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Apr 2, 2006
I'm really disappointed in the ability to sync PDF files to the iPad. I'm not a fan of eBooks or the EPUB format. Most of the PDF files I have are technical docs I have written and "how to guides" I use in my consulting business. Does anyone know of a way to get a PDF file to the iPad without having to upload it to a file server or use FTP? I would like to sync files or find a better way to do a local copy to the iPad. Purchased the GoodReader app which does not work at all with the WiFi copy instructions provided with the App. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
With GoodReader, you can copy PDF files over right in iTunes. just plug in your iPad, go to the sync screen, click the apps tab at the top, click on GoodReader, then at the bottom you can drag and drop in your PDF files.

Piece of cake :)

FTA "There is a dedicated area at the bottom of the Applications pane (click on the iPad icon inside iTunes to access it) dedicated for this task. On the left side there is a list of all the apps that can support file transfers (not all of them can). Click on one app, and a list with all its documents will appear on the right side."

I recommend an application called
I just transfered a boatload of PDFs to goodreader without issue.

I used the GO->server instructions for the Mac. There was a delay - i thought it wasn't working. But once i got it going it worked great. And once i realized dropped that big ole folder of PDFs wasn't a good idea it went even better!LOL!!

I wish it was using the transfer tools in iTunes - which are easy peasy, did that with some pages & keynote docs last night - but maybe in an update?
With GoodReader, you can copy PDF files over right in iTunes. just plug in your iPad, go to the sync screen, click the apps tab at the top, click on GoodReader, then at the bottom you can drag and drop in your PDF files.

Piece of cake :)

Really? It didn't show up on mine.

Darn it, that would have been way easier. Going back for the BIG OLE folder now! Maybe i should quit iTunes and restart.

Eta: yup, that was indeed the problem!!!! Big files moved!!!
I dont have my iPad yet (missed the ups delivery guy), but could you upload it onto google docs the download it to the ipad?

FTA "There is a dedicated area at the bottom of the Applications pane (click on the iPad icon inside iTunes to access it) dedicated for this task. On the left side there is a list of all the apps that can support file transfers (not all of them can). Click on one app, and a list with all its documents will appear on the right side."

I recommend an application called

do you notice any rendering problems with goodreader? I bought mypdfs but when I'm looking at magazines it seems to show the previous page when I zoom in on a page and then loads the correct image.
ReaddleDocs is the way to go. I have hundreds of PDFs and it's a snap.

I just drag n drop via finder into my iPad. I can create folders and everything. So easy. Worth the few bucks by far. I love this app. Sure beats http uploading of PDF reader pro.


1. Start readdledocs on iPad
2. Take note of the IP and port it says.
3. Open finder, choose GO menu and select connect to server.
4. Enter IP/port and click connect.
5. The iPad now shows up in Finder. Just create folders, drop in what you want (Readdle docs handles pics n stuff too).

Steps 1-4 are reduced after the first time if you "favorite" the server in Finder.

Did I mention I love this app? :)
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Goodreader has a ton of options for transferring files. iTunes as mentioned above, MobileMe, Dropbox, FTP, Google Docs, etc! I was shocked at how many ways there were to get files into the software. Once in, the ability to create folders, move and organize files, etc is a great addition.

I prefer iTunes for most of the heavy lifting, with an iDisk option for those last minute throw a file over before running out the door.

I am seriously impressed with Goodreader.
I use FileMagnet for reference files such as PDFs.

For my needs, it works well with the iPhone and iPod touch.

Not sure if they will have an iPad specific version but expect them to release one.
Is there a way to download and save PDF's found on the web to your iPad? I don't really care how they're displayed I just need them for offline access.
With GoodReader, you can copy PDF files over right in iTunes. just plug in your iPad, go to the sync screen, click the apps tab at the top, click on GoodReader, then at the bottom you can drag and drop in your PDF files.

Piece of cake :)

Thanks for the info. I will give it try later today.
I just installed good reader today. Transferring PDFs to the app is easy over wifi. The PDFs look good on the app too. I tried converting them to pub and syncing with iBooks but they looked terrible.
It seems like it would have been much simpler if Apple had just made a simple Disk Mode where you can store all your various files and then certain applications could detect them and open them.

Is it really that hard Apple?
One reason I'll never buy to support my sales staff. Without a local drive my sales people wont even want to deal with the headache.

Listen to us Apple and they will come

It seems like it would have been much simpler if Apple had just made a simple Disk Mode where you can store all your various files and then certain applications could detect them and open them.

Is it really that hard Apple?
I wish that apple would take more advantage of mobile me. I think they need a way to be able to save email attachments to your idisk, save downloads from the internet like pdfs, docs, pictures as well to the idisk. Have it be an incentive for spending money on mobile me.
Since I don't see that happening, I'd really like to see dropbox develop a universal code that applications could use to save files directly to it, and access them. If apple doesn't want to give us some sort of storage system on the iphone os, then they should at least build in the support for cloud storage.
I'm another vote for Goodreader.

I connected the iPad as a network drive, transferred a few gigs of PDFs in just a few minutes, and it's wonderful.

Easy to browse. They open real quick. Most of mine are actually scans so full page images.

I'm very very happy with it and it was only $0.99.

Also setup to use my iDisk and DropBox, as well as browse my intranet to dowload PDFs.
Air Sharing

I had posted in another thread about using Air Sharing (iPhone app) on my iPad.

I use Air Sharing on my iPhone but using the iPhone version on the iPad just doesn't give acceptable results so I don't recommend this method. It displays the pdf's in iPhone size and if you hit the 2X button, it blows it up to fill the screen but it's pixelated and the pdf's are practically unreadable. I do see that Air Sharing now has an iPad specific version for $10 and I'll probably end up getting it as it's a very often used app on my iPhone.

Thanks for all the great feedback on this thread!
One reason I'll never buy to support my sales staff. Without a local drive my sales people wont even want to deal with the headache.

Listen to us Apple and they will come

Actually in your case, to me it would seem to work well with goodreader and a drop box account. You could upload pdfs to drop box, send an email notifying your sales staff about it. They could then go open up goodreader with the pdfs right there to access. With the 3g model, they could do it while they are out and about. The nice thing with the ipad is they wouldn't have to flip open a laptop, wait for it to load up, connect to the internet, wait while mail opens and downloads the files, etc. With the ipad w/3g, everything would be near instantaneous.

I don't know your needs of the sales staff, but to me the ipad seems like it would be an amazing devise for being out and on the go. It might just take some time to figure out the ideal setup. Would it have been easier if apple would have included a file storage system? No doubt, but i think it is more than possible with the apps out there right now.
Thanks for that iTunes tip about Goodreader (makes life easier)

This file sharing option for apps looks like it could be used for other types of files. That was one of the things I hated about getting files on to the iPhone.

To use wifi and addresses is a tiresome hack, IMHO
Thanks for that iTunes tip about Goodreader (makes life easier)

This file sharing option for apps looks like it could be used for other types of files. That was one of the things I hated about getting files on to the iPhone.

To use wifi and addresses is a tiresome hack, IMHO

You are welcome. It makes life so much easier.
Yeah i think the same thing. Apparently I should research the product before i buy it, even though i love it, and it's my fault. And it's reasonable that this is missing from the iPad. At least that's what people are saying in my post.
It seems like it would have been much simpler if Apple had just made a simple Disk Mode where you can store all your various files and then certain applications could detect them and open them.

Is it really that hard Apple?

It is when that leaves the potential for huge security problems....;)

That's exactly how I was able (through the work of others) to hack my 5.5 gen ipod classic back in the day.
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