Damn. My 2017 XPS isn't supported :-(
Just install it - it will work. I'm running it on a Huawei Matebook X Pro paired with my XS Max. No problem.
I installed the PC app via the Microsoft App Store. It said it was incompatible but allowed the install anyhow. Prompted for the mirroring drivers, I then restarted the Dell PC app to pick the drivers up and I'm mirroring my iPhone on my Huawei laptop.
It's a kludge using Accessibility / touch control and screen broadcasting to work, but it works well enough. Nice to have iMessage up on my 28" 4K screen with my mouse and keyboard available to respond to messages.
Just make sure your phone is sitting on a dock pointed at you, for Face ID recognition. Mine sits on a Qi charging base angled at me perfectly. I don't even have to look at it to log into different apps.
There are somethings very wrong about this. The fact that the Mac can't do it, is one very wrong thing. Another one is that it's Windows. Another that it's Dell. Another is the idea that a somebody using Windows would be using an iPhone.
On and on.
So should I snap a pic of my iPhone XS Max mirrored on my Huawei Matebook X Pro - really push you over the edge?
Why can't Microsoft accomplish this, does this require hardware? From the link it looks like it just uses Bluetooth, maybe it requires a newer version of Bluetooth? I've always wanted to use Windows phone connect option but it only works on Android (the only function available for iphones is transferring web pages). Dell's app is exactly what Microsoft should have inside of Windows, would be nice to use something like this on a non Dell PC, I'd gladly pay for it.
Works just fine on non-Dell laptops. Installed it today on a Huawei Matebook X Pro and my XS Max. Working as designed. Full mirroring, alerts etc. although 90% of the alerts on my phone are already set up on my Windows laptop, so I get double/triple alerts (Chrome, Windows and now this Dell Mobile Connect all triggered from the same event).