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Anybody who cares enough about what smartphone someone uses to exclude them has some serious problems with character and judgement. There are way more important things to focus on than this. But I suppose that the 'youngings' divide into cliques, and this is one of the easiest ones to do.

Non-issue to me because I rarely text. Calls only
Anybody who cares enough about what smartphone someone uses to exclude them has some serious problems with character and judgement. There are way more important things to focus on than this. But I suppose that the 'youngings' divide into cliques, and this is one of the easiest ones to do.

Non-issue to me because I rarely text. Calls only
Try explaining this to kids who actually form social groups around what color text messages people have. Its a serious social stigma in middle and high schools (as sad as that is). I have an 8th grader and we've talked about not making an issue out of someone's phone but she has group chats and says the green ones mess up the group chats lol.
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Try explaining this to kids who actually form social groups around what color text messages people have. Its a serious social stigma in middle and high schools (as sad as that is). I have an 8th grader and we've talked about not making an issue out of someone's phone but she has group chats and says the green ones mess up the group chats lol.
I'm 37 and I agree with her. I send out a group text with one non-iPhone and the replies I get from everybody come back in their own thread. Defeats the purpose of a group text.

This is obviously more Apple's fault than the person and I'd never say anything to them about their phone choice (with the exception of my brother in law because we're both in IT and I love railing on him about how inferior Android is and all the malware he has to avoid in the Play Store alone).
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When I'm in the UK a green bubble means that a human just cost me 10 cents.

Worse. Vodafone UK, for example, charges 55 pence (70 cents) for a MMS picture message for a subscriber to their plans. Similarly, calling party pays mean calls to cell phones are easily 10 cents/min in many parts of Europe.
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I don't treat people differently based on their choice of phone (obviously!) but I think everyone tends to form opinions about others, based on their clothes/phones/possessions. That's a perfectly normal thing to do.
I live in the U.S. and I text heavily as it’s more convenient to me than lengthy or ill-timed phone calls. I don’t personally know anyone who uses WhatsApp or other alternatives to their native messaging apps. All that said, while I would never judge or exclude someone due to a green bubble, it does wreak havoc on a group thread. I was in a family text group that had 9 iMessage users and one android user which of course turned the group to SMS. Due to this, even the smallest videos were highly compressed. It’s not the android user’s fault personally. But an inconvenience nonetheless.
Everyone uses Line where I live (japan) so I dont get to experience the blue bubbles ever T_T
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This article correctly called out the two scenarios where this is currently happening in the US. Snoody people and adolescents.

Admittedly, I'd rather chat with someone who has an iPhone, however, I have never nor will shut down a conversation because of their phone choice.

My teenage daughters have confirmed for me however, that this is a real phenomenon. Even the shoe analogy wasn't comparable enough, because phones = communication... And lots of it.

What to do... I would strongly encourage anyone being affected by this to do what I've done with family and friends... Get an agnostic messaging platform to communicate through. Everyone in my circles has been highly receptive of Whatsapp.

If friends are unwilling to do that, then perhaps it's time to move on 🤷🏾‍♂️
I have one iPhone and one Android. Green bubble, blue bubble, doesn't matter. In my case, both lines have unlimited everything. I can get how if you don't, that might affect how you feel about getting a text rather than an iMessage.
Try sending a green bubble a video over imessage, has to be short to work.

And yes everyone here uses iMessage, WhatsApp is just for friends/family that live or holidaying OS mainly.
I don’t text a lot, but when the family group text for get together’s, my niece and I are the only one’s that have iPhones. Everybody else is on Android. So I always see green bubbles. No extras charges for me.
Try sending a green bubble a video over imessage, has to be short to work.

And yes everyone here uses iMessage, WhatsApp is just for friends/family that live or holidaying OS mainly.

Green bubble and iMessage are a contradiction. It’s either or.
Oh please. It's not about income and status. For me it's about how it can be a PITA if everyone isn't on iMessage. If you sent a video file to the group it can show up as a tiny, low-res version.

The other day my dad (iPhone) started a group chat with many relatives. Instead of getting each message as a chat message I get an email from that has an attachment with the message. I looked on his phone and in iMessage he sent to me using my Apple ID (email addr), which is valid.
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