I've done a lot of googling for this, but nothing seems to work.
I have an audio book in the form of a single .MP3 file, that I would like to convert to a format that iTunes will recognize as an audiobook, and not music.
I've tried converting to .m4b, but iTunes still accepts it as a song, and not an audiobook, not putting it into the audiobooks category.
Any tips?
How did you convert the MP3 to .m4b? What did you use?
Here's what I've always done:
-Change importing format to AAC, adjust settings for an audiobook (32kbps, ...or whatever else you like).
-Find your file in iTunes, right-click, select "Convert to AAC".
-Once converted, delete the MP3 version. Right-click on your new AAC, and take "Show in finder".
-Drag it to the desktop. Once there, rename the extension from .m4a to .m4b.
-Drag it back into iTunes and it will get picked up as an Audiobook and go in the Audiobooks section. (*iTunes will still have an entry for your files when they were "songs". It will have a "
!" next to it and if you click it will complain that the songs cannot be found. Just delete the entry from iTunes since now they're showing up in Audiobooks).
*There are some play issues I've heard of / encountered with one really long file (and / or a mono AAC), so be aware it may not play smoothly. In the future if you're ripping from CDs, it's better to join tracks on each disc but leave each disc as it's own "part" (ie: 10 discs would make a 10-part book).
That's what I do anyway. And I do that a lot.
Here's a script.