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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Over the last few days I fired up a 466MHz SE Graphite Clamshell, a G3 iBook that I'd purchased some time back as a fully serviceable spare in case I ever needed parts for my other SE Clamshells.
I'd booted this once before and not really noticed anything strange. However now the screen image looks 'washed-out' as if the brightness is turned all the way up - which is isn't, it's half-way. The screen brightness adjustment functions ok, but doesn't do much to make the colours (especially blacks) more vivid. Incidentally I've performed a colour re-calibration with made very little difference.
Some photos follow to illustrate:

With screen in (a) vertical position and (b) slightly lowered viewing position.

20NovClam4.jpg 20NovClam5.jpg

Again with screen pushed slightly away from the usual upright viewing position, the colours are more defined albeit not perfect.

20NovClam6.jpg 20NovClam7.jpg

This is a screen-shot taken at the same time - which looks perfect.

Has anyone experienced anything similar, either on a Clamshell, other iBook, Powerbook etc? And if so what possible cause may be.
Also would anyone know if the screens are interchangeable between the PowerBook2.1 (300MHz/366MHz) and PowerBook2.2 (366MHz/466MHz) firewire models? A question I could probably answer myself by opening up a 300MHz, but as some of you already know, Clamshells are not the easiest to play around internally with 'just for fun'.


macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2017
Check the Color Profile in System Prefs -> Displays is set to iBook (not Generic RGB, sRGB, etc )

I’ve seen this on both my iBook and Pismo and just changing the color profile or manual recalibration set it right for me.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Check the Color Profile in System Prefs -> Displays is set to iBook (not Generic RGB, sRGB, etc )

I’ve seen this on both my iBook and Pismo and just changing the color profile or manual recalibration set it right for me.
Thanks for this. I had in fact already checked this and it was already set to iBook, so some other gremlins (inverter?) must be at play.


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
Also would anyone know if the screens are interchangeable between the PowerBook2.1 (300MHz/366MHz) and PowerBook2.2 (366MHz/466MHz) firewire models? A question I could probably answer myself by opening up a 300MHz, but as some of you already know, Clamshells are not the easiest to play around internally with 'just for fun'.

Electronically they should be. In fact you can shove any iBook/12"PB screen in it and it will work as long as you have the right cable connector. Apple used LG and Samsung panels. Possibly others too. The cable connector varied with the panel so your issue is finding a panel that matches yours or locating a cable adapter. used to have those but ran out a while ago.
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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Not had time to do much on this screen issue since original post, but *today plan to swap out an lcd and inverter.
In the past I've used the iFixit guide for clamshell disassembly, but note that there is nothing additional there about removal/install of lcd.
Removing the screen assembly holds no secrets from me, but not wanting to blindly follow my intuition for lcd/inverter removal, I just dug up the official Apple guide which clearly details the procedure. Incidently the link was posted on this site 5 years ago, and follows for those who may eventually be interested. For iBook clamshell fanboys(girls), a must for bookmarking.

*I'll keep you informed how this plays out.


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
Nice guide. Wish I had thought of looking there when I swapped out my panel. One thing I found was that the cage inside was a perfect fit for the original panel and had to be removed for the replacement because of the direction the wiring went.

You don’t actually need it to secure the panel in place or to prevent signal interference but it makes lining up the panel with the bezel that much easier.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Electronically they should be. In fact you can shove any iBook/12"PB screen in it and it will work as long as you have the right cable connector. Apple used LG and Samsung panels. Possibly others too. The cable connector varied with the panel so your issue is finding a panel that matches yours or locating a cable adapter. used to have those but ran out a while ago.

Phew........I've just finished the change of lcd on this firewire 466MHz Clamshell. I enjoy a challenge, but not keen on messing with the cable management - which one has to when changing out an lcd. Hope I don't have to do another for a l-o-n-g time.
@weckart - you were right, the screens/lcd's on these and earlier 366MHz (non-firewire) clamshells appear to be interchangeable.
To say I was swearing a few times in frustration whilst doing this would be an understatememt.
In the Apple Service Source I linked to in my post #5 above, during screen disassembly, page 52 (4) simply instructs, "Tilt the center clutch cover and remove it." Imho, what it ommited to add is, "It's ok and perfectly normal to utter the expletives *##•@#*#@ whilst doing so!" On the target and doner Clamshells I was disassembling, that particular task proved very time consuming, as initially I just failed to see how to disengage the display and inverter cables from the center clutch covers without damaging them.
View on clutch covers:- i) Graphite (top-view), ii) Blueberry - (underside view).
CntrCltCvr .jpg CntrCltCvr2a.jpg
The display and inverter cables on the blueberry (doner) clamshell were without the additional white protection wrap over the outer metal braid. I'd hoped that would ease removal/installation, assuming the o/d would be slightly smaller. It made no difference.
Like those classic, metal, brain-teezer puzzles, one knows there's a solution, it's just a matter of finding it.
This was the 'eureka' moment:-

With the centre clutch cover oriented in a particular position, it can be lowered, & slide out from one side, then from the opposite. Looks obvious here - but I think the cursing had a delayed, positive effect!

During refit of the lcd/screen assembly, the other manoeuvre which I overlooked - and to my knowledge isn't documented anywhere - was re-inserting the airport coaxial cable inside the right-side clutch cover together with the display and inverter cables. I was just refitting the screen assembly to the base unit, when realising my mistake, so had to backtrack and disassemble/refit the clutch cover:-

When screen assy was ready to re-install, I found the following small item on the bench.......and had no idea where it came from:-

Couldn't see anything similar in the service guide exploded view of the lcd/display, or base assy. The screw ref sheet gave a similar looking item (20) as a bottom right stiffener brace screw (apparently specific to the Firewire model clamshells. That would explain why I didn't recognise it, having stripped several 300GHz models, but never a firewire 466GHz.
The next 30mins or so were spent trying to find a lower right side location within the base unit where this item could have come from. I'm familiar with the logic board stiffener brace beneath the upper modem position, so logically it wasn't that. Detailed checks through many disassembly photos, failed to show the location. After a lot more head scratching, I found a YT video of a young lad retrieving a similar looking item from the left edge side of the base unit. He assumed it wasn't important and discarded it. No way was I ready to do that. I don't particularly like puzzles, but I certainly dislike failure. My perserverence finally paid off. I found the location and the 'bit' neatly slid in.
Once all re-assembled, fingers crossed, I pressed the power button. Bingo! It booted ok, and I was met with a clean, clear image, far superior to the ones shown in post #1.
After rework photos to follow.
I hope the above notes may eventually be helpful to anyone planning a similar G3 Clamshell lcd change.
[doublepost=1512337009][/doublepost] ClamComplete.jpg ClamComplete2.jpg
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
I think you may have done more than you needed to unless your existing inverter. was flaky I replaced the screen in my 466 with one from an iBook G4 for the larger resolution. I left the inverter and existing cables to the logic board etc in situ and connected the new panel to them. Worked without a hitch.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2017
@CooperBox great writeup! Glad to see the transplant went well. Nice touch with the period specific magazine in the beauty shot. I really love the style of the graphite model.

I’ve ordered in the blown diode replacement for the DC-in Board and also some replacement PRAM capacitors to suit, so I hope to get my Blueberry iBook working as a portable soon!

@weckart are there any specific G4 iBook displays which are compatible with the clamshells? Does that include going into an original 300mhz clamshell with the Rage Mobility? If so I might hunt down a donor ‘book from the ‘bay.
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macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
@weckart are there any specific G4 iBook displays which are compatible with the clamshells? Does that include going into an original 300mhz clamshell with the Rage Mobility? If so I might hunt down a donor ‘book from the ‘bay.
You need 8MB of VRAM first, so only the Firewire models can benefit. All 12" iBook or PB panels will potentially work but there is a cable issue to overcome. I did a brief write up a couple of years ago.


macrumors 68020
Feb 17, 2017
You need 8MB of VRAM first, so only the Firewire models can benefit. All 12" iBook or PB panels will potentially work but there is a cable issue to overcome. I did a brief write up a couple of years ago.

Thanks for the confirmation. I thought as much. The Rage Mobility is a real lightweight. It doesn't appear to provide Mac OS X with ANY hardware acceleration, yet the 4MB wonder is able to provide smooth QD3D RAVE hardware acceleration in OS9 for games like Tomb Raider/TRII, Carmageddon, Unreal, Driver, etc

My Pismo with it's 8MB ATI Rage Mobility 128 GPU feels like a Quartz rendering powerhouse in comparison, so long as I avoid transparent windows (Terminal, etc).
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