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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
People complain about the large eyes that the CGI has given the main character in the movie but it looks to me that the actress also has large eyes :).
Yeah, there is not that much difference. :) What is interesting is that mimicking a human with software is much harder that capturing a human. At some point in the furture, they will get the software to do this without humans.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Digital de-aging in The Irishman (2019)- I had no clue. I just thought they did a terrific job with makeup. This is really amazing. :)

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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Movie/Series making these days tends not to be as fun for the actors, but with an impressive end result. :)


This turns into:




macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
When CGI first appeared, I hated the stylized versions of it, I hated movies created in warehouses, ie where they made CGI heavy films. A great example of this is Sin City, and even 300. Yet it was Avatar that broke this view for me when CGI became photo-realistic and the only reason I knew it was not real was because of something I did not see on the screen. I love Avatar.

That said, I can still appreciate practical effects such in Top Gun: Maverick, those kind of shots have real gravity, even though the story was silly. :)
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macrumors 604
Dec 19, 2004
When CGI first appeared, I hated the stylized versions of it, I hated movies created in warehouses, ie where they made CGI heavy films. A great example of this is Sin City, and even 300. Yet it was Avatar that broke this view for me when CGI became photo-realistic and the only reason I knew it was not real was because of something I did not see on the screen. I love Avatar.

That said, I can still appreciate practical effects such in Top Gun: Maverick, those kind of shots have real gravity, even though the story was silly. :)

I never liked bad CGI either. Even in the early days. There was good CGI and bad CGI.

Terminator 2
Jurassic Park

Lawnmower Man
Start Wars rerelease

Even now they’re going back to a lot of the good CGI. By mixing practical effects with CGI.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I never liked bad CGI either. Even in the early days. There was good CGI and bad CGI.

Terminator 2
Jurassic Park

Lawnmower Man
Start Wars rerelease

Even now they’re going back to a lot of the good CGI. By mixing practical effects with CGI.
It’s interesting, in Jurassic Park you knew they were driving around in a jungle or a jungle set with inserted digital dinos, and with some practical assets for close shots. In Avatar the entire planet is CGI, but the fidelity of this world is still staggering, because the director is a details fanatic. He wants a convincing illusion.
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