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Sgt. ButtKiss

macrumors member
Apr 11, 2012
If it really is a smart TV, I wonder how this will coincide with Apple TV, if at all. I wonder if the Apple TV will eventually get phased out over the proliferation of not only Apple smart TV's, but others as well such as Samsung's. I would assume Apple TV sales will drop significantly in the coming years. I would assume already owning an iPad or iPhone heightens the Apple smart TV experience to the point where most household will have a combination of the two, or all three - thus eliminating the need for the Apple TV.

Just interesting how they will modify their business plan accordingly.


If he is really working on such a product he is for sure not allowed to talk about it. :rolleyes:

He is probably being scolded by Pappa Apple for saying anything already :D

Drunken Master

macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2011
No, you saw the word 'hip' and your brilliant mind jumped on a 'hipster' meme that was contrary to the point at hand.

At least try to be relevant when reposting someone else's work.

Yeah whatever dude.

"I knew about this designer way back, before you guys..."

"Oh yeah, I used to post more here, back when it was better..."

C'mon man. Those are patently classic hipster phrases.
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