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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 2, 2014
The more I read about the S/S the more I want it rather than the sport. I wasn't going to as it is v1 but the S/S looks alot better. Hmmmmm
sell for a profit on your sport then you won't have to pay much extra for the steel if you don't mind the wait
If you're anywhere near an apple store, go in to see the watches in person and figure out what you want.
What have you guys ordered?

The Space Grey Sport. I prefer it to the silver of the steel. I'd most like the black SS but that's way too expensive :eek:

Overall I think the quality difference between the sport and the watch only shines through when you hold them and feel how much heavier the SS is.

I think the Space Grey looks smart, especially when a decent third party band comes out that will suit it.
I don't want to put on the sport for the first time and do the look thing and think...... Should have got the S/S
I don't want to put on the sport for the first time and do the look thing and think...... Should have got the S/S

Go back to a shop once more to confirm your feelings.

If you've gone for the silver sport then you might be underwhelmed however if you've gone for the space grey then you'd have to pay almost three times as much to get the black:eek:
Cancel the order instead of keeping the order and selling it for profit. Don't listen to the pro-scalpers

My advice OP would be to buy the SS with the sport band. You can always buy extra bands later if you want.
If you have no desire for the sports band, the Milanese Loop is a good option as well.

If you really have a lot of money to spend, the link bracelet would be my top pick.
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Return it to Apple and get your money back the right way. Then buy the SS. Don't listen to the pro-scalpers

If I wasn't in the first batch and was desperate to get bumped up then i would agree however, I'm not, so sell sell sell!!
I'm in the same situation. I wonder how much a slightly used Sport will go for in June?
I'm in the same situation. I wonder how much a slightly used Sport will go for in June?
Little to no profit, since most orders now officially ship in June and will likely be shipped in May.

How much does a Sport go for in April or May, however, that's where the money's at.
Return it to Apple and get your money back the right way. Then buy the SS. Don't listen to the pro-scalpers

My advice OP would be to buy the SS with the sport band. You can always buy extra bands later if you want.
If you have no desire for the sports band, the Milanese Loop is a good option as well.

If you really have a lot of money to spend, the link bracelet would be my top pick.

Return what money? They haven't taken any.
Little to no profit, since most orders now officially ship in June and will likely be shipped in May.

How much does a Sport go for in April or May, however, that's where the money's at.

Selling within the first week will be where the £££$$$ is at.
Sell locally on Craigslist at your cost. You will make someone very happy and break - win

Or sell it for $600 on launch day, which you'll get easily, and then use that money to buy an SS.

Wait, never mind; I just checked eBay, people really aren't asking much for these anymore. Unless this is the price of the preorder and it doesn't include the actual watch price...
Sell locally on Craigslist at your cost. You will make someone very happy and break - win

More like make 200-300$. Would really not be surprised if people paid double the actual selling price of the watch the first weekend.

It would take a ******** more money then double my cost to get me to sell my watch and wait till June and I would probably be paying a couple hundred over sticker price at least to get it on the 24th if i managed to mess up my order or something.
I dont think there will be much profit in it. Thats not what its about. Its being happy with the product since i will wear it everyday.
This is first gen, so why don't you save the money and stick it out with the aluminium and get the more premium product for gen 2 when it will no doubt be a more complete product?

That's my thinking, anyway.
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