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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Sep 22- Ok… I have started a third play though, this time I tried the Street Kid Start, don’t bother. It’s virtually nothing, go hijack a car, but you don’t get that far, meet Jackie, get arrested, get turned loose. The Nomad is hands down the best start. It actually has a quest, some excitement, and you are already semi- allied with a group who plays a very important part in the story. I’m playing on “hard”.

I’m not an amazing twitchy player, but hard, with some caution is very playable. It makes the game feel more realistic to me. Katana-pistol build, the best way to go to feel like a bad ass. My build notes are buried in this thread somewhere or try here. :D

Night City

I feel certain that there was meant to be more with these starts that got short changed in the troubled launch of this game. It’s incredibly good for what it does right, the main quests and primary companion quests, but it comes up short for choices that have real impact in the story Although if you say the right things, not hard at all to find romance. :) It’s still quite an experience with a good ending imho.

Recently some new content was added so I’m looking out for that. Warning: if don’t you want painfully slow saves, turn Cross Progression Saves Off (in game settings).

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macrumors G4
Game is garbage and remains to be so as CDPR outright lied to the players, blatantly misleading to haul in the cash. Game isn't a patch on Witcher 3. Many of the good devs left as management took the bulk of the $$$ and told the devs to take a walk and it shows.

Shabby storyline and still a broken game that other games have nailed the mechanics over 20 years ago. Yes, there's promise sadly wasted...


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Sep 22- Ok… I have started a third play
Just as an FYI, there's been a new DLC that was announced for the game. I don't have specifics, but its something that will offer new content/game play
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macrumors G4
Just as an FYI, there's been a new DLC that was announced for the game. I don't have specifics, but its something that will offer new content/game play
As ever time will tell. I remain to be very sceptical as CDPR blatantly & outright lied about the games content and gameplay. DLC is free fair enough. If paid no chance as CDPR has already stolen my $$$ in exchange for a **** game...

Good to see you back in the game, you were missed :)

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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
sceptical as CDPR blatantly
As for the game, I tried liking it and maybe I'll re-pick it up with the latest update that landed.

On paper its just the type of game I enjoy but playing it, I found it less enjoyable. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but I suspect there's not a single reason.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Game is garbage and remains to be so as CDPR outright lied to the players, blatantly misleading to haul in the cash. Game isn't a patch on Witcher 3. Many of the good devs left as management took the bulk of the $$$ and told the devs to take a walk and it shows.

Shabby storyline and still a broken game that other games have nailed the mechanics over 20 years ago. Yes, there's promise sadly wasted...
This is probably one of the few titles we disagree about. :D No, I’m not saying it is a perfect game by far, but I can appreciate what was accomplished, the environment and I enjoy the story even if you are mostly on rails.

As I’ve said in the past:
  • Best busy city simulation I’ve ever seen but it’s shallow. Let me clarify, it’s so good that you might expect much more, want more as in striking up a conversation with anyone you bump into. But sadly that’s not the case. I’m not making this a critique, because it’s basically impossible to have something that in-depth today. But when you are moving though, jostling though a crowd of people on the sidewalk, you feel like you are in a city, the sounds, visuals, and bumping into people is there, even with their complaints if you push through them.
  • Animation, voice acting, and overall environmental ambiance is outstanding. The characters are all great. The main quest and companion quests top notch.
  • The significant critique, the one I think @Queen6 is focused on is the lack of significant choice, with significantly different outcomes. The quests mostly seem to be on rails, although there are different ways to skin the cat with the same end result.

    For example, acquiring the flathead (military prototype bot) from a gang for The Job quest, there are choices with how you execute this quest. Yes, you have to have it to move forward in the main quest, you can work with Meridith Stout, a Militech agent, or you can cooperate with the gang, you’ll end up fighting someone. And if you work with Meridth, you can have a one night stand with her regardless of your character’s gender.
  • Another critique is that the ton of “filler” quests, gigs and side missions are necessary to level your character, but can feel like rinse, wash, repeat. They are all tactical combat situations which I happen to enjoy, but I’ll also admit after the The Job quest, where your life experiences a hard core adjustment, there is nothing approaching a balanced life. To level your character adequately, you’ll have no life other than traveling around the city beating the **** out of bad guys and gals, honing your combat skills and maybe enjoying it. I did and do as I again find myself playing it.
  • You have an apartment, but no real reason to visit it other than to stash gear, no need to sleep or eat, other than you insist on acting like a human being or you need a buff to heal yourself. This is related to what I said about being in an outstanding city simulation, it’s so good, you’ll want more, but be disappointed.
  • However, with all said about “rails”, the game has drastically different endings depending your choices. One such ending is generally accepted as the best cannon ending. Others or at least one other is considered bad, less desirable or a depressing ending. And you have the option to romance several companions, who in some cases depend on your character’s gender
Regarding the ending, I admit I’m a chicken. :) I realize that this is not real life, but a game with predetermined avenues, and I hate making bad choices, not realized at the time, that are not reversible. There are no second chances here once the switch is flipped, so once I heard about good and bad endings, I did not want to have to repeat a large amount of content to find a good ending. I had to know in advance and can accept that. If you look online, there are articles written to inform, if you want:

Just as an FYI, there's been a new DLC that was announced for the game. I don't have specifics, but its something that will offer new content/game play
Looking forward to this!

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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
CP2077 Photo Album 1

NC Starter Car.jpg
Starter Car near Kabuki District

NC Citizens 2Women.jpg
2 Citizens taking a break

NC Ad1.jpg
Ad on Building 1

NC Lizzy's Bar.jpg
Lizzy's Bar, home of the Moxx

Judy @ Lizzy's Bar.jpg
Judy Alverez and Evelyn Parker​


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Excuse my enthusiam. Yes, I'll be beaten about the heads and shoulders with verbal sticks, ;) for saying this but the Cyberpunk2077 Heist quest up through the intro to Johnny Silverhand to Playing for Time is one of the best atmospheric, thrill ride sequences in a game I have ever enjoyed, as in ever. 😘 Yes, the game has critiques, has been called garbage by some, but I've not ever seen anything like this before in single player immersion.
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macrumors G4
Excuse my enthusiam. Yes, I'll be beaten about the heads and shoulders with verbal sticks, ;) for saying this but the Cyberpunk2077 Heist quest up through the intro to Johnny Silverhand and Playing for Time is one of the best atmospheric, thrill ride sequences in a game I have ever enjoyed, as in ever. 😘 Yes, the game has critiques, has been called garbage by some, but I've not ever seen anything like this before in single player immersion.
Maybe I'll give CP2077 another shot as doe seem like CDPR are at least trying to fix the game.

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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I've installed the game, but its been so long since I played, I'll probably have to restart just to re-acquaint myself of the game mechanics
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Maybe I'll give CP2077 another shot as doe seem like CDPR are at least trying to fix the game.

I think from a choice perspective little has changed from the original release. It would be better IMO to view this as a visual novel that you can participate in, mixed in with a large number of tactical situational combat quests that raise your experience, making you deadly.

And seperate from the main story, impressively good companion quests, with nice immersive touches sprinkled through, such as a funeral, dinner with your detective friend, and playing a game with his kid, visiting Judy’s flooded childhood neighborhood and chilling with the Nomads plus their fun armored vehicle and mission. I’ve not seen this kind of effort put into an RPG before.

The choices to change the outcome, are limited but significant from a personal stand point , there is the good and bad endings, and you can make a choice that determines an ending, and with the proper attention, you can choose a significant other to accompany you on your journey at the end, if you pick the journey choice.

Play a Nomad woman, pick Judy, can’t have her as a guy, the other option would be PanAm as a male character, but with Panam, you are with her, but spend little time with her. I found Judy to be a more pleasing relationship. And as good as Takemura turns out to be (you can save him in a climatic fight he is involved in) stay away from the Arasaka ending. :)

Heist spoiler- when your told to leave the penthouse via window don’t, head up stairs to the roof to fetch The Sword (Satori). And note there is another more powerful sword to be had, but it does not have this sword’s crit rate.

General Playthrough Philosophy- If you enjoy this game, after you get kicked in the head during The Heist- do the companion quests, but take the Main Quest slow and complete every Gig and Side quest first.

I view it this way, they promised A LOT, failed to deliver all that they promised, but still created a highly enjoyable experience/journey, if you can accept where it has failed. It’s like this, they gave enough that was so good, that I expected more, disappointed, I did not get more, and I still can’t deny that I’m highly enjoying the game experience and story as it is.
I've installed the game, but its been so long since I played, I'll probably have to restart just to re-acquaint myself of the game mechanics
I would.

Playing on hard is not as easy as I remember it, at least it stops you from waltzing though fights without a care. I don’t like machine guns, rarely use assault rifles, or shotguns. Remember, you only get good with what you use. I feel more immersed when swinging a blade, and consequently it’s taken me up to level 9 to acquire/upgrade a pistol where one-shot head shots are possible, not always. Tip- breakdown most gear and save the expensive ones to sell. The sneak mechanism is highly effective and unrealistic, but I can live with that. :D

Usually on hard, I just can’t charge in and wipe the floor with adversaries. You do reach a point with the focus on Reflexes/blade-pistol, Body Athletics, and don’t blow off Cool, you transform into a melee killing machine, where your physical speed and strength picks up to scary levels. The pistol skills with upgrades cover you for distance killing, but I also have a sniper rifle which is very effective for a couple of scenarios even without devoting any perks to rifles.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

Cyberpunk 2077’s been having a bit of a renaissance lately. The hit Netflix spinoff anime Edgerunners, which fellow Kotaku staff writer Isaiah Colbert described as “Studio Trigger at its finest,” has pulled people into the dark and gritty world of this game once more. Add to that a number of patches and improvements from developer CD Projekt Red, and the quality of this once-perilous game is much improved. There’s also a DLC expected next year, so now is a great time to jump into a much better version of what was first released in 2020.

In some ways Cyberpunk 2077 is still a bit of a hot mess. But don’t let that dissuade you. It can still give powerful machines a hard time, and the gameplay often seems very distracted, wanting to chase a variety of AAA-isms without all of them feeling fully necessary or baked. And yet in spite of it all, the main story is a real joy to play through, and there’s a lot of fun to be had in speccing out your V so you can hit the streets of Night City in your own way. So let’s get into it
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
When I first started playing RPGs, quests would be offered up with urgency, and I would execute them post haste. Since then I have learned that quests designed into most games as a rule, wait on you.

In CP 2077 you can take a short vacation from the “important quests” the main and companion quests and just run around town knocking heads together with the gigs, side quests, and police action, requested help for illegal activities.

I am not sure if the game scales difficulty at all to player level, but I’m thinking not. On the map, side quests and gigs are listed with their difficulty.

Any time I see a group of thugs with yellow chevrons over their heads, I scan them to be sure they are not cops or innocent civilians, usually easy to tell visually, just to be sure they have bounties on them. And if they would surrender, I would not kill them, but they never seem to.

This is how I keep a huge flow of gear, ammo, for breakdown or sale, and scoop tons of XP. Arguably this is the way to sail though the main and companion quests without too much difficulty (playing on hard) although I sometimes misjudge and end up dead. Thank goodness for saves. 🙂

The first time I played this game, I was not thrilled about first person view melee combat, but now that I am acclimated, it feels more real this way, as much as a game can feel real when you are immersed. Before I engage a group, if there are many, I usually drop an electrocute or reboot vision on one of them, headshot one or two of them (pistol with 200% headshot damage stat), sometimes lead with a frag grenade, then head in with the blade. Because it is first person, you become more in tune to how bad guys are positioned and when someone slips behind you, be sure to spread the ❤️ in all directions.

I am repeating myself, Cool is built for melee. An analogy for a melee build, it‘s similiar to the difference between driving an automatic vs a stick shift. And it is easy to disregard, blow off, underestimate, but do not ignore the Cool Stat and Cold Blood. I almost did, but never regretted investing in it substantially, especially if you are chasing a melee build in combination with athletics, pistol and blades. Curiously this type of athletic strength is separate from brawler strength.

Well, I’m not investing in brawling, there is a chain quest based on brawling matches and they are tough. I’m not bringing my fists to a knife/gun fight anyway. ;) With stacks of cold blood, a temporary bluff, it is impressive what you can do during fast moving combat, you temporarily are buffed into something that is well beyond human capability, and it is exhilarating. I feel more vested in this character as I move at almost blinding speeds, vs blowing away adversaries with a shotgun or a sniper rifle where the gun does all the work. Here I am moving and wielding up close and personal. :D
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
So I fired up Cyberpunk and I noticed a couple of things right off the bat.

First, It appears the last time I played this was last year, literally last October - funny how things come around, another October and another attempt to play.

Second option is there's less junk/look. I just did the very first mission where you have to save that chick in the tub. going through the hallways and in the apartment, used to be littered with stuff to loot. Now nothing. I'm not sure how I feel about this, I think my prior experience (as short as it was) may be coloring my game play and I need to approach this like a new game without any preconceived notions
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macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
So I fired up Cyberpunk and I noticed a couple of things right off the bat.

First, It appears the last time I played this was last year, literally last October - funny how things come around, another October and another attempt to play.

Second option is there's less junk/look. I just did the very first mission where you have to save that chick in the tub. going through the hallways and in the apartment, used to be littered with stuff to loot. Now nothing. I'm not sure how I feel about this, I think my prior experience (as short as it was) may be coloring my game play and I need to approach this like a new game without any preconceived notions
Are you playing with the same settings as before?


macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007

I just updated the version, fired up the game and then started a new game instead of re-loading an existing one, since its been so long, I wanted to re-learn the details of the game
I know they changed the LOD for the console versions, but I wasn't aware those changes affected the PC version as well. That is a bummer.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I know they changed the LOD for the console versions, but I wasn't aware those changes affected the PC version as well. That is a bummer.
Its no big deal, I'm trying to take it as a new game and not bring in my prior history, since so much has changed. I have noticed that NPCs walking around the city are a lot better then they were when I last played. More randomness and what not
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
So I fired up Cyberpunk and I noticed a couple of things right off the bat.

First, It appears the last time I played this was last year, literally last October - funny how things come around, another October and another attempt to play.

Second option is there's less junk/look. I just did the very first mission where you have to save that chick in the tub. going through the hallways and in the apartment, used to be littered with stuff to loot. Now nothing. I'm not sure how I feel about this, I think my prior experience (as short as it was) may be coloring my game play and I need to approach this like a new game without any preconceived notions
I really did not notice much difference playing on my PC, junk wise, and there is still plenty of junk and trash around in certain environments, piles of it. I have yet to venture into the dump, acres upon acres of trash seemingly to the horizon in some cases, in the desert on the outskirts of town, but as I recall that comes later in the game.

Loot? I’m overflowing with it, hitting every encounter icon on the map.

I’ve noticed the apartments for sale, visited one $5k in a run down building in Japan town, walked into the lobby and about faced back outside. Now there is a $55k apartment, but I need to see it before I decide i need another better pad. Besides I’m saving up for a vehicle, although Jackie’s bike is more than adequate For around town transport, except when it’s raining and I get drenched, ;)

I’m thinking ahead for when I get involved in revenge racing with the bar tender. I need something better than her souped up pickup truck. :D
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
So I made some progress, I'm still doing the first act, where I just wrapped up the Ride quest where you meet Dex and get the next couple of quests.

I've poked around the city a bit doing police quests and other minor side quests that you stumble up. The first issue came to light as I started to level up a bit. The confusion and complexity of the skills tree, I don't want to be pigeon holed into a build this early on but its clear my weapons are on the weaker side.

In my past playthroughs (not getting terribly far in the game), I started leaning on the pistol build, but this time while i want to go there, the weapon that I have is just too weak. I'm having better luck with a shotgun, but that requires me running into the middle of a crowd and just start blasting away, instead of hiding and shooting from a distance
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