I have, but I've found it doesn't charge any faster.
I know that all iPod and iPhone units prior to the iPhone 6/6 Plus could use the 10/12W chargers, but circuitry within the device limited the charging to 1.0A (5W).
I'm not sure that's accurate. I have a 5s and it charges significantly faster on the iPad charger or a 2A USB charger than on the standard 1A charger.
I'm not sure that's accurate. I have a 5s and it charges significantly faster on the iPad charger or a 2A USB charger than on the standard 1A charger.
It's been measured many times. The iPhones only draw 1A or 500mA.
Any perceived advantage of the 2A charger is all in your heads.
I'm telling you it's in your head.
The iPhone 6 was the first iPhone that could take advantage of the 2.1 charger.
And I'm telling you that it's not. But hey, you don't have to believe me. Get a 5s and try it for yourself.
FWIW, you can get your info from the Internet, our you can trust real world experience. I'm going for the actual thing myself.
Haven't the 12W chargers been around for a while? Pretty sure the charger for my iPad Air (bought on release day) is a 12W one.I do use the charger that came with my iPad since someone on here suggested it was more powerful. (How this had gone over my head before then, I don't know.)
It seems they are doing a 12W version for iPads (it's the second one listed for me) on the Apple store still? Doesn't list the Watch as a compatible device, though...
It's not in your head. We have one of the older chargers that take forever to charge an iPhone 5, 5S, or my 6. I have several dual outlet car chargers that have one port for Android or other devices and one designated with an "A" for Apple. If you connect the phone to the wrong one it will charge but it will take quite a while, and if you happen to be using one of the gps navigation apps I use you'll watch the phone's charge level drop right before you eyes while it's connected.Lol. NO, it's not. It's a pretty significant difference.
It's in your head. I thought the same thing for years, I was so convinced my pre-6 iphones charged much faster with an iPad charger. After the info Gjwilly posted was revealed some time back I was skeptical and had to make a real comparison. What do you know, all these years it was all in my head. Let your phone go completely dead, and then time how long it takes to charge. Won't make any difference what charger you use.
Personal experience like ghosts and psychics, right?
I mean it's not like this can be scientifically measured or anything....
Oh wait -- it can.
The current going into the phone can be measured. It has been measured.
That is the only way of really knowing.
Saying the phone charged in only 2 hours one day versus 3 hours on an other day proves nothing.
Usage varies. Battery chemistry varies. Temperature varies.
But please -- by all means -- believe what you want.
Haven't the 12W chargers been around for a while? Pretty sure the charger for my iPad Air (bought on release day) is a 12W one.
If you click on Accessories for the Apple Watch in the Apple Online Store btw, the 12W charger is on the list. Maybe they just hadn't changed the description when you looked it up.
EDIT: I just chatted with an Apple rep and he said he wouldn't recommend using the 12W adapter on the watch to avoid damage. He was stating that contrary to that the iPhone 6/6+ were designed to be used with it when I told him that I occasionally used it on my 6.
Yep, believe what you want. You do you. Rock on with that.
Dude. It's not in my head. I've tested it out myself. NOT. IN. MY. HEAD.
Seriously, I wonder at all the folks that just blindly believe everything they read on the internet, sometimes over their actual personal experience.
I believe the OP was asking if it is OK to charge with the 10Watt charger.
If you go to the Apple Store and look under theWatch Accessories page you will see that
themselves are selling the 12.5 Watt charger. I don't think they would do it if they thought it would do any harm to their watch.
I believe the OP was asking if it is OK to charge with the 10Watt charger.
If you go to the Apple Store and look under theWatch Accessories page you will see that
themselves are selling the 12.5 Watt charger. I don't think they would do it if they thought it would do any harm to their watch.
I believe the OP was asking if it is OK to charge with the 10Watt charger.
If you go to the Apple Store and look under theWatch Accessories page you will see that
themselves are selling the 12.5 Watt charger. I don't think they would do it if they thought it would do any harm to their watch.
As I stated earlier in this thread, there seems to be conflicting information on the Apple store website. The 12W charger IS listed on the Watch Accessory page. But when you click through to see the compatible devices on the 12W charger page, the Watch is NOT listed. This could simply be an oversight or a matter of one page not having been updated, or ...
And for the record, it's a 12W charger, not a 12.5W charger. Not sure how much that really matters, but accuracy counts.