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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 6, 2009
Hello All!

When I first got my iPhone 2G, I started the stopwatch and never stopped it. It's at 28,472 hours now, which translates to 3.25 years. I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has done the same thing. One of the cool things about the iPhone is that the iTunes backup function saves every single detail about your iPhone, and so when you restore to a backup where the stopwatch was running, the restored iPhone stopwatch will be at where it would have been had you never restored your iPhone, as if nothing happened. It obviously tracks itself against the cellular time code.

So if anyone else runs their stopwatch constantly, let me hear it!

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Wow that's awesome
I started mine today when school started, 18:22:18 hours ago. lol (but my phone died earlier today so idk if that got counted).
Yeah, it definitely got counted. The stopwatch sets a timestamp when you start it, and then anytime you view it after that, it checks itself against the timestamp and shows the value of the difference between the timestamp and the actual time.
Yeah, it definitely got counted. The stopwatch sets a timestamp when you start it, and then anytime you view it after that, it checks itself against the timestamp and shows the value of the difference between the timestamp and the actual time.

screenshot possible?
haha yeah i did that on my 3G and even though i have gotten other phones it always keeps it from where it left off i need to look where mine is it was up to like 2 years though
I've been doing the same but not for as long. I'm currently on 1450 hours. Your time is awesome by the way.
I do that too for some reason. Mine is at over 30,000 hours. It is kind of annoying because I can never use the stopwatch, but I have never wanted to stop it.
Way back the numbers were too big and the time didn't even display correctly, but Apple seems to have fixed that so it shouldn't have problems anymore.


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does this drain battery life?

Probably not, since it's not constantly running in the background. Seems like every time you reopen the app, it checks for the last timestamp and continues from there. You can try it-- start the stopwatch, then hit the home button. Quit the app from the multitasking bar, then reopen it. It'll start up as if it never stopped in the first place.

Cool "feature" I hadn't heard of until now
Wow. I'm pretty psyched at the response I got from my initial post.

Dave420, that's pretty impressive. You've got my 24000 hours beat! Very nice. You must have bought your phone a couple months before I bought mine.
The only thing I use the stopwatch for is cooking. I time how long I have my backed goods in the oven. That's about it.
Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks. Haha.

I really have no way of knowing the strain it puts on the battery since I've been running the stopwatch constantly since I got it.
Just passed 4 years :)

Nice! Way to dig up an old thread! I totally forgot I had created this thread. I'm no longer running my stopwatch. I switched to Android briefly when the iPhone 4S came out because I wanted a bigger screen. I thoroughly regretted it afterwards and now have an iPhone 5, but my stopwatch progress was lost and never got back into it.

That's great to see that you're still running with it though! I'm impressed.
Just passed 4 years :)

Haha, you beat me out too. I lost mine when I was having issues with the initial iOS 6 update and Apple suggested resetting my settings. The settings reset didn't fix my issue, but it did clear my stopwatch.
One of my friends started mine on my ipod touch and told me to never stop it, i think it ran for like a year and a half. I did it on my iphone but when it resprings it will reset and stop. ):
The only thing I use the stopwatch for is cooking. I time how long I have my backed goods in the oven. That's about it.

My use is similar....

I use it to time coffee roasts!

Quelle surprise!:p

The only thing I use the stop watch for is timing my laundry cycles. I have to use a common laundry room and I don't want to leave my stuff in there too long if someone else is waiting to use it.
You CAN use your stopwatch. You just need to note lap times and differences in subsequent lap times. Too much math for you??:D


The only thing I use the stop watch for is timing my laundry cycles. I have to use a common laundry room and I don't want to leave my stuff in there too long if someone else is waiting to use it.

Has anyone ever unloaded your clothes from the dryer and pile them into a wrinkled mess?
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