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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2009
Just noticed the huge gap in pricing for the pro between Canada and the US.

Normally, the prices aren't too far off. For example, the 128 GB iPad Air 2 w LTE:

US = $829
CAN = $899

The 128 GB pro pricing is:

US = $1,079
CAN = $1.429...!!!

I wonder why its priced so high here in Canada. It just seems out of place compared to the other iPads.
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Weak Canadian dollar at the moment. $1 CDN is about $0.73 USD. Do the math.

Yes, I know. However, this is not reflected in the other iPad prices. If it was, the 128 GB iPad Air should be over $1,000 Cdn. Is Apple Canada selling them at a loss now?

I'm still trying to get my head around an iPad Pro with smart keyboard and pencil for $2,019 after taxes. Wow.
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Unfortunately we live in a country where our dollar is usually weaker than the US and it's really bad right now.

Add in the fact extra federal import taxes and it's a crappy reason why every good coming in has an increased price to it.

Even when our dollar was good, products were higher priced.
Sad at that time when you could order from the US and even with customs & shipping, some products were still cheaper than buying in Canada!

Just look at our gas the next time you or your parents (if you don't drive) go to fuel up.
Right at the pump it explains the extra %'s in taxes right off the top.

Those aren't directly the same for importing, but the concept is the same. Sadly! :(
I'm curious to know what will happen with the next release. I wouldn't think Apple would increase the price on older generations.
If there is such a price gap between the one sold now and the new one, who would justify making a purchase?
I thought it's $100 off at Staples.

Thanks! I hadn't thought to check out Staples. I bought an iPad Air 2 (128 GB WiFi) a few days ago at BB for $739 (reg. $750). Thanks to your post, I looked it up at Staples, then went to BB just now and they did a price protection refund plus beat their price by 10%. So in the end, I paid $662 for it. :)
I'm annoyed at The Wifi only models are $100 off, the cellular models have no discount.
Today it's $1035 USD, tomorrow it will be $1250 USD.. It changes from day to day.. I purchased something from Mophie at one price, called them back to refund it five minutes later. They refunded it the next day and I lost $5 CAD.. Same item, just cancelled the order and got it refunded and lost $5. Exchange rates are VERY fluid..

So Beavix, you can bite me about complaining about a Canadian complaining about the prices..
I wonder why its priced so high here in Canada. It just seems out of place compared to the other iPads.
Because of the massive USD to CAD rate. 1 USD is 1.38 CAD at this moment. That's almost 1.5x more! Of course it's going to be more expensive. Don't blame Apple, blame whoever is responsible for the incredibly weak dollar.
Because of the massive USD to CAD rate. 1 USD is 1.38 CAD at this moment. That's almost 1.5x more! Of course it's going to be more expensive. Don't blame Apple, blame whoever is responsible for the incredibly weak dollar.

Just to clarify, I understand that our dollar is weak compared the US. I'm wondering more about why the prices aren't reflecting this across the board. For example, the iPad Mini 4, announced at the same time as the Pro, is priced much closer between the 2 currencies such as the iPM4 128 GB LTE is $799 vs $729 in Canada and US respectively.

The Pro seems to have a much larger gap (more reflective of the current currency difference).

Anyway, it is what it is. There are other factors that come into play I suppose.
Maybe Apple should just sell directly, then they could sell at US$ +/- exchange rates... The web site would automatically calculate the daily price, not unlike ordering the daily catch at your local restaurant...
I really wanted to get an IPP, but the base model with no pencil or keyboard would cost me close to $1,400 with tax! On top of that, Apple wanted another $200 after tax for the Smart Cover and case. To me, this is madness especially when the IPP doesn't really do anything appreciably different than my iPad 4. Apple is just getting greedy here. I've decided not to buy it and keep my current iPad 4. Really disappointing.

If the IPP came with some advanced features or better software, then perhaps one can justify the cost. But since I don't draw, there's nothing else that makes it worthwhile.
I really wanted to get an IPP, but the base model with no pencil or keyboard would cost me close to $1,400 with tax! On top of that, Apple wanted another $200 after tax for the Smart Cover and case. To me, this is madness especially when the IPP doesn't really do anything appreciably different than my iPad 4. Apple is just getting greedy here. I've decided not to buy it and keep my current iPad 4. Really disappointing.

If the IPP came with some advanced features or better software, then perhaps one can justify the cost. But since I don't draw, there's nothing else that makes it worthwhile.

See the contradiction here?

Apple did make the iPad pro "appreciably different" by putting in a newly designed screen with an additional layer of digitizer to accept the Apple Pencil input. This entirely new way of in put will make a night and day difference in all app development, not just drawing apps. To give you one example, in Goodnotes 4 (a note taking app) it now allows writing by pencil only, and eraser by finger. This mean 100% perfect palm rejection. In Remote Desktop apps, this means use the pencil as a mouse for fine movement control, while finger for zooming only.

By the way, a bigger screen also makes a day and night difference in split mode mode. I can now really open up a pdf and a docx simultaneously at reasonable zoom level to read and take notes at the same time.

Think about how a 60" TV costs more than twice of a 32" TV, because the screen is the most expensive part of the device. I don't see why the iPad pro should be priced any less than what it is now.
It costed $1500+ for me with the cell model, include $200 for the pencil... this costed more than the macbook pro 13 in i bought later the next week. HOLY.
Wow, those prices in Europe are crazy! Is that typical of electronics in general or just Apple products?
The Canadian dollar is going to go way lower still. We could see the dollar well below 70 cents. Never mind the price of electronics, the price of imported food is going crazy.
iPad Pro 128 GB WiFi+LTE:
  • USA: $1079 USD
  • Canada: $1429 CAD = $1035 USD
  • Europe: 1229 € = $1344 USD
Shut up Canada.

Just because our dollar is weak doesn't mean we can afford to spend more of it. 1429$ is still 1429$ Here in Canada. Unfortunately they don't take the exchange rate into consideration on my paycheque. Sooooo while I understand and accept the price differences between US and Canada, it doesn't mean I have to like it.
Wow, those prices in Europe are crazy! Is that typical of electronics in general or just Apple products?

Everything is more expensive in Europe mainly because of the VAT. There are also other taxes and distribution costs. But some companies raise prices just because they think Europeans can afford paying more than others.
Wow, those prices in Europe are crazy! Is that typical of electronics in general or just Apple products?
It's mostly Apple. An example? A $299 Xbox One is €299 in Italy while a $899 MacBook Air is €1029 in Italy.
That's beyond ridiculous
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