Do you think it will be possible to disable fusion drive and manually manage the 128 GB / 1TB drives as two volumes?
Bootcamp is reported as working but only places the Windows partition on the HDD.
They have been able to get Fusion Drive working on other SSD-HD combos, but with some heavy tinkering in Terminal. So the opposite could be possible to, with the same amount of effort.
But probably not something you wanna do in a couple of minutes of sparetime...
Was also wondering this as I like to split the SSD between my osx and windows partition. I wonder how fusion copes with bootcamp?
0: GUID_partition_scheme *240.1 GB disk0
1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1
2: Apple_CoreStorage 158.8 GB disk0s2
3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 785.0 MB disk0s3
4: Microsoft Basic Data Windows SSD 80.2 GB disk0s4
0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.1 GB disk1
1: EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1
2: Apple_CoreStorage 499.8 GB disk1s2
3: Apple_Boot Boot OS X 134.2 MB disk1s3
0: Apple_HFS Macintosh Fusion *655.5 GB disk2
All it takes is 2 commands in diskutil to set up a "Fusion" drive ... and it takes less than 2 minutes!
There are also "undo" commands which will un-join the Fusion drive and revert the drives back to normal so they can be managed manually.
Hopefully someone will create a utility to automate such tasks.
Howard, appreciate the assistance.
Do you think I would see a noticeable difference in performance if I separated the drives and installed OS X (and all other apps) on the SSD (leaving the HDD blank for storage only) or will OS X manage this 'fusion' drive effectively enough (even though it's not an official fusion drive shipped by Apple) that I will notice little difference? As I said, I'm not particularly familiar with Terminal but the link you provided seems to be only 3 lines of code in terminal to fix (I'm happy to reinstall OS X if needs be).
I also stumbled across Trim Enabler, apparently required (or at least highly recommended) for SSD drives installed other than by Apple. Would this still be necessary if OS X is now managing my HDD/SDD as if were a normal fusion drive? I understand it's for prolonging the life of the drive through read/write cycles or something, haven't actually used it yet.
Excuse the ignorance, it's my first foray into deviating from the standard fare offered by Apple, just trying to ensure I make the most of the extra bit of money I've spent tweaking...!
Thanks again
Thanks again Howard. To be honest I didn't need the HDD that came with it as I store all my files on external drives. I appreciate that these are the weak link speed-wise but the least I can do is have the OS and apps on SSD for startup etc (the HDD I can then use for overflow). I'll get terminal running and delete the volume group. One last question..I will obviously see the disk utility error next time I open it (after reverting) that will try to force me to fuse them again, I assume just quitting at this point will cause no problems or do I need to refrain from ever using disk utility again?
Great info here thanks. I've succesfully created a fusion drive using the internal 2Gb HDD and a samsung 830 256Gb disk in the optical bay. Would it be safe to enable Trim after the drive has been created? Is there a command in Terminal to see the SSD trim status ?
The required commands are:
(note: you can use diskutil list and diskutil cs list to obtain the volume ID's on your computer)
diskutil cs deleteVolume < insert fusion logical volume ID here >
diskutil cs delete < insert coreStorage logical volume group ID here >
Hi i just wanted to know where you find the "fusion logical volume ID"? I know where the corestorage logical volume is by using "diskutil cs list"
[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]diskutil cs list
CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found)
+-- Logical Volume Group DA960F9B-8DC0-43B8-836B-C1D04DB1AC8B
Name: Fusion
Size: 3255449763840 B (3.3 TB)
Free Space: 55054770176 B (55.1 GB)
+-< Physical Volume 9BC3D042-FFB2-426D-95E1-B61B5D6B7914
| ----------------------------------------------------
| Index: 0
| Disk: disk0s2
| Status: Online
| Size: 255716540416 B (255.7 GB)
+-< Physical Volume 3107BBDB-B5E3-40F4-AD95-F1FC3E20F447
| ----------------------------------------------------
| Index: 1
| Disk: disk5s2
| Status: Online
| Size: 2999733223424 B (3.0 TB)
+-> Logical Volume Family 6605C39A-1C2F-48A6-9E53-6F0D0285342D
Encryption Status: Unlocked
Encryption Type: None
Conversion Status: NoConversion
Conversion Direction: -none-
Has Encrypted Extents: No
Fully Secure: No
Passphrase Required: No
+-> Logical Volume 118CBB57-7DF4-4695-A728-E3B36B4E3D2F
Disk: disk8
Status: Online
Size (Total): 3189484273664 B (3.2 TB)
Size (Converted): -none-
Revertible: No
LV Name: Fusion
Volume Name: Fusion
Content Hint: Apple_HFS
Where exactly are you expected to do this from? From an external bootable drive?
I would need to install OS X after this is over with, so how exactly would I go about that? My USB stick doesn't work on this new iMac, and I can't download Mountain Lion from the App Store either.