good idea to offer it to other phones in the future. Rogers MUST have the technology to support the bandwidth usage, and the cheaper (compared to other companies in Canada) plans for the iPhone would likely result in the iPhone being a very good selling phone.
(I am a proud Canadian, waiting to buy his iPhone).
I knew the data rates were bad, but I didn't know it was this bad. The CTRC needs to get the collective butts in gear on this. This is like the whole purpose of its existence.

Part of the problem, at least originally, is that the population in Canada is so spread out. However, the vast majority of the wireless infrastructure has been in place around the major cities for some time now.

I guess Telus and Bell have a chance to take a big chunk out of Rogers if they were to make their plans more in line with the Americans.

Just another reason I won't get an iPhone if it ever comes to Canada.
It's the same (if not, worse) in the UK.

We have this great infrastructure, but noone can really use it because it's so bloody expensive!

just what i was going to say..

...but Data rates in Canada are far more expensive (mainly due to lack of competition). Check out this graph to see how brutal the situation currently is. I do hope that Apple can negotiate something far more reasonable with Rogers (or Fido, since Rogers owns them), or it simply won't be economical for most people here.

Canada doesn't have the population the US or Europe does, so this makes it very hard for more startups to compete with the big carriers, and drive the prices down.

Population is simply one issue, look at Australia, their data rates are far more competitive with a similar size and composition (large centres spread out with a lot of rural space in between)

This is a problem with almost every tech industry in Canada (cable, cell, phone, etc..). It's all monopolized by 1 or 2 companies, and they can do and charge whatever they want.

Exactly, about 5-7 years ago there were far more players, and as a result we say innovations in tech and pricing. Remember Clearnet and their low pay as you go pricing? Swallowed by Telus! And Fido with unlimited data and then CityFido unlimited urban calling? Swallowed by Rogers! With only 3 major telcos, they can afford to divy up the nation and rest on their networks.

I understand the CRTC is trying to protect 'canadian culture' or 'canadian content', but it's not protecting the consumer with all of their restrictions. I might get shot for saying this (and I can't believe I'm suggesting it myself), but I think we should open up our borders to US telecomm companies, and piggy-back off their networks and service.

I can understand the CRTC wanting to insure that TV and Radio station operators dont own more than 2 properties in one market, and why they insist on CANCON regulations to bolster Canadian productions. But when it comes to communications, is there a Canadian culture to protect? No. I think that the CRTC has been dragging it's feet simply because the telco legislation in this country is archaic. It needs a complete overhall to better reflect convergent communications. One thing that is happening is the 3G spectrum auction coming up. The big three (Bell, Telus, Rogers/Fido) want to have an 'open' bid which will mean they will simply overspend to make sure new companies dont get their hands on new spectrum. What needs to happen is for the CRTC to block the big three from bidding and make it an open bid to anyone else (not just the two Canadian companies that want in - Quebecor and MTS - but the US and Euro telcos as well). There are enough anti-trust laws in place to make sure that foreign telcos don't use profitable domestic networks to subsidise unfair pricing in Canada, so why not? Another real (not MVNO) nation-wide telco would be amazing for consumers, especially now that we have number portability!

Not sure about this...I'll be surprised if we get the iphone this year. There is also the rumour that Bell is doing something to improve their CDMA network, so maybe it could be Bell?

Bell has the same horrible data rates as everyone else. Sure, you'll get your data faster, but you'll still be charged the same crazy per KB rate! In fact, a fast network with crazy prices would be a scary thing if I had an iPhone, maybe slower would save me some money!
Ahhh, slightly independent MTS (at least it's not completely owned by Bell). I can't wait to move to Winnipeg, but if Rogers does get the iPhone monopoly, I doubt I'll switch to MTS Mobility.

As for the online petition, I hope someone adds the link to it. I was planning on putting together a website on this. As I said before, while I don't trust Rogers, I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they WILL do the right thing and match the data pricing plans as AT&T. So maybe the problem is Apple. I may love them, but boy do they ignore Canada. We're not even second class citizens to them. I love how I can buy an AppleTV at the Apple Store, but I can't buy content for it! And speaking of Apple stores, they opened 4 in a short time period then stopped. Only one of the stores is outside Toronto. I understand Winnipeg has two places to buy macs... prime place for an Apple store. And check out and the old web design abandoned a month ago.
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